Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 11
Dear to my LordIs my aspiration-heart.
Dearer to my Lord
Is my surrender-life.
Dearest to my Lord
Is my gratitude-breath.
If your mind climbs up the pride-ladder,Your life before long
Will fade into obscurity
And your heart will not be rediscovered
By Heaven’s Concern.
True, he cannot control his mind.But his life has surrendered to his heart.
Therefore, his life is anchored
In the Golden Boat of the Lord Supreme.
His heart’s ever-blossoming hopeIs holding both ends
Of the Infinity-Rope
Of God’s Eternity.
He lives in ignorance-nightWith only the echoing memories
Of his soul’s long-lost promises.
My Lord, destroy me!If You do not want to destroy me,
At least destroy my mind’s hopelessness.
If you do not want to destroy
My mind’s hopelessness,
Please, please destroy
My heart’s helplessness.
Your soul is asking youTo sleep in your life’s illumination-bed.
But what are you doing?
You are forcing your life
To lie beneath its annihilation-blanket.
Finally his heart’s aspiration-lifeBecame so powerful
That it was able to totally paralyse
His mind’s desire-life.
God will not be there to receive youIf you hurriedly reach
Your life’s finish line.
He will not only receive you
But also garland you and embrace you
If you slowly, steadily and soulfully reach
Your life’s finish line.
What is wrong with you, my mind!Why can’t you accept any defeat?
What is wrong with you, my heart!
Why are you afraid of winning
Continuous victories?
If your heart is readyTo sparkle with eagerness,
Then God will definitely come
And stand right in front of you
With His Infinity’s Fulness.
What is he doing?He is sleeping with his rainbow-dream
Inside his silence-heart.
What else is he doing?
He is making the final revision
Of his surrender-life-script.
You may not realise it,But God is carrying you,
And you are quite heavy.
Perhaps it is beyond your imagination,
But God has also developed
Very serious back pain
Because of your weight.
Can you not lighten His Load and cure Him
With your obedience-surrender-medicine?
Try, you can!
You have simply no idea
How proud God will be of you
If you do.
My heart has undertakenA very difficult task.
It wants to guide
My mind’s irregular search for God.
My mind struggles for satisfaction.My heart struggles for perfection.
My soul struggles for my life’s
Do you want to hearWhat you say during your sleep?
You say that you love God alone
And need God alone, nobody else.
Your heart feels that GodDoes not speak to it
Because it is imperfect.
Your mind thinks that God
Does not speak to it
Because it has already reached
An infant-cry is the soulful loverOf self-transcendence,
And God-satisfaction.
Do you know GodOr do you just know about Him?
If you know God,
Then I shall immediately become yours.
But if you just know about God,
Then even if the entire world claims you,
I shall never become yours.
Today you are a God-dreamer.Tomorrow you will become
A Heaven-sprinter.
The day after tomorrow you will become
Your soul’s wonder-speed
And your Lord’s Victory-Smile.
Something to give to my Lord Supreme:My soul’s promise-delight.
Something to give to humanity:
My heart’s aspiration-might.
My child, I wish to haveA friendly competition with you.
You will run against Me
With your life’s ignorance-sky,
And I shall run against you
With My Heart’s Compassion-Sun.
His absurdity-philosophy:True happiness can be found
Only in sorrow.
His stupidity-philosophy:
Happiness is sorrow
In disguise.
Truth is neither easy nor difficult.Truth is spontaneous, self-revealing
And God-revealing all at once.
No satisfaction shinesWhere division is king.
No imperfection abides
Where oneness is emperor.
History’s exclamation mark:Man’s moon-adventure.
History’s question mark:
Man’s dissatisfaction-hunger.
My Lord Supreme,Do give me the capacity
To need Your Heart.
My Lord Supreme,
Do give me the privilege
To love Your Life.
Since time will not wait for me,I also shall not wait for time.
I shall go ahead of time
With my soul’s silence-stillness-smile.
My mind tells meThat my prayer-life
Is something strange
Yet quite familiar.
My heart tells me
That my meditation-life
Is always familiar
And never strange.
My sweet child,Early each morning
Instead of asking Me
Whether I love you,
Just ask yourself
Whether you need Me.
O my body and vital,Be not afraid of my mind’s greatness.
O my mind,
Be not afraid of my heart’s goodness.
O my heart,
Be not afraid of my soul’s oneness.
O my soul,
You are never afraid of my Lord’s Fulness.
When a true God-loverCannot decide what to do
In his outer life,
God, out of His infinite Bounty,
Takes it as His bounden Duty
To help that person choose
The right thing to do.
Something is wrong,But I do not know what.
Perhaps my heart does not
Love God intensely any more.
Something is right,
But I do not know what.
Perhaps my mind has sincerely
Started longing for God at last.
Where is my home?My home is inside
My world’s possession-cry.
Where is my Lord’s Home?
My Lord’s Home is inside
His Eternity’s
Your heart’s climbing cryIs like a rope,
Longer than the longest,
Extending from earth to Heaven.
Once you start climbing that rope
Cheerfully and powerfully,
Who can prevent you from reaching
The highest perfection-satisfaction-height?
Your Inner Pilot is telling youThat you will, without fail,
Make progress.
You fool!
Why are you consciously and deliberately
Trying to prove Him wrong?
Pride and insecurityCome from only one source: impurity.
He who is bloated with pride
And he who is insecurity incarnate
Are both absolutely useless.
Purity has the capacityTo immediately destroy
Insecurity and pride.
Purity has the capacity
To immediately create
Oneness with God’s
Transcendental Will.
Whoever experiencesHis life’s surrender-smiles
As a permanent reality
Is undoubtedly the choicest instrument
Of his Beloved Supreme.
If you are loyal to GodAnd take Him as your only Friend,
How can you have any serious problems?
Even your mind-problems
Will be taken care of
By His Heart’s Compassion-Concern-Sky.
If your consciousnessRemains deep inside your heart
And you are constantly
Thinking of God,
Then all your problems will be solved,
Even if you simply ignore them.
Needless to say,
This applies only to you,
Since you are a soulfully sincere seeker.
Three signs of progress:To do something better
Than you have previously done it,
To maintain your standard,
To have a cheerful heart
Even if your standard goes down.
For years you have neglectedYour teeming weaknesses.
But now that you want
To conquer them,
What you need
Is an ever-climbing heart-cry.
Aspiration-fire is immediate purification.It powerfully purifies
The sleeping body,
The strangling vital
And the doubting mind.
In your life of service to humanityConfidence is supremely good,
But do not develop
Disproportionate self-confidence,
Not to speak of pride and haughtiness.
If you think that you areMost graciously helping others,
You are badly mistaken.
You should feel that you are offering
Your service-smile
To the Supreme in others.
If your service-lifeIs only increasing your ego-power,
Then rest assured
You are a stark failure
In the inner world.
Someday you will realiseThat your Master is
The direct representative
Of the Supreme.
Someday you will realise
Your Master’s Eternity’s oneness
With the Supreme.
He started with utmost sincerityTrying to please the Supreme
In the Supreme’s own divine Way.
Alas, now he is shamelessly
Begging the Supreme to please him
In his own human way.
Either please GodIn His own Way
Or go back to your old life
Where your desire-fires
Reigned supreme.
If you feel that God’s WayIs not the only way,
And you have a totally different way,
Then why should anybody
Care to prevent you
From following your own way?
True, nobody is indispensable.But if you can please the Supreme
In His own Way,
Then He will definitely need you
Infinitely more than He needs
Anybody else.
My Lord Supreme,May I sleeplessly remember You.
I mean, Your Compassion-Eye.
My Lord Supreme,
May I sleeplessly remember
Your Compassion-Eye.
I mean, Your Forgiveness-Heart.
My Lord Supreme,
May I sleeplessly remember
Your Forgiveness-Heart.
I mean, Your Oneness-Life.
My dreamer-eye,My listener-heart,
My observer-soul,
My Liberator-God,
I enjoy your festival
Of Eternity’s Satisfaction-Sun.
Purify your sound-breath,Illumine your sound-life.
You will immediately feel
Ecstasy’s silence-embrace.
They call itMy hermit-heart.
I call it
My divinity’s tapestry of truth.
To make me happyMy Lord Supreme
Has kidnapped my heart.
To make me perfect
My Lord Supreme
Has granted me the Transformation-Flute
Of His Compassion-Light.
O secret and sacredBird of my heart,
You have given me
Your indomitable inner strength
And freed me from
The bondage of fate.
My impatient heartHas become an incurable patient
Suffering inside
My aggressive vital-hospital.
My sound-activityHas pleased neither Heaven nor earth.
My silence-receptivity
Has at once pleased
Both Heaven’s eye and earth’s heart.
You are aspiring to grow.Indeed, this is a happy experience.
You are searching for truth.
Indeed, this is a happier experience.
You are surrendering your earth-existence
To the life of delight.
Indeed, this is the happiest experience.
Because of your purity-heartEvery day God is granting you
His Himalayan Smile.
Because of your surrender-life
Every day God is granting you
Your victory’s crown.
The heart’s inner purityHelps us blossom
Out of the animal kingdom.
The soul’s God-embracing beauty
Helps us blossom
Out of the human kingdom.
Yesterday your mind enjoyedThe gales of dark disbelief.
Today your entire life
Has become the burial ground
Of your shipwrecked mind.
When your mind starts enjoyingComplete union with God,
Your life, without fail, will become
The absolute manifestation of God.
The human activitiesOf the divine soul
Do not confuse me.
They only increase
My genuine admiration
For its compassion-flooded reality.
His heart cannot raceTowards the unfathomable beauty
Of the unknown
Because he has allowed his mind
To become nothing but
A dry intellect-field.
God will be proud of youIf you can tell yourself
That there is no such thing
As failure.
God will love you infinitely more
If you can accept any so-called failures
As experiences He Himself is having
In you and through you.
He is a rank fool!He no longer wants
To please his Master
Because he thinks that others
Who are not pleasing the Master
Are still very close to him.
To make the fastest progress,Be an absolutely cheerful
And take both victory and failure
As parallel experience-rivers
Leading to the sea
Of progress-delight.
Those who want to please the SupremeIn His own Way
Will have Heaven’s fastest
Those who do not want
To please the Supreme in His own Way
Will have earth’s slower than the slowest
Your Master’s outer smileMay at times confuse you.
Your Master’s inner smile
Will not only illumine you
But also manifest the divine in you.
If we are real seekers,Sincere seekers, genuine seekers,
God will definitely grant us
What He eternally is:
Infinity’s Love immortal.
Alas, you have developedDisproportionate pride.
Now it is you and nobody else
Who can and must take every day,
Every hour and every second
As a God-granted opportunity
To conquer your abysmal pride.
Some unfortunate seekersWho are with a spiritual Master
Of the highest height
May jump out of his boat
Only to sink and fail.
But the Master himself
Can never ultimately fail,
For his is a God-ordained mission.
Impurity divides.Purity unites.
Because God is pure,
He is One:
He is His Heart’s Oneness-Song
In His Life’s Fulness-Dance.
If it is possibleTo create pride inside your mind,
Impurity will do it.
Alas, it has already
Done the damage.
If it is possible
To create insecurity inside your heart,
Impurity will do it.
Alas, it has already
Done the damage.
O my hesitation-mind,Do you know
That there is something
Called illumination-eye?
O my illumination-eye,
I am sure you know
That there is something
Called God’s constant Satisfaction-Heart.
The seeker’s purity-heart-roadIs destined to join
The Highway of the Supreme.
When the hour strikes,
Both meet together and become one.
O my mind’s confusion-bound intellect,You are imperfect, to say the least!
Alas, even after you have covered
A very long distance
In the wrong direction,
You are not aware of what you are doing
Or where you are.
When will you learn
That satisfaction-smile abides
Only in intuition-core?
An insecurity-heart cannot run,Walk or even crawl.
What is worse,
It sees right in front of it
At every moment
A tangled jungle-mind.
A purity-heart can liveOnly in a beauty-life.
A beauty-life can live
Only in a surrender-breath.
A surrender-breath can live
Only in God’s
My hope-bird soarsEvery morning and evening
In my soul’s moon-embraced
And sun-blessed sky.
Your mind usually livesInside the forest of wild desires.
Can you not ask it
To live inside the garden
Of your soulful aspiration
Only for a day,
Just for a brief change?
If your life swims every dayIn the river of insincerity-tears,
How can you ever reach
And become one with
The smiling Waves
Of God’s Divinity-Ocean?
God is happy with youNot because you are perfect,
But because every day you allow Him
To water your heart-garden
With His Infinity’s Compassion-Light.
Doubt-clouds appear onlyIn the mind-sky.
They never appear
In the heart-sky,
Which is flooded with
The rainbow-beauty-life
Of the inner sun.
My sweet Lord,When You give me something,
Do give me the capacity
To divide it.
My sweet Lord,
When I give You something,
Do give me the capacity
To multiply it.
A genuine God-loverIs he who can easily differentiate
From possession-greed.
Every day cultivate adamantine willIn the depths of your heart
So that with no difficulty you can bestride
All your problems in the mental world.
Hope and doubtAre two absolutely worst foes.
From time immemorial
They have been fighting,
Sometimes one winning
And sometimes the other.
He who is pleasing GodIn God’s own Way
Will find all earthly and Heavenly
Experiences in his life agreeable.
If you love God alone,Then certainly you can easily articulate
Your aspiration in the inner world
And your dedication in the outer world.
Peace of mindCannot be obtained overnight.
To achieve peace of mind
We have to invest many silence-years
In spirituality.
Life’s perfection-roadIs very long,
But the journey is richly rewarding.
Life is not competition.Life is preparation —
Preparation for Heaven’s and earth’s
Transcendental Victory.
Once upon a time you wereYour soul’s rainbow-dream.
Now you are
Your heart’s golden reality.
In the near or distant future
You will become
Your life’s splendid divinity.
Dreams make progressAnd become reality.
Reality makes progress
And becomes divinity.
Again, divinity makes progress
When it becomes reality,
And reality makes progress
When it becomes
The ever-transcending Dream.
Now that he has uprootedHis life’s expectation-tree,
God has unconditionally granted him
His own Heart-Home.
Long before you can bind God’s HandsWith your mind’s doubt-chains,
God will bind your life
With His Heart’s Love-Oneness-Chain.