Flight technicalities30

In the beginning the pilot started talking to us. He said, “I know it does not make any sense, but we have to do our duty.” Then he started telling all about our speed, our altitude, and so on. But he was right. It was too technical.

The plane was going 1,320 miles per hour or even 1,500 miles per hour. The flight usually takes three hours and twenty-five minutes, but this time it took only three hours and five minutes.

When the plane is stopping, it goes 225 miles per hour. At that time you can appreciate that it was going 1,300. But when it is going at the fastest speed, you are not aware of it; you cannot see anything. The plane was flying at twice the height of Mount Everest.

Because it was such a short flight, I didn’t get any leg pain. Even going to Puerto Rico, which is often a three-and-a-half-hour trip, I get cramps in my legs. But after the Concorde ride, when I stood up, there was no pain. Now I will go to California, and it will take five and a half hours!

From now on when I go to India, how I wish I could go to London on the Concorde. Otherwise, it is such a long trip, I suffer so much. But it is really expensive! I am not a millionaire and my disciples are not millionaires, so this was perhaps my first and last time flying on the Concorde.

WE 30. 20 May 1982

From:Sri Chinmoy,The world-experience-tree-climber, part 1, Agni Press, 1986
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/we_1