A happy union reigns supreme
When beauty's lightAnd duty's delight
Meet together.A happy oneness reigns supreme
When earth's cryAnd Heaven's smile
To each other lose. ```Union with God
Is not and cannot be total satisfaction.But oneness with God
Is total and constant satisfaction.Union is not oneness.
Union can be withdrawn.Union is not and cannot be always safe;
It cannot be eternal.But oneness can never be withdrawn.
Once oneness is established,No matter on which plane,
Everything is established.Then abiding satisfaction takes place
In the aspiring heart. ```Oneness with our role
Makes us feelThat we can eventually become great.
Oneness with our soulMakes us feel
That we can eventually become good.Oneness with our goal
Makes us feelThat the goal,
The soulAnd
The roleAre of us,
In usAnd
For us.Why?
Because the Source is for usAnd
The flow is also for us. ```Real sincerity
Is the sincerityThat sees reality
The way reality wants to be seen,And that becomes the reality itself.
Real sincerityDoes not see reality
With its own eye.Real sincerity
Sees realityWith the eye of reality itself.
Is the mostStriking
SpeedWhen we run along the road
Of Eternity'sFulfilling
Achievement-light. ```Let us surrender to God
Not only what we haveBut also what we are.
What we haveIs a real inner cry for God.
What we areIs our conscious or unconscious oneness
With ignorance.Let us offer both
To the Pilot within. ```Write down how many things you want.
Meditate on how many things you need.When you write them down
You will seeThat you want millions of things.
When you meditateYou will notice
That you need only one thingAnd that is God the Compassion,
God the eternal Compassion. ```The human in us
Does not want light.The animal in us
Knows not the existence of light.The divine in us
Knows that it is nothing but light itself. ```Your life of perfection
Is the future of the world.Your life of satisfaction
Is the future for the world.Your life of unconditional surrender
Is the future in the world. ```When my inner cry is pure
God's outer Smile is sure.My ascending cry
AndGod's descending Smile
InseparableEver shall remain.
```When I make a promise
I make friendsWith truth.
But when I keep a promiseMy existence becomes
Another name for truth. ```Selflessness is:
I am of God,I am for God,
Him to please,Him to serve
In His own WayAt every moment
Is my heart's selflessness.Selflessness is
What we call selflessness todayBecomes God-awareness tomorrow,
AndThe day after, that very thing
Becomes God-oneness,Eternity's God-oneness.
```Devotion in the heart
Is the expansionOf our Divinity's real life.
Devotion in our entire lifeIs the fastest speed
To reach our destined Goal.Devotion is the strongest magnet
That pulls us to our Eternity's source:Delight.
Is life's ever-climbing treeThat enjoys God's
Ever-transcending Height,His Infinity's Delight,
His Immortality's LifeAnd
His Perfection's Smile. ```Imagination was aspiration.
Inspiration was aspiration.Now aspiration is inspiration.
When imagination was aspiration
I felt that I was of my Inner PilotAnd
I was for my Inner Pilot.When inspiration was aspiration
I felt that I could flyTo my Eternity's Beloved Supreme.
When aspiration is inspiration,
When the real becomes consciousOf its existence in us,
God the unmanifested RealityBecomes not only the manifested Reality
But the only RealityIn the world of glowing hope,
In the world of flowing reality.```
15. In the original first edition, the third line read 'Now aspiration is aspiration.'↩
The human in us
Cries and climbsAnd climbs and cries.
The divine in usSmiles and descends
And descends and smiles.Consciousness
Is the connecting link,The golden thread that unites
Our heart's climbing cryWith
Heaven's descending smile. ```Why do I want to be free?
If I want to be freeBecause the rest of the world is bad,
Then God will ask meTo create another world of my own
Since His creation has failed me.But if I want to be free
So that I can be of greater serviceTo my sisters and brothers,
To God's entire creation,Then God in me selects the hour,
And at that choice hourThe aspiring human in me achieves
Freedom from life's ignorance-night.If I want to be free
To love the world,To be part and parcel of the world,
Then God is all eagernessTo grant me freedom.
But if I want to be freeBecause the world is full of ignorance,
The world is nothing but a devouring tiger,Then God feels that I am not the right person
For Him to grant freedom to.He will grant me freedom
Only when He sees that this freedomIs for dedicated service,
For the transformation of the human race. ```Earth's gratitude
AndHeaven's plenitude
Are one and inseparable.Human heart's gratitude
AndDivine soul's plenitude
Are one and inseparable. ```Transformation of the mind
Is all we need.Once the oldest member of our family
Is transformed,The younger members of the family,
Will automatically and spontaneouslyBe transformed;
ThereforeThe transformation of the mind
Is of paramount importance. ```Yesterday
What we called aspirationToday
We call that very thing realisation.And tomorrow
We shall call that very thingGod-satisfaction
```The expansion
Of human consciousnessIs the beginning
Of divine revelationIn and through
The seeker. ```Remain in the heart always,
Soulfully and unconditionally.Then the soul's certitude
Will becomeYour constant and eternal Friend.
```To be an eternal cry
Of the heart,In the heart,
For the heart,Is to grow into
The eternal satisfaction-lifeOf the ever-transcending Beyond.
```Enthusiasm is a divine gift,
And this divine giftWe get from higher worlds.
Enthusiasm lost,Life-satisfaction is lost;
God-perfection in manRemains a far cry.
```Oneness with the silence-light
And oneness with the sound-mightCan make the real seeker
An eternally perfect instrumentIn the Heart of the Supreme.
```To speak ill of the world
Needs courage,But fortunately or unfortunately
Everybody has that courage.To love the world
As one's own,Very own,
Needs courage.Unfortunately, most of us are wanting
In that courage.The courage of the heart,
The courage of the soulWe badly need,
And not the courageOf the unruly,
Demanding vital. ```If you discipline your life,
God not only will play with you,But also will teach you how to play
Most soulfully and most satisfactorilyThe way He Himself plays
In His cosmic Game. ```God's Compassion
Is the magnetThat pulls us up
Highest,To His Silence-Height
AndHis Perfection-Light.
Is man's conscious and constantSurety
In his life of aspiration-cryAnd
In his life of satisfaction-smile. ```Service is the illumining light
That fulfils the divine,Perfects the human
AndTransforms the animal
In the seeker. ```When capacity is of real necessity,
Capacity knocks at our doorTo enter into our life.
When capacity is not of real necessity,Capacity likes to remain
A perfect stranger. ```Patience is the divine friendship
That we enjoy with divine Time,The ever-lasting Time,
That has far transcended the snares of deathAnd the frustration of bitter failure.
```The real light
Is withinAnd not without.
The real lightIs self-giving
And God-becoming. ```The animal victory
Lies in utter destruction.The human victory
Lies in tremendous hesitationOr
In total suspicion.The divine victory
Lies in constant and consciousSelf-expansion and God-manifestation
In the seeker's ever-aspiring heart. ```Determination is in our dynamic vital,
In our challenging vital,In our transforming vital.
Will power is in our immortalising soul,
In our God-fulfilling dream,In our God-satisfying divinity.
```Sincerity is the first step toward purity.
Purity is the first step toward self-discovery.Self-discovery is the first step toward
God-revelation.God-revelation is the first step toward
God-satisfaction and man-satisfactionAll at once.
```Salvation is the foot
Of God the Satisfaction-Tree.Liberation is the middle
Of God the Satisfaction-Tree.Realisation is the top
Of God the Satisfaction-Tree. ```Live in the heart.
All the soulful qualities,Capacities,
RealitiesOf the ever-lasting, ever-illumining Real
Will beckon you,Will claim you
As their own,Very own.
```What is real freedom?
Real freedom is not to strike someoneAt one's sweet will.
Real freedom is one's masteryOver the attachment-world,
Over the temptation-world,Over the uncompromising,
Unaspiring human world.Real freedom lies in acceptance of reality
And in perfection of reality.Accept, transform, perfect:
That is the real freedom. ```Cry for purity
The way a child cries for its mother.Cry and cry,
For there is no other way to invoke purity,No other way to inundate our earthly existence
With purity.Cry and cry.
Inside the soulful cryPurity-seed germinates.
This seed will one day grow into a tiny plant,And then into a banyan tree.
Cry and try, try and cry.There is no other way
To sow the purity-seedAnd to see it grow into
The purity-banyan tree. ```The self-offering of the lower self
Is the self-offeringOf what we have temporarily accepted
As our own.The self-offering of the higher self
Is the self-offeringOf something which we eternally are
But unfortunatelyAre not aware of.
Our false life we are claiming as our own.Our true life, natural life,
We are not claiming as our own.The higher life is our true life.
Is not blind self-givingTo another individual.
ObedienceIs not the play of compulsion.
ObedienceHas to be full of inner recognition
Of our high, higher, highest partPlaying its role
In different human beings.Obedience
Is the acceptance of our higher life,Of which we are not yet conscious.
```First we have to know
What our ignorance-realisationHas given us.
When we are frustratedWith our ignorance-realisation,
We shall cry for nectar-realisation.And that nectar-realisation lies in our
Conscious, constant self-givingTo our own Source,
Which is the ever-transcending DelightOf the Beyond.
```If we give what we have,
If we give what we areTo our Source,
Then it is not only possible and practicable,But inevitable
For us to drink nectar.What do we have to give?
We have to give what we see,We have to give what we feel,
We have to give what we claim,We have to give what we are
In the outer worldTo the Source.
This moment we are ignorance-prince;Next moment we are aspiration-prince.
This moment we represent darkness and ignorance;Next moment we represent light and delight.
Whatever we represent at any momentShould be offered to the Lord Supreme.
If this moment we represent ignorance,Then we must offer it.
If the next moment we represent wisdom-light,Then we must offer it.
Then at every momentWe can drink from the fount
Of divine nectar-delight. ```Humility
Is the expansion of one's real realityIn a sweet, illumining and fulfilling way.
HumilityIs not the helpless surrender
To something or someone else.Humility
Is not a frightened child.Humility
Is real receptivity in us.If we receive with devoted humility,
Then immediately our receptivity-vessel increases.Humility
Is the secret of secretsFor self-expansion,
For world-inspirationAnd
For world-transformation. ```The transformation of the body
Comes last.The transformation of the heart
Comes first.How does the transformation of the heart
Take place?The transformation of the heart takes place
When a seeker can consciously feelThat he is not the body
AndHe is not of the body,
ButHe is for the body.
To be for the body does not meanTo be satisfied with the animal propensities,
To wallow in the pleasures of ignorance.But if the seeker cries
For the transformation of the bodyAnd the body-consciousness,
Then the seeker becomes perfect.Once we transform the body,
This body can then be utilisedFor God-manifestation on earth.
```How can I purify my mind?
I can purify my mindOnly by looking at a flower
And praying to GodTo make me as pure as the flower.
How can I purify my mind?I can purify my mind
Only by looking at the moonAnd praying to God
To make my mind as peaceful as the moon.How can I purify my mind?
I can purify my mindOnly by looking at a candle flame
And praying to GodTo make my mind as one-pointed
As the flame.By looking at a flower,
By looking at the moonAnd
By looking at the candle flameI can purify my mind.
Once purification takes place in the mind,Slowly and steadily
The body and vital become pure.Mental purity comes first
For the illuminationOf the entire body-consciousness.
```Our first responsibility
Is to please the omnipresent God,The Source, the Inner Pilot.
First we have to please GodWho is our Heaven-Friend
Everywhere-Friend.Our second responsibility
Is to please our nearest and dearest onesOn earth,
Those whom God wants us to claim as our own.Our third responsibility
Is to please ourselves. ```Purity
Is the real divinityIn the heart of a human soul.
This divinityUltimately makes us feel
That the AbsoluteIs not only the Absolute
But alsoThe Supreme Beloved
In us,For us.
```In our life of aspiration
With the outer lightWe see,
With the inner lightWe become
AndWith the Light of the Supreme
We know what we eternally are:God's Dream-Boat
AndGod's Reality-Shore.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Union and Oneness, Agni Press, 1976
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/uo