Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 57
In my life of surrender,Each step of my inner running
And each step of my outer running
I am offering, offering, offering
To my Lord Supreme.
When the physical consciousnessIs radiating the soul’s light,
The vital and mind may become jealous.
But ultimately they will surrender,
And also turn to the soul.
Seeing the heartFlooded with the soul’s light,
The mind cursed itself:
“Oh, why am I so stupid!
Why do I not visit my soul
Every day?”
In this world we kill ourselvesAll for outer success.
But there is another world
Where our happiness
Does not depend on outer results.
Impossibility is a mere word.Such being the case,
Impossibility must surrender,
And it does surrender,
To the seeker’s completely devoted oneness
With the Will of his Beloved Supreme.
Is your heart cryingTo inspire others?
Then immediately start
Making tremendous progress
And creating stupendous improvement
In your own life.
Others are bound to see
A new radiance on your face
And obey you unconditionally.
The heart’s intensityImmediately becomes one
With God’s Music.
But the dictator-mind
Wants to show off and prove
That it can have the same intensity
In a negative way
By destroying the heart’s
Inner peace and delight.
O seeker,How can you even think of leaving
The Supreme’s Golden Boat
After staying so long
In your heart’s only home?
To be a God-dreamerWhat you need
Is a God-lover’s heart
And a man-server’s life.
Take a close look at yourself.Your heart has travelled
Miles and miles
For a blessingful Smile from God.
Before God grants youYour liberation,
You will have to pass
His purity-inspection.
God does not care forYour millions of thoughts
And your millionaire-mind.
He cares only for
Your beauty’s life
And your purity-heart.
Where are the world’s peace-leaders?They are all inside your hearts.
They are begging your minds
To open their doors
And keep them wide open
For God the man and man the God
To sport together.
What can God’s Compassion do?It can easily end
Your doubt-decade
And help you begin
Your aspiration-era.
God’s omniscient EyeWill guide you
Provided your aspiration-heart
Is not afraid
Of His omnipotent Hand.
It is alwaysInside your ancient heart
That you can have
An ever-new harvest.
The outer dayBelongs to his devotion.
He is divinely good.
The inner day
Belongs to his surrender.
He is supremely perfect.
To aspireFor God’s infinite Compassion-Light
Is to learn
The practicality-lesson
In God’s inner School.
How can you ask GodTo measure His Height
With an earthly measuring tape?
How can you?
And why should you?
God does not want to knowHis own Height.
He just sings the Song
Of Self-Transcendence.
Now that you areSpiritually awake,
You, and nobody else,
Will carry the Banner
Of the Lord Supreme.
Along with sinceritySomething else is needed
To take you to your goal
Faster than the fastest,
And the name of that something
Is intensity.
Let at least one memberOf your inner family
Listen all the time to the soul.
Its progress, happiness and satisfaction
Will immediately inspire
The other members to follow.
What an unfortunate seeker!Not even one member
Of his inner family
Is fully convinced
That the soul is always right —
No, not even his heart!
My Lord Supreme,I am aspiring to do something good.
Will You approve it, please?
My Lord Supreme,
I am desiring to do something bad.
Will You forgive me, please?
My Supreme Lord,You are the Origin of everything.
Ultimately, nothing can take place
Except through Your Will.
“True, My child, true.
But some things I approve of,
While others I only tolerate.”
Before the raceThey are all surrender.
They are praying for God’s Victory.
But during the race
And after the race
They are thinking of
Nothing but their own victory!
I do not want you
To be in their company.
The cosmic gods and goddessesDo not have to learn songs
By heart.
They just allow their divine capacity
Spontaneously to sing.
In my highest consciousnessNo disturbance can breathe.
I can forgive the whole world.
I can even forgive myself,
For there I am
In God’s Eternity.
The undivine may have wonAn immediate victory,
But the ultimate Victory
Will always belong to God.
An inner defeat:A great seeker has fallen
And lost his progress-chance
For this entire lifetime.
An inner victory:
The same seeker may return
To earth
With renewed aspiration
And more powerfully proceed
To a higher level than before.
If you can take everythingAs God’s Blessing,
Rest assured, you will always remain
At your highest height.
O purity, I love you,For when you come forward
You create
Beauty’s oneness
And divinity’s fulness.
How to conquer fear?With oneness within
And oneness without.
In oneness-light
There can be no fear.
O purity,By the very sound of your name
Anything that is attacking me
Is weakened
And my own good qualities
Come to the fore.
Look around!You will see so many things
To do for the world.
Dive deep within!
You will not only see
But also at once do
Many things for God.
In the world of aspirationThere are many roads,
But all the roads
Lead to the same Goal:
God, the Absolute Supreme.
The music of the heart,The beauty of the soul
And the Divinity of God
Are inseparable.
This secret and sacred truth
Reveals itself
To the seeker-lovers of music.
Through each good actionI am carrying myself
Slowly but unmistakably
Towards my eternal Destination:
The Golden Shore of the Beyond.
Everything has to be doneOn the basis of surrender.
Whatever we may do
Without surrender
Will remain utterly meaningless.
When I surrender my finite existenceTo the infinite Consciousness,
Then my surrender is perfect,
For my lowest is surrendering
To my highest.
When I sing,I know that I am singing
For the Supreme Singer.
When I play music,
I know that I am becoming one
With God the Supreme Musician.
You have a stubborn mind.This is what I see.
You have an unborn heart.
This is also what I see.
When the seeker surrenders,Then only
He becomes one with the Reality
He has been longing to reach.
Over the yearsHe has totally lost
His intense aspiration-flame.
But his own inmost sincerity
Still has the power
Once more to bring to the fore
The soulful inspiration and aspiration
That once upon a time
Started his spiritual journey.
He had an infallible vision:The cosmic goddesses
Were so deeply moved
By the seekers’ soulful singing
That they came and joined
The singers
And most powerfully sang
In and through their human voices.
I assure you,Unlike the outer world,
The inner world is not asleep.
The inner world only watches and waits
For a little receptivity
From the outer world
So that it can pour and pour into it
Its unreserved blessings and love.
Once upon a timeYou used to defeat ignorance-prince.
But now you are practising
Your surrender to ignorance.
Do you really think
That this kind of surrender
Is what your Beloved Supreme
Wanted from you?
Alas,Where is my true
Alas, alas,
When will I again
Pray and meditate
With my heart’s utmost intensity?
O God-musician!You are creating
An absolutely new world.
You are adding so much
Divine beauty and supreme majesty
To God’s worlds of aspiration,
Dedication and manifestation.
Perhaps God only
Appreciates you adequately.
What elseIs my tremendous achievement,
O my Lord Supreme,
If not the manifestation
Of Your own supremely unparalleled
Revive your old spiritual grandeur!Even if your stone-heart
Does not feel it,
Your eyes are bound to see
That others are now lifting the burden
That once upon a time
You devotedly carried
For your Lord Supreme.
To have intensityWithout sincerity
Is like trying to reach
The Highest
By hook or by crook.
Success is just impossible.
You think that at the last momentYou will win the race.
But I am telling you,
Without tremendous inner intensity
How can you be sure
That you will even finish the race?
When your Master gives youA private interview,
Remember that you are
Face to face
With God’s own personal representative.
In your deep meditationAll is oneness.
Never allow division
Even to start,
Or soon it will take you
To the utter frustration
Of separativity-consciousness.
An undivine force came to attack.It stood right in front of him!
But he challenged it
And conquered it
By invoking purity and light
From his Master
And from his own soul.
Before you go to sleep,Do not forget to ask
For your Lord’s Protection.
If your consciousness is high,
You will not have to worry
About unwanted nightmare-friends.
You are trying to fight with God.But where is your capacity
And where is God’s Capacity?
At the right moment
He will simply change your mind.
His Compassion-Light
Will be your Satisfaction-Delight.
My Lord,You have entered into my heart
And made me feel
That we are all brothers and sisters
Of one world-family.
Now do enter into my mind
So it will act like the heart,
And I will not be able
To hurt others.
I am grateful to you,My Master-Lord,
For when I cannot hear
My inner voice,
Your outer messages
Carry the voice of my own soul.
Easily you can hearThe voice of your Master.
Is his voice not inside
His books?
Is his voice not inside
His meditation?
O my body,Do not suspect the soul,
Which has glowing faith in you
And infinite patience with you.
O my body,
Once you have full faith
In the soul,
You will no longer need the help
Of the vital, the mind
Or even the heart.
You will have your own free access
To the soul.
True, there was a timeWhen the mind and the vital
Were bitter rivals.
But now that their past rivalries
Are buried in oblivion,
Can they not become fellow travellers
In the search for God?
When he bragged about his past,Some believed it and got inspiration
To become truly good.
If the result was nothing but truth,
Then who can say it was wrong
For him to tell lies?
The world is ruledBy human opinion.
Even one opinion
Has the strength
To divide the entire world.
O lethargy-prone seeker,Spirituality you are separating
From your body, vital and mind.
But do not forget the Vedic times
When spiritual strength
And physical strength went together.
Once again
Spirituality has to be
In the physical and for the physical.
How I wish my heartTo remain always
Under the control of my soul,
So that every day my inspiration
Can soar beyond my belief,
And never will my service-offering
Become mechanical.
Insincere seekersWill ask countless questions.
But those who soulfully hunger
For the Master’s illumination
In silence only receive and receive.
To those who work very, very hardIn any field of life,
God will eventually give inner experiences —
Unimaginable and undeserved —
To tell them:
“Do not halt!
Do not stop here!
There is something infinitely higher,
Far beyond your present life.”
You are working for name and fameWith the expectation
That they will make you
Outwardly happy.
He is praying and meditating
Without any expectation,
And he is already receiving
Abundant inner joy.
His unprecedented adventuresOffer tremendous confidence
To his seeker-brothers and sisters.
Because his great achievements
Are for his Beloved Supreme alone,
And for nobody else.
Right now we have to start,Although insincerity is mixed
With our sincerity.
Eventually we will have pure sincerity
And ultimately we shall proceed
From illumining light
To more illumining light.
Right now we have to start.
The child believedThat his thief-father was a saint.
So right from the beginning
The son became good
And remained good,
Leading a saintly life
As he thought his father had.
Your Master’s voiceIs inside your heart,
For your soul and your Master
Are always together.
I come from the Hindu family,And perhaps you come from
The Christian family.
Although we live
In two different houses,
We can always come together
To share our ideas and ideals,
For together
We will be of greater service
To aspiring mankind.
God the OmnipotentCreated this universe.
Will He allow you or me
Or even the most hostile force
To destroy it?
God the Creator,With His infinite Vision,
His infinite Light and Delight,
Has created us.
We are part of His universe.
This universe is His
Dream-Reality’s Satisfaction-Delight.
How to minimise the strengthOf a hostile force?
Ignore it totally!
Feel that it is only a monkey
That is pinching and biting you.
Immediately you will be able
To reduce its strength considerably.
You say that the hostile forcesHave caused an atomic explosion
In the inner world.
But I say it was only a needle
That dropped to the ground.
I tell you, those undivine forces
Stand helpless before the Supreme in me.
When I pray and meditate,When I soulfully sing
And even when I devotedly run,
I am following promise-roads
Taking me to my soul’s eternal Home.
What else are a seeker’sPersonal experiences
If not a solid reality
To help him
In his life of aspiration
And to lead him
To his Eternity’s Beloved Supreme?
What you areIs your heart’s unknown capacity.
Someday you will be able
To use this capacity
To uncover your mind
And discover your God.
My Lord, please tell me,Have I ever expressed
Real gratitude to You?
“My child, certainly you have!
Just remember the first time
You ever meditated with Me.
That was the first time
Of many.”
When God sends for you,Why do allow your mind
To carry your body away
Fast, very fast?
Do not forgetYour final prayer:
And your perfection
Must dine together.
If you allow your mindTo enjoy endless questions,
Then you will be doomed to live
In a fathomless cave.
When he saw his previous heightHe laughed and laughed,
For when he tried to measure it,
He realised that
It was lower than the lowest.
God’s Concern-BranchesAre for your searching mind.
God’s Compassion-Tree
Is for your aspiration-heart.
God’s Blessing-Fruit
Is for your surrender-life.
Begin again and againIf you really want to win
God’s Satisfaction-Heart again.
God’s infinite Compassion-LightTook full responsibility
For the breakdown
Of his useless computer-mind.
If you cannot carry the messageOf surrender-light
Inside your surrender-heart,
Then God will not grant you
The purity-insurance
Against world-temptation.
Once you have taken upThe spiritual life,
Do not give up!
If you give up,
The unnourished aspiration-heart
In you
Will be swept away
On a river of tears.
Study with your heart-tutor.Your mind’s desire-waves
Will not be able to disturb
Your life’s powerful poise.
Your heart’s perfection-stepWill, without fail,
Avoid the life-capturing trap.
God secretly laughsAt His own creation,
But openly and lovingly
He tells us to smile
At His creation.
When are you going to realiseThat your godless life
Has definitely become a helpless raft
In the vast ignorance-sea?
Because you have becomeThe world’s aspiration-tree,
God will grant you
His Vision’s realisation-fruit.
It is almost an impossible taskFor the human mind to arrive
At the self-discipline-harbour
With its cherished bondage-cargo.
Do not ask whenYou will achieve God’s Height.
You have already achieved it
On the strength of your oneness
With Him.
Just believe it,
That’s all!