The orange juice cost 59 cents and all I had was a dollar bill. So I said, “That’s all right. Please give me the orange juice and just keep the change.”
The man said, “No, I can’t do that.” Then he looked at me and said, “But you are a nice man, so I'll do it.” Then he gave me a doughnut and said, “Here, you eat this. Then it comes to almost a dollar.”
I said, “No, I don’t want a doughnut.” But he insisted that I take it.
While I was there another man came in — a nice-looking gentleman, tall and stout, wearing glasses. He also only had a dollar bill. But the man at the counter wouldn’t give him anything. He pointed to me and said, “I only did it for him because he’s a nice man.”
As the stout gentleman was leaving, the man said to me, “I think he’s a crook!”
— 18 July 1987Finally I got back to the hotel and was about to enter the elevator when I saw the same tall and stout gentleman with glasses. I couldn’t believe my eyes.
He looked at me and said, “So, you are a nice man and I am not a nice man!” What could I do? I just smiled at him.
— 18 July 1987I said, “No, I am not a boxer, but I do lift weights.”
The lady said, “I thought you were very strong.”
Her husband didn’t say anything, but he was very amused that his wife was such a talker.
— 18 July 1987When I checked into the hotel, I paid the bill and got a receipt. Normally I do not keep receipts, but this time I did.
When I was ready to check out, they said to me, “You have not paid for your room.”
I said, “I gave you three twenty dollar bills and you gave me four dollars change. I have the receipt.”
They said, “This receipt is no good. It wasn’t stamped.”
I said, “But how could I get the receipt if I didn’t pay?”
For ten minutes this went on. The girl who had originally taken the money from me was not there. Finally, the assistant manager came and said, “There is no indication on the receipt that you have paid.”
Meanwhile, Lord Chidananda was on the street waiting for me with the car.
Then out of the blue a young girl behind the counter said, “I think he did pay.” She had been there at the time and she remembered me.
— 19 July 1987I said, “Yes.”
He couldn’t believe it. He was showing me such love and such respect.
He asked, “Can I take your picture?”
I told him to take it and gave him a nice smile.
When I went back the following day, the technician asked, “Can I have a picture taken with you?”
His name was John. I gave him a T-shirt and he was so happy. He has run two marathons and now wants to run our marathon.
— 20 July 1987He asked me if I am interested in Indian culture. Being an Indian, I had to say that I am. O God, then he asked me what kind of Indian dancing I prefer. I am the right person!
He said he was learning to play the piano and was just a beginner. Then he asked me if I am also interested in piano.
I said, “I am also a beginner, although I have made a tape.” I promised to send him my piano tape.
Then he gave me his card and asked for my card. Luckily, I was carrying some Centre envelopes with me, so I gave him an envelope that had my return address.
— 30 July 1987I congratulated him on winning the Davis Cup, and invited him to come to our Tennis Ground in New York. I made a spontaneous request, and he gave an immediate acceptance.
By the time we passed through immigration, he was way ahead of me. So he came back to where I was and asked for my card. In the future I have to carry a card!
Luckily, I still had a Centre envelope. But I also wanted to give him my phone number. I had brought six or seven ballpoint pens with me; but now that I needed one, none was available. I searched and searched and finally found one. So I gave him Annam Brahma’s phone number.
Then some officials came and took him through customs. He was a great man so he got special treatment. Poor me, I had to wait on line.
On the flight from Madras to Bombay, God alone knows where he sat. But on the flight from Bombay to London, we both happened to be on the upper deck in Clipper Class. He was sitting very near me and we could see each other clearly.
He knows how to sleep! He slept through two or three meals. While he was sleeping, like a rogue I was observing how strong his wrist and arm were.
— 30 July 1987Sanatan and Rupantar were driving. Ketan and Sagar were supposed to be their helpers and keep them awake, but they were lying down on the floor of the bus sleeping. Ketan had brought a big teddy bear, but instead of holding the teddy bear, he was holding Ragu.
— 5 August 1987Afterwards, four hundred seekers came onto the stage to pick up a flower petal. With such devotion they picked it up, and with such sincere and loving devotion they passed by me. Many were folding their hands, and some knelt down and gave me sweets or flowers.
I had quite a good experience in Milan. But the performance was absolutely useless because the acoustics were so bad. It was not Dhanu’s fault at all. Everything that could possibly go wrong did go wrong. Also, it was raining cats and dogs outside. But the seekers’ sincere oneness with my aspiration-heart saved me! Their aspiration and devotion turned that night of frustration into a day of satisfaction.
— 10 October 1987People were already gathering for the mass when I started to play, so there was no time for me to meditate or anything. I was fighting against the clock.
While I was playing, sunlight was shining on a framed picture of a dove. It was very beautiful.
The priest who was observing me was stiffness incarnate. He was watching to see if I was going to break the organ. After five minutes he placed his hand on my shoulder, indicating that it was time for me to stop so they could begin the mass. The mass lasted for an hour and a half.
The man in charge said I could play for as long as I wanted when the mass ended. He was so kind to me. I played for fifteen minutes. Afterwards, he thanked me and said, “Bravo, bravo!”
— 16 October 1987Then, after he gave his speech, I went over to shake hands with him. He was the second man to break the four-minute mile. I said that I had always admired him.
He said he was very grateful to me for bringing a moment of peace to his country, and he thanked me deeply.
Earlier, I had met Herb Elliott. He holds twenty-seven records. He also was very, very nice.
So two immortal Australian runners I have met!
— 4 December 1987Kishore was also one of the organisers, but he was with his Guru all day. That is why the other organisers couldn’t find him.
— 4 December 1987When I was at the stadium, again the President came up to me. At that time I was in a meditative consciousness.
He said, “Sorry to disturb your meditation. I have come to introduce my son to you. My son and his new wife are enjoying their honeymoon here. I want them to meet you and see your meditation.”
So he introduced them both to me. Then he said, “Can we have a picture taken with you?”
I said, “Of course.”
Then he, his daughter-in-law and his son all stood next to me for a picture.
— 4 December 1987I couldn’t believe he was the same person when I saw him yesterday at the Los Angeles airport. How much respect he showed me! He prostrated himself right at my feet.
All credit goes to Shivaram. He has changed his brother’s attitude completely.
— 4 December 1987But in Victoria, Canada, I had such a deplorable experience. The lady working in customs said that fifteen years ago she had heard a talk I gave at the university in Seattle when she had been a student there. “I know everything about you,” she said.
But unfortunately our Peace Mile she didn’t understand. Our Peace Concert she didn’t understand. She was harassing me like anything!
When it is a matter of service, I have rendered much, much more service to Canada than to New Zealand. So many times I have given talks and concerts there! So this is what happens: New Zealand was so kind to me and Canada was so bad. It was like night and day!
Not only I but also my Canadian students have done so much for the heart and soul of Canada. My Canadian students have really awakened and illumined the consciousness of Canada. Nobody will believe how much they have helped Canada spiritually.
— 6 December 1987The American said, “No, this elevator is going up.”
So he prevented me from making that mistake. Then we went down together.
In the lobby he bought a newspaper and I went into the shops. A few minutes later he and I were again in the elevator together, this time going up. Several others got out on the third, fourth and fifth floors, so that finally we were only two together going up to the seventh floor.
Then out of the blue he said, “What a privilege it is to be with you!”
I did not know him at all. Perhaps he had seen the disciples looking at me devotedly, or perhaps someone had spoken to him about me.
My life is filled with stories like this — good and bad. This one was very good.
— December 1987Tanima understood what was happening and she forced the doors open before they could close. So we were able to escape. Otherwise, we would have been stuck in the elevator, and the electricity was off for a half hour or more.
So Tanima saved me!
— December 1987Again, some disciples whose bodies are here have left their souls in America or Europe or Africa. They have brought their body here, but the soul is not functioning!
— December 1987If you go one way, it takes only two minutes. But the driver was such a rogue; he took me all the way in the other direction so that it would take a long time. Still, he was very nice and I gave him 2,000 rp., so he was very satisfied.
After I did my shopping and was ready to go back, I saw that he was still there. There were ten or twelve other carriages in the market as well, but I went to him because he had been nice.
We came back to the hotel in three minutes. When I gave him 1,000 rp., he was grumbling and fumbling because the previous time, when he had brought me the long way, I had given him 2,000 rp. Later, everybody told me the price should have been only 1,000 rp.
— January 1988I saw them get in the carriage and I saw them get out again a few moments later. For such a short distance they took a horse and carriage!
— January 1988He said, “No, I don’t want anybody else to be there.”
So we went somewhere else for the interview.
A Muslim wanted to have an interview with a Hindu — very good!
— January 1988Then I felt sorry for the younger one and said, “All right!”
They asked me to sit down on a little bench that was not even a foot long. They were very amused. When I sat down, the older one started to draw very seriously, but the younger one began to laugh. Then I said in English, “Don’t laugh!” and he kept quiet.
They said it would take only five minutes. But after ten minutes they said it would take five minutes more. When I looked at what the older one had done so far, I was simply amazed that he had captured the right side of my face a little. I thought, “I will be able to show my disciples. It is so nice.”
Then somebody came in smoking a cigarette. It was their boss. The boss snatched the picture away and began to finish it. In two minutes the boss redid what the boy had done and ruined the picture completely. The boy was doing it so nicely, but the boss was a hostile force. It didn’t resemble me at all anymore, but I took it anyway.
When you sit to have your portrait drawn, people laugh at you as though you are doing something silly. Two French girls came and watched me. They were laughing and laughing.
— January 1988Those who have seen Borobudur have really seen something. It is so beautiful and it has such spiritual grandeur! I also like Kamakura.
Borobudur is the Buddha in the process of blossoming. Kamakura is the Buddha who has already blossomed. Borobudur has simplicity in purity and purity in simplicity. Kamakura has silence in power and power in silence. Both are totally different.
— January 1988Once or twice we almost met with an accident because the man could barely see. At one point he went against a red light. It was an experience!
— January 1988When Mahiyan makes a good shot, they don’t say anything. But when I do well, they are so happy.
Those children are more attentive than some of my disciples. Some of the disciples lie down or chat while I am playing, but the children watch attentively.
— January 1988At first when we asked if we could play, he said, “No can play. Last night, many, many rain!”
He told us that his name is Jana. He was very proud that he was a Hindu.
I said, “I am also a Hindu.”
Then he was so moved. So he went to the higher authorities and got us permission to play on the court, even though it was still a little bit wet.
— 12 January 1988Even outwardly it is so beautiful. You can see how beautiful the little cottages and villages are. They have such simplicity!
Bali has maintained most of its pristine purity. You don’t even have to meditate here; nature will meditate on your behalf. Early in the morning if you walk around the villages, their divine qualities will enter into you and you will become a different person. Here in Bali, nature herself will accelerate your inner progress!
This place is Heaven on earth. If a businessman wants to make money here, he may have a problem. But in terms of consciousness, Bali is by far the best — both inwardly and outwardly. In many aspects it is even better than India. I am an Indian, but sincerity has to speak!
— 12 January 1988I said that it couldn’t be a lassi, but she said it was. After ten minutes another girl came. She smiled and said that they had made a mistake.
Then they brought me a mango lassi. So I got two drinks. Because they made a mistake, they didn’t want to charge me for both. But I became generous and said, “No, no! I will pay.”
— 12 January 1988I said jokingly to myself, “Since I am a multi-millionaire, I am going to buy the chair.”
Savyasachi went to ask about buying the chair, but the boss was not there and the workers said they couldn’t sell the chair. So we waited and waited for the boss. After about half an hour he came in, and Savyasachi offered him 20,000 rp. for the chair.
The boss looked at the workers and the workers looked at the boss. They didn’t understand why we wanted this particular chair and they weren’t sure what to do.
The boss said this chair was old, but we could buy a new one at another place. I said, “No, I want to buy this one.”
Again they hesitated. The boss looked at us and the two girls looked at us, but nobody said anything.
Then Savyasachi took the 20,000 rp. and touched the hands of the two girls and the boss together. Finally they agreed.
What a crazy thing to buy a chair in a restaurant! But I had gotten such good vibrations from the chair while I was taking exercise on it that I said, “I am not going to leave this chair here.”
— 12 January 1988First he asked why I was not going to Russia, China and North Korea. What kind of question is that!
I said that the time has not come for me to go to those places.
Then, when I was meditating before doing my lifts, he said, “Is there any special reason why you are looking towards the East?”
I said, “Here I don’t know where East or West is.”
Most of the reporters were so nice, but always there is someone to challenge and annoy us.
— 13 January 1988He saw the Dalai Lama from a distance when he came to Indonesia. He also saw the Pope from a distance.
Then he said that I was the third spiritual figure he had seen. Only with me he could talk and take pictures!
— 20 January 1988Yesterday five young girls jumped up when they saw me. One pretended to play the flute and another pretended to lift a weight over her head. Then they sang “Bali, Bali,” imitating our singers.
At another place three young men all pretended to lift weights overhead when they saw me.
— 20 January 1988After the performance, about three hundred seekers passed by me. Many showed most sincere devotion. About a hundred of them prostrated themselves at my feet, according to Indian tradition. They were not showing off; they did it with utmost sincerity.
For years and years we have been offering Peace Concerts here, there and everywhere. God knows how much light the seekers have actually received. But here some seekers definitely and whole-heartedly received peace, love and joy from me. So I was very happy and grateful.
— 19 March 1988We were sitting face to face, and he was asking me many spiritual questions. At one point he stood up and came over to me and said, “There are some people who are very, very close to God, and I can see you are one of those.”
— 19 March 1988First I met with the Prime Minister for about ten minutes or so. He had agreed to meet with me because some Members of Parliament had requested it. But he did not know anything about me. He asked so many questions!
The room where we met was simplicity incarnate. Even the mayors’ offices that I have been to are all decorated very gorgeously. But this room was simpler than the simplest.
— 19 March 1988We spoke about peace and both of us understood one another. Towards the end she was telling me that she wants to lead a spiritual life like us, but right now it is simply impossible for her.
She is very simple, very kind-hearted, very intelligent and quite dynamic. She is also mature, tolerant and self-giving. I was extremely pleased with the interview.
— 19 March 1988At first he said he wanted a private interview and that nobody could accompany me. But then he changed his mind and invited all the disciples to come in.
He was begging everyone to drink tea or coffee and to eat the bread and cheese that he had provided. It was like a family gathering.
He could not understand why I do not drink tea or coffee, so I had to give a long explanation. Then, when he heard that I am a vegetarian, he had a volley of questions.
He knew all about prayer but had no idea what meditation is. He could not imagine how anybody could meditate without thought. So we had a long discussion about prayer and meditation.
I told him that when I was in India I used to meditate for six or seven hours at a time. He believed what I told him, but he said that it was impossible for him to keep his own mind quiet for more than a few minutes.
At the end we meditated for a minute or two and prayed with our heads down. Then he stood up and said, “You know, I am 68 years old.” Then he placed his hands on my shoulders and pressed down on them with utmost affection! He was so sweet, so kind and so full of affection, love and wisdom!
— 19 March 1988They showed him as a military man — with a heroic spirit. But his so-called outer heroism was nothing in comparison with his inner vision and wisdom-light. These were his main qualities. America loves dynamism, and the outer dynamism of a soldier this statue has. But the inner wisdom of a statesman or true world leader the statue does not show.
On the wall were some significant statements by Jefferson. Unfortunately, he came long before the world, especially America, was prepared for his beautiful and powerful wisdom-light. Always prophets come at least one minute before the world is able to appreciate them. When they are here, they are not accepted. They have such wisdom, but they are not taken seriously. Only afterwards does the world accept and appreciate them.
— 9 July 1988Then Alo told her who I was. The lady said, “I know, I know. That’s why I need blessings from him!”
— 14 September 1988I wanted to say that I was the lucky one, but it didn’t come out. So I just said “Thank you.”
— 14 September 1988From:Sri Chinmoy,The world-experience-tree-climber, part 6, Agni Press, 1994
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