The Wings of Light, part 8

351. When I love


When I love my physical life

My life is full of futile days.

When I love my vital life

My life is full of damaging days.

When I love my mental life

My life is full of empty days.

When I love my psychic life

My life is full of fertile days.

When I love my God-life

My life is full of service-days. ```

352. He discovered, he revealed, he manifested


He discovered God the Silence

In a tiny mountain cave.

He revealed God the Sound

In the battlefield of life.

He manifested God the Peace

In the emptiness of the Universal Heart. ```

353. I have, I am, I shall remain


The blue-vast body of Light

I have.

The gold-bright body of Delight

I am.

The white-pure body of Perfection

I shall always remain. ```

354. I can't even


My heart-sea is very vast;

I can’t even feel it.

My mind-sky is very high;

I can’t even see it.

My vital-fort is very strong;

I can’t even escape it.

My body-tiger is very fierce;

I can’t even tame it. ```

355. The swords


The sword of wisdom cautions.

The sword of aspiration protects.

The sword of life teaches.

The sword of love perfects, illumines and fulfils. ```

356. What is?


What is body

If not a soulless sleeping?

What is vital

If not a senseless craving?

What is mind

If not a useless suspecting?

What is heart

If not a constant surrendering?

What is soul

If not a compassionate compromising? ```

357. My four paths


My body crawls

Along my lightless path.

My vital stumbles

Along my shadowy path.

My mind trembles

Along my frightening path.

My heart runs

Along my sunlit path. ```

358. Please address


My sweet Lord,

Please address my inner eye.

I shall immediately awake.

My sweet Lord,

Please address my inner ear.

I shall immediately respond.

My sweet Lord,

Please address my inner mind.

I shall immediately receive.

My sweet Lord,

Please address my inner heart.

I shall immediately achieve.

My sweet Lord,

Please address my inner life.

I shall immediately surrender.


359. How can I have it?


A world of diamond silence:

Where is it?

A world of golden sound:

What is it?

A world of silver bliss:

How far is it?

A world of copper peace:

Alas, how can I have it? ```

360. He is happy, he is unhappy


He is happy


His soul knows no stranger,

His heart knows no foreigner.

He is unhappy


His mind knows no lover,

His vital knows no transformer,

His body knows no awakener.


361. His surrendered life


His surrendered body

Was light within light.

His surrendered mind

Was peace within peace.

His surrendered vital

Was power within power.

His surrendered heart

Was delight within delight. ```

362. What is there?


What is there to see?

God’s Form.

What is there to feel?

God’s Love.

What is there to love?

God’s Silence.

What is there to become?

God’s Compassion. ```

363. Floods of divinity


Peace floods the mind.

Love floods the heart.

Life floods the vital.

Light floods the body.

Consciousness floods the soul.

Surrender floods the Goal. ```

364. I become by surrendering


I see by thinking,

I think by feeling,

I feel by living,

I live by loving,

I love by becoming,

I become by surrendering. ```

365. The home of universal love


His mind

Is the secret home of sound.

His heart

Is the sacred home of silence.

His soul

Is the blue-vast home of God.

His God

Is the home of universal Love. ```

366. A feeble cry, a sweet smile


A little ripple

Wakes the sea.

A tiny thought

Shakes the world.

A feeble cry

Brings the Supreme.

A sweet smile

Fulfils the Supreme. ```

367. The highest God


Truth is a higher life.

Thought is a weaker world.

Doubt is a lower joy.

Faith is a brighter day.


Love is not only

A higher God,

But the highest God. ```

368. Yet God loves him


He sighs before he prays.

He cries before he concentrates.

He sleeps before he meditates.

He fights before he aspires.


God loves him,

Because he eventually

Does the right thing. ```

369. Because



I have something to give,

I live.


I love the whole world,

I am.


God and I fulfil each other,

We grow.


370. Upward, always upward


My body endlessly sleeps.

My vital spreads

Its aggression in all directions.

My mind spreads

Its suspicion in four directions.

My heart spreads

Its insecurity

Only in one direction -

Upward, always

Upward. ```

371. Concealed, revealed, fulfilled


There was a time

Three hundred years ago

When his finite life

Concealed Infinity’s Home.

There was a time

Thirty years ago

When his finite life

Revealed Infinity’s Palace.

There was a time

Three years ago

When his finite life

Fulfilled Infinity’s Kingdom. ```

372. I satisfy God


I embrace the world

To find myself.

I find myself

To satisfy God.

I satisfy God


That is the only thing

I understand intimately

And do satisfactorily.


373. I say what I have to say!


Either believe


Don’t believe,

I say what I have to say!

I am who I was:


I was who I am:

Perfection-Queen. ```

374. By far the best


We are surprisingly many.

That is good.

We are unquestionably more.

That is better.

We are divinely most.

That is excellent.

We are supremely one.

That is by far the best. ```

375. My first choice


Believing, not seeing:

My fourth choice.

Feeling, not thinking:

My third choice.

Loving, not expecting:

My second choice.

Being, not becoming:

My first choice. ```

376. He devours two things


His heart devours only one thing:

Sunlit Delight.

His mind devours only one thing:

Sunlit Silence.

His vital devours only one thing:

Sunlit Power.

His body devours only one thing:

Sunlit Compassion.

But he devours two things:

God’s Height


God’s Depth. ```

377. You will fly


Push not yourself beyond yourself;

You will sigh.

Pull not yourself beyond yourself;

You will cry.

Live not yourself beyond yourself;

You will die.


Love yourself beyond yourself

In your Beloved Supreme;

You will fly. ```

378. Sometimes I think



I think I am great.


I dare to govern others.


I think I am good.


I dare to love others.


I think I am God’s.


I dare to claim all

As my own,

My very own. ```

379. Without knowing why



We say something

Without knowing why.


We do something

Without knowing why.


We become something

Without knowing why.


We never love Truth

Without knowing why.


380. Together live, together dance


A happy man and good things

Together run.

An unhappy man and bad things

Together sink.

An aspiring man and fulfilling experience

Together live.

A God-man and fulfilled Realisation

Together dance. ```

381. My beginning, my end, my middle


My beginning was my end

When I thought

That I could do everything all alone.

My end was my beginning

When I felt

God’s Grace act in and through me.

My middle was fulfilling

When I realised

That my limbs were made of

God’s Compassion-Light. ```

382. Ah, there


Ah, where is my Dream-boat?

I hear its sinking sound.

Ah, where is my Dream-boat?

I feel its dying silence.

Ah, there is my Reality-shore.

I see its flying banner.

Ah, there is my Reality-shore.

I drink its nectar-love. ```

383. To you I offer time


O my body

To you I offer Time the forgiver.

O my vital

To you I offer Time the transformer.

O my mind

To you I offer Time the silencer.

O my heart

To you I offer Time the lover.

O my soul

To you I offer Time the preserver. ```

384. For your sake


O Lord,

For Your sake

I am doing the right thing.

For Your sake

I am loving everything and everyone.

For Your sake

I am becoming the pride of

Heaven and earth.

I want nothing,

I need nothing

For myself

Either from Heaven-city

Or from earth-village.


385. Surprise dies


Love the earth-soul;

You will surprise the Heaven-goal.

Love the Heaven-soul;

You will surprise the earth-goal.

Love the life of God-perfection,

You will surprise the birthless and deathless bondage-man.

Love the birthless and deathless bondage-man;

You will surprise the life of God-perfection.

But when you love your surrender-light

To the world within and to the world without,

Surprise dies in the land of nowhere.


386. I lived, I live


I lived in the blue of Heaven

To sail my Dream-boat

Across the Sky-ocean.

I live in the green of earth

To sing the song of Love divine,

To play the game of Truth sublime,

On the giant heart of my Reality-shore. ```

387. His inspiration-light


His body shuns his inspiration-light.

His vital clasps his inspiration-light.

His mind welcomes his inspiration-light.

His heart feeds his inspiration-light.

His soul leads his inspiration-light.

His God is his inspiration-light. ```

388. Where are you?


O Lamb of God,

Where are You?

My eyes say You are not on earth,

My mind says You are not in Heaven.

O Lamb of God,

Where are you?

My heart is fed by Your Promise-light,

My soul is fulfilled by Your Perfection-height.

O Lamb of God,

Where are You? ```

389. He just completes himself


His ignorance-sea

Competes with the world-music.

His knowledge-sun

Competes with the world-philosophy.

His wisdom-light

Competes with the world-spirituality.

But he himself

Competes not with anything.

He just completes himself

In his surrender-drop

To the Ocean-will

Of the Transcendental Father. ```

390. I followed the path


I followed the path

Of self-assertion.

The world around despised me.

I followed the path

Of self-examination.

The world within admired

My bold attempt.

I followed the path

Of self-dedication.

The world within

And the world without

Had nothing for me

But lofty admiration. ```

391. The mercy


Life is the mercy of love.

Love is the mercy of surrender.

Surrender is the mercy of God’s Compassion.

God’s Compassion is the mercy of

His Silence-Soul

And His Sound-Body. ```

392. They offer


His body-temple offers

Purity’s smile.

His vital-temple offers

Agility’s smile.

His mind-temple offers

Sincerity’s smile.

His heart-temple offers

Humility’s smile.

His soul-temple offers

Luminosity’s smile.

And he himself offers

Perfection’s Smile. ```

393. Perfection immortal and supreme


Service is love

Visible and available.

Love is oneness

Inseparable and invincible.

Oneness is perfection

Immortal and supreme. ```

394. What is sacrifice?


Duty’s beauty

God alone admires.

Beauty’s purity

God alone admires.

Purity’s sacrifice

God alone admires.

And what is sacrifice?

When the right hand

Devotedly gives

And the left hand

Devotedly receives.


395. God's calendar: Monday


Sweetest Father, Lord Supreme,

What was wrong with You on Monday?

Why didn’t You come on Monday

To teach us, Your children,

At our cosmic school?

Did anything happen in the family?

Is everyone all right in Your family?

Has anything serious happened?

“No, nothing of the sort.

What actually happened on Monday was this:

I just over-ate My ignorance-food

On Sunday.

Therefore, I felt inexplicably sick.”


396. God's calendar: Tuesday


Sweetest Father, Lord Supreme,

What was wrong with You on Tuesday?

“On Monday night in Heaven

The cosmic gods and the hostile forces

Had a terrible fight.

Therefore, My immediate presence was demanded

By the cosmic gods.”


397. God's calendar: Wednesday


Sweetest Father, Lord Supreme,

What was wrong with You on Wednesday?

“On Tuesday night

Heaven and earth bitterly fought

Over their supremacy.

I had to become their arbitrator.

Neither Heaven nor earth

Was satisfied with My decision.

Therefore, they are exceedingly

Displeased with Me.

Now neither Heaven nor earth wants Me.

Friendless, sonless, daughterless,

I roamed in the world of nowhere.”


398. God's calendar: Thursday


Sweetest Father, Lord Supreme,

What was wrong with You on Thursday?

“On Thursday your sweetest Mother Divine,

Your dearest Mother Supreme,

Wanted to play with Her

Children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Therefore, I had to do all the cooking

For our dearest and sweetest ones.” ```

399. God's calendar: Friday


Sweetest Father, Lord Supreme,

What was wrong with You on Friday?”

“On Friday Heaven tempted Me

With a much higher salary —

Love, devotion and surrender —

Infinitely more than I have been

Receiving from earth.

I was seriously considering

Whether I should accept

Such a lucrative offer.” ```

400. God's calendar: Saturday and Sunday


Sweetest Father, Lord Supreme,

What was wrong with You on Saturday?

“On Saturday

Mother Earth phoned Me

Early in the morning

And insulted Me ruthlessly.

She has come to learn of My secret plans,

And to My sorrow She has dispensed

With My job here on earth.

“Sweetest children, this is Sunday.

Today I have come to see you all

For the last time,

And to offer you

My Compassion-Sea, My Concern-Sky,

My Love-Moon and My Blessing-Sun.” ```

From:Sri Chinmoy,The Wings of Light, part 8, Aum Press, Puerto Rico, 1974
Sourced from