Simplicity, you tell me that I do not need any mental equipment. I do not need a degree of erudition. What I need, according to you, is a vast wealth of experience. Although this wealth is of the inner world, it is unreservedly for the outer world.
The world of crying aspiration needs you. The world of smiling dedication needs you. The world of prayerful humanity needs you. The world of meditative divinity needs you.
Simplicity, you have been serving God the Creator in God the creation through the long millennia.
Simplicity, alert you are, dynamic you are. In you there is always an inner urge for new and illumining realisations. In your heart there is no place for the static, stagnant, barren and dead realities. Your heart is unreservedly involved in determining man’s soulful success and fruitful progress.
Simplicity, you are great. You do not house mental narrowness, vital laziness or intellectual indifference. Simplicity, you are good. Your very existence on earth grants the Truth-seeker, the God-lover, the rare capacity to combine in his life beauty with power, duty with delight and expectation with satisfaction.
UNM 20. 22 March 1977↩
From:Sri Chinmoy,United Nations Meditation-Flowers and To-morrow's Noon, Agni Press, 1978
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