Disarmament-champion, disarmament.
Builder of a new heart-firmament.You see the world: a oneness-beauty-bloom.
No more mind-gloom!No more life-doom!
```The mind wants
To be fedBy God's Miracle-Showers.
```The heart wants
To be fedBy God's Affection-Fountain.
```The mind is never satisfied,
Even when it receivesInfinitely more
Than it expected. ```My prayer-life
And my meditation-lifeAlways begin
With my gratitude-heart-tears.```
/My soulful appreciations of Mr.Petrovsky:/
"We are in the same oneness-boat steering towards the same destination.
Our goal is oneness-heart and fulness-life." 23 October 1991Yesterday I was angry with God.
Today I am angry with my anger.My Lord tells me
That if anger is the problemIn my life,
Then the immediate solutionIs love.
```My heart-nest is
Beautiful in the morning,Sweet during the day,
Peaceful in the eveningAnd
Dreamful at night. ```My Lord,
Where do my unfulfilled hopes go?"My child,
I take full care of themIn My Eternity's Heart-Home."
```God has a very special
Receptacle-SafeTo preserve
Our gratitude-heart-tears. ```My tearful heart
Is always foundIn the immediate vicinity
Of God's Compassion-Kingdom. ```God's Forgiveness-Light
Does not rememberWhen it took any rest.
```My Lord,
If You really love me,Then do not allow me
Even to look at the faceOf my desire-life.
```Every day my heart and I
Are learningA new peace-song
From our Lord Supreme.```
"The power of your oneness-heart enables you to mix with so many kinds of people.God has endowed you with tremendous capacity."
4 February 1992What is self-doubt?
Self-doubt is a monsterThat destroys the beauty
Of our God-aspirationAnd the fragrance
Of our God-manifestation. ```My Lord,
I have come to Your FeetNot for shelter,
But for Your hardest kicksFor the total transformation
Of my life. ```I no longer belong
To my information-mind.I belong only
To my illumination-soul. ```My life's immense love
AndMy heart's intense gratitude
Are inseparable friends.```
"Your patience and your compassion will overcome all the odds of the world.They will all be illumined by your infinite patience and infinite compassion.
This is my most sincere feeling." 17 March 1992God wants
From my lifeIts peerless surrender.
```God never wants
From my mindIts helpless submission.
Is terribly afraid ofNectar-delight-fountain.
Is breathlessly fond ofNectar-delight-fountain.
```"No matter where you go or under whichever conditions you find yourself, you carry with you two most significant things: the message of peace and the wisdom of light.
When people are in your presence, the magnetic pull of your wisdom-light brings to the fore their own good qualities." 7 August 1992The loving Heart
Of GodForgives me.
```The living Hand
Of GodPerfects me.
```Each forward
Determination-strideIs a new victory.
```"The United Nations is not a building.
It is not the meeting place of certain eminent people.It is the life-breath of oneness in humanity.
Wherever you go, you are carrying the pristine beauty-light of the United Nations.Here and there you go, carrying the life-breath of the United Nations and offering it to the suffering humanity."
7 August 1992God replaces
The human faceWith His own Heart
For the God-realised souls. ```Early in the morning,
God the InspirationComes to inspire me.
```At noon,
God the EnergyComes to energise me.
```In the evening,
God the CongratulationComes to congratulate me.
```At night,
God the SleepComes to cradle me.
```When I ruthlessly criticise God,
Instead of giving meA smart slap,
He most affectionately tells me:"My child,
Try to behave wellNext time."
```My gratitude-heart-magnet
AndGod's Compassion-Eye-Magnet
Are fondly drawnTo each other.
```God tells a sincere seeker
That no uncomely thoughtMust find shelter
In his God-searching mind. ```God asks me to take
Only one step forward.He will gladly take care of
The rest of my journey.```
"To establish peace, my brother Vladimir goes from one place to another like a bird.He produces an inner music.
This inner music is the music of love, peace and oneness." 16 February 1993My soul's adamantine
DeterminationIs the blossoming
Of a new world-dawn.```
"Throughout Eternity, the soul of the world and the heart of the world will remain grateful to you because of what you are doing in a global way.The beauty and fragrance of your heart is inundating the length and breadth of the world."
19 April 1998Every morning
God's Heart-HomeBlessingfully invites
My aspiration-heart-beautyAnd
My dedication-life-fragrance. ```Unlike the outer riches,
The inner riches —Peace, bliss, perfection
And satisfaction —Know no limits.
```The outer friendship
IsA fleeting beauty.
```The inner friendship
IsAn ever-blossoming lustre.
```A mighty thought
RulesThe outer world.
```A self-giving will
FulfilsThe inner world.
```"Politicians come and go, but in your case, you are the politician of the heart, not the politician of the mouth.
History will bear witness to the fact that not only do you speak from the heart, but you give your heart as well.While you are talking, the words are coming from the very depths of your heart.
Then you give your heart itself for the betterment of this planet." 19 April 1998Each seeker
Is a volunteerUnder God's
"You may be here at one particular place, but your concern for each and every citizen of the world is being felt by the heart and soul of humanity." 19 April 1998If you are running away
From today,Tomorrow will never agree
To welcome you. ```God wants us to hoist
Our goodness-heartAnd not
Our greatness-mind.```
"Brother, you are proving that politicians can use their heart, not just the mind.In your life, talking has been replaced by practising — practising the feeling of oneness.
At every moment you are showing your oneness.Your heart is the bridge between the poor and the rich, between the weak and the strong, and between the smallest countries and the largest countries.
You were born in the Soviet Union, but now the whole world claims you with utmost love, joy, pride and gratitude." 19 April 1998God asks me
Never to ringAn unwilling mind's doorbell.
```My Lord,
My only request:Do free me
From my mind'sEnslaving freedom.
God sleeplessly loves.God-servers
God breathlessly treasures. ```Alas, we do not realise
That deathHas its own breath.
```If you want perfect satisfaction
In your life,Then quote God's Writings
And vote only for God. ```Loneliness is
An unreality,For God the Heart
Is all-where. ```A self-indulgence-life
Begins.A spirituality-heart-breath
Ends. ```To embrace
Your anger-mindIs to disgrace
Your aspiration-heart. ```My desire-mind,
You have been with meFor such a long time.
Now leave me alone! ```My aspiration-heart,
Let us declareAnd enjoy
Our permanent friendship. ```The man-written dictionary
Of the mindIs replete with
Unaspiring, discouragingAnd disheartening words.
```The dictionary of the heart
Is written byGod's world-illumining Eye
AndHis world-immortalising Heart.
```The mind has so many questions.
The heart has only one:"When will I be able
To please GodIn God's own Way?"
```The blossoming dawn,
The singing birdAnd the dancing rainbow
Are all invitingMy crying heart to join.
```What has ignorance-night
Done against us?Ignorance-night has sealed
Our God-adoration-eyes.Ignorance-night has sealed
Our God-listening ears. ```I came into the world
To sing God's GloryAnd not mine.
Alas, how fate can be so cruelTo me!
I have become a great memberOf the self-advertisement-committee.
```My Lord,
Is it such a difficult thingFor You to take me back?
```My Lord,
Is it such a difficult thingFor You to grace me
With Your Presence? ```My Lord,
Is it such a difficult thingFor You to accept
My bleeding heart? ```My Lord,
Is it such a difficult thingFor You to tell me
That I shall be ableTo claim You as my own
Once again? ```My Lord,
Is it such a difficult thingFor You to tell the world
That I am nowA turned-over leaf?
```No matter how late I am
In attendingGod's Nectar-Delight-Lecture,
My Lord SupremeReserves a seat for me
In His Compassion-flooded Heart. ```Vladimir, Vladimir, Vladimir Petrovsky!
A fragrance-heart’s fondness-oneness-beauty.Summit compassion and perfect service-light,
To soulfully transform the world’s ignorance-night. ```Our dear sister Mira, dynamism-delight!
Oneness of compassion-depth and concern-height.Quickly she thinks of all and gladdens all.
Her heart-home is for mankind, big and small. ```We are all partners and allies
In the struggle for survivalAnd progress of the human race.
```Never before and nowhere else
Has such progress been achievedIn the disarmament field
As was achieved at Reykjavik. ```We must not allow the door
To a nuclear-free futureThat was opened in Reykjavik
To be slammed shut. ```We cannot do without equal dignity
And equal honesty.We cannot remove the barriers
Of confrontation without them. ```This is a crucial period for mankind
In which there is an ever greater awarenessOf the need for new ways of thinking.
of the United Nations,Director-General of the United Nations
Office at Geneva,Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament
After studying at the Institute of International Relations in Moscow, Vladimir Petrovsky joined the diplomatic service in 1957 and was sent to New York, where he worked mainly as a translator for the Permanent Mission of the USSR to the United Nations.
Mr. Petrovsky continued with his university work during this time and afterwards, publishing works on international relations such as "The Diplomacy of 10 Downing Street," "U.S. Foreign Policy Thinking, Disarmament, Concept, Problems, Mechanisms" and "Security in the Nuclear and Outer Space Era."
From 1961 to 1964, Mr. Petrovsky served with the Foreign Ministry in Moscow. He was assigned to the United Nations Secretariat in New York in 1964 and remained there until 1971. During this time he worked closely with the third Secretary-General, U Thant. Upon returning to Moscow, he rose through the ranks to become Head of the Department for International Organisations, then Deputy Foreign Minister and, finally, in 1991, First Deputy Foreign Minister under President Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev.
While holding these posts, Mr. Petrovsky participated in many international conferences, as well as in sessions of the UN General Assembly, as head of the Soviet delegation.
In 1992, Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali named Mr. Petrovsky Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs at the UN in New York. One of Mr. Petrovsky's tasks in this new post was to visit Libya as a special envoy of the Secretary-General to seek that country's co-operation for the implementation of Security Council resolutions. Another special assignment during his tenure was to represent the UN Secretary-General at the Helsinki Summit for Security and Co-operation in Europe.
In 1993, Dr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali appointed Mr. Petrovsky Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva. Mr. Petrovsky continues to serve in that position under the current Secretary-General, Mr. Kofi Annan. In the intervening years, Mr. Petrovsky has led numerous fact-finding missions to Libya. He is also Secretary-General of the on-going Conference on Disarmament. In Geneva, he is working closely with non-governmental organisations with a view to enhancing their participation in all areas of the UN system.
Mr. Petrovsky was born on 29 April 1933 in Volgograd, Russia.From:Sri Chinmoy,Vladimir Petrovsky: builder of a new heart-firmament, Agni Press, 1998
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/vp