I want you to speak in one, two, three or four sentences. It must not exceed four sentences. So one by one, you will come up and speak on Sri Chinmoy's philosophy according to your own understanding; what you feel about my philosophy.
And I wish to say that it has to come directly from your heart and not what you hear others say. It will be what you feel. You have read my writings, you have meditated on my writings many times. Now from your own inner experience, tell us what you think of my philosophy, so that in the future, it can be published in book form and can be distributed.
In New York we got quite a few comments on my philosophy and also in other places. Here also we want to have your comments. Those who cannot speak English well, no harm. Come up and speak in Spanish. Afterwards, it will be translated into English.
So please meditate first for two or three minutes. We shall start with Sudha, then Agni, Vijaya, Sanjivan... then one by one all will come up. But please don't give a long talk; only four sentences at the most.
SUDHA: By accepting life as it is, we are transforming our ignorance. Life as it is, is the workshop where we can work out our limitations and enter into the path of love, devotion and surrender. Illumined by our spiritual Master, we will be guided to the Feet of the Supreme. AUM.
AGNI: Sri Chinmoy's philosophy is that God can be felt, can be realised, nay, has to be realised by every person on earth. All of us are God's chosen children, but the time it takes for a person to realise God depends on his aspiration and the help of a competent spiritual Master or Guru. The wisest and safest way to realise God is the path of love, devotion and surrender. Life has to be accepted fully and then transformed, so that God's Qualities of Light, Peace, Love, Bliss and Power, which are our divine heritage, are manifested on earth with the help of our Guru's grace.
Sri Chinmoy's philosophy for me is love, devotion and surrender. He is the one who is carrying me to the Supreme. I have no fear. For me, he is light, love and everything in this life.
The key concepts of Sri Chinmoy's philosophy to me are purity and absolute faith. In these two words, in this two marvellous ideas, all the divine qualities are comprehended. He has affected such a wonderful influence in my inner soul, in the innermost recesses of my heart, and in myself, that really I have been turned inside out. He offers, with his philosophy, the most beautiful panoramas, the most beautiful vistas of happiness, felicity, bliss and consciousness of unity with the whole world, that we feel that our fellow men, all nations, the whole universe, along with God Himself, are ours. So I am more than pleased and honoured and grateful to Sri Chinmoy Kumar Ghose for all he has done for me. Thank you.
SEVANANDA (Jose Padilla): Your philosophy, for me, is the philosophy of self-transcendence, consciousness-transcendence through unconditional love, intense devotion and selfless, dedicated surrender to the will of our spiritual teachers. To them, I owe my whole existence and life.
ASHPRIHA: To me, my Master's philosophy is a superb combination of God's Compassion and the aspirant's sincere aspiration. In this supreme combination, there cannot be and never will be a dark force that can overcome the aspirant on his way to the Goal.
GAURI (Mrs. Graciela Todd): Alo said in her last visit, "We have to make ourselves ready to receive his Consciousness, and we have to know that Guru is Sat-Chit-Ananda." We have to make ourselves ready, and he will take us far beyond our imagination. He will take us to the Lap of God.
A: Sri Chinmoy says that there is only one Being, God. Life is a transcendental Blessing from God: we have come here to experience the earthly Form of God. We are all one. We are experiencing the finite and have not yet transcended to the Consciousness of the Beyond. But as a growing consciousness awakens in us, we will see that there is only One Existence. AUM.
MANGAL (Ivan Colon): For me, Sri Chinmoy is everything: the Purusha and Beyond. He has the deepest compassion for everything in the whole creation.
KALYAN (Umberto Colon): The philosophy of my Master is that the aim of life is to be one with God. The aim of life is to know oneself. How do we do it? We do it through love, devotion and surrender.
KANTI (Maria Mendez Aramburo): Sri Chinmoy's philosophy has one purpose: to take us to God-realisation. He wants us to know how much God, manifested through him, loves us.
INDU (Margarita Bouret): Sri Chinmoy says that by following his path of love, devotion and surrender, and through aspiration and meditation, we can reach our Goal, self-realisation. He is our Master, and he is here to guide us to our Goal.
PERRY: Guru says that animal love punishes us, human love judges us and divine love illumines us. For me, this says everything.
PRITI: Sri Chinmoy says that God creates love, man discovers life. Guru discovers life for us through our love, devotion, surrender and selfless actions.
LESLIE: To me Sri Chinmoy's philosophy is God's all-pervading Power and Compassion. His presence evokes in us a complete feeling of peace and oneness with God.
MARIO ORTIZ: My Guru's philosophy is, for me, one with God's Philosophy. It is to follow God and obtain self-realisation.
BARBARA: This is the first time I have come here, and I can only say that I have felt my very soul transported. My soul was invaded by the peace and tranquillity that I have been seeking for a long time. Thank you, Master Sri Chinmoy.
NIVEDAN (Antonio Hidalgo): Love, devotion and surrender are a current of glowing realisation, a river of life in which we sail and become part of.
SHANTI (gentleman visitor from Miami): Sri Chinmoy's philosophy, as we all know, is love, devotion and surrender. And through them, one can attain God-realisation. But I feel that the real help that the Guru is giving is a secret help, one that is not written down and is not spoken about in words. His is a special touch that reaches inside each one of us. Without it, we would never feel the Truth or get self-realisation.
DEVADAS: I see my Master as the manifestation of purity, wisdom and holiness. I see him as the only one who can give us realisation, which is man's mission.
MITA (Wanda Caballero): My Guru says that God is willing to come down to the second floor if I am willing to go up to the second floor. When God and I meet, if I am a sincere, devoted disciple, he will shower me with all His loving Compassion.
CHARLIE (Bansidhar): To me, the philosophy of Sri Chinmoy means to constantly, completely, consciously and unconditionally surrender to the infinite Consciousness, so that the Light of the Supreme may permeate our total being.
To me, Sri Chinmoy's philosophy is the door by which all of us will enter into the Supreme. He has taught us that we will come to realise God through him and we will come to be one with Him. And not only do we need God but also God needs us to be complete.
ANANTA: Sri Chinmoy's philosophy is a philosophy of love, devotion and surrender, and I expect to attain the Highest in this life through him. Master, I hope you can fulfil your Mission here in the West.
[handwritten by Sri Chinmoy:]
My Ananta,My Soul of Infinite Blessings,
My Heart of Infinite Love,To you,
My Ananta,I offer.
Your eternity’s Guru
Oct. 23rd, 994```
NADESHWAR (Frank del Rio): My Master's philosophy is simple: you love the Christ-Consciousness in him and he will lead you to the universal Spirit. There is only one other thing: you must lead a pure life.
NELSON ZARAGOSA (later Prabhir): I met Sri Chinmoy last Friday with my daughter, Sylvette. The Master explained to me many of the doubts that I had. I want to remove all my impurities and to be an instrument of God through Master Sri Chinmoy.
SYLVETTE ZARAGOSA (later Eshana): To me, Sri Chinmoy's philosophy is an inspiration for me to reach a better life and realise my Self; to come to the Highest, to be like God.
ARPITA (wife of Devadas): Sri Chinmoy's philosophy is the most direct channel for achieving union with God. Our Master's love, faith and kindness are a pure manifestation of God.
OSCAR CORVIZON: Sri Chinmoy's philosophy is, to me, a complete harmonisation of the person with the whole universe, as if we harmonised ourselves or integrated ourselves with the Absolute by means of universal Love.
LUZ MARIA: For me, Guru is like having Christ looking at you. You can feel the consciousness of love, peace and surrender.
PRATYAY (Juan Alvarez): We dissolve ourselves when we enter into the bliss of surrender.
ISABEL SOTOMAYOR: I think our Master is a master pilot. I say this because our existence is like the motor of our life. Our Master teaches us that God created us so that we can reach Him. But we are obliged to go there in good time. Our Master teaches us that we have to come to God fast, pure and in good shape.
IDALIA: To me, Guru is the guide who shows us the marvellous way to reach God. The only condition he imposes on us, in a very special way, is our surrender to his guidance.
TPR 11. 30 May 1971, Sri Chinmoy Centre, San Juan.↩
From:Sri Chinmoy,More talks to the Puerto Rican disciples 1970-1973, Agni Press, 1994
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/tpr