Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 94
God’s CompassionIs taking care of
My heart’s aspiration-plant.
God’s Satisfaction
Will take care of
My life’s reality-tree.
Do not relax in your spiritual life.Do not act like a fool!
Be wise at every moment
To get the utmost benefit
From your heart’s aspiration-cry
And from your life’s dedication-smile.
Spiritual Masters —Whether of the past, present or future —
All have the same opinion:
No sincere effort fails;
No sincere prayer remains unheard.
My Lord Supreme,How can I avoid
Disobeying You unconsciously?
“My child,
If you have constant eagerness
To please Me in My own Way,
Then automatically
Unconscious disobedience
Will disappear.”
Do not forgetTo ask your mind and heart
Every day, without fail,
How you can please God
In His own Way.
My Lord,You have given me a zero
On my progress report.
Have I not pleased You at all?
And do You think
I shall never make any progress?
Alas, alas!
This morning my Lord SupremeTold me an open secret:
When I do not please Him
In His own Way
He may still give me
His outer Smile,
But inwardly He sees a big black stain
On my aspiration-heart.
With aspiration-flamesAnd determination-fire
You can increase your heart’s purity
And your life’s divinity
To please God.
“My dear child,Unfortunately you feel
That since you have pleased Me
In nine ways out of ten,
I will forgive you
If you do not please Me
In the tenth way.
But I know that you can please Me
In each and every way.”
God appreciates that you haveMany good qualities.
But be careful!
Even one bad quality
Can take away all His Joy.
If you can repeat from morn to eve,“My Lord Supreme,
I want to please You
In Your own Way,”
Then you cannot
Unconsciously disobey God.
Look deep within.Are you expecting God
To please you in your own way?
If that is what you want,
You and your life
Will be total failures.
In the inner lifeAnd in the outer life
There is nothing as useless
And as destructive
As disobedience to God’s Will.
God knows what is best for you:Make this a psychic realisation
And not just a mental conviction.
O my Lord Supreme,Are You aware of my disobedience?
If so, what do You do
With my disobedience-life?
“My child,
It is easier for Me
To fulfil My Promise to your soul
To transform your nature
If I pretend
That I have not seen and felt
Your disobedience.”
Alas, in his lifeAll good qualities
Are forced to surrender
To one bad quality —
Disobedience to God-Light.
My sweet Lord,I need many, many things from You.
“My child,
You do not need many things
From Me.
You only need one thing,
And that is My Satisfaction
In you, with you and for you.”
A God-lover’s best attitude:God cared for me,
God cares for me
And God will always care for me.
God is cultivatingA garden of good qualities
In His seeker-children:
Security-trees, purity-flowers
And surrender-fruits.
And He will not allow
Any disobedience-seed
To take root.
YesterdayGod cared for me
By giving me a powerful Smile.
God cares for me
By not giving me an unwise Smile.
If you really love GodAnd need only God,
Then give God the opportunity
To care for you
Always in His own Way.
My Lord Supreme,True, I have lost all hope,
But Your Eye of indifference
Ruthlessly tortures me.
Do not feelThat yours is a failure-life.
Do you not know
That God has infinitely more hope
For your life
Than you do?
If you do not have new hope,New aspiration and new dedication
Every day,
Then where is your true awakening?
My Lord Supreme,Which of my difficulties
Looms the largest?
Is it impurity, doubt
Or insecurity?
“My child,
There is only one obstacle
In your life,
And that is disobedience.”
When you accepted the spiritual lifeDid God say to you,
“My child,
Now I shall please you
In your own way”?
Or did your heart and soul
Say to God,
“My Beloved Supreme,
I am accepting the spiritual life
Only to please You
In Your own Way”?
Do you not realiseThat God is too compassionate
To please you in your own way?
I am sure that your purity-heartWants to give you confidence-light
To replace your mind’s arrogance-night.
God does not want to proveThat He is right
And you are wrong.
He just wants you to be illumined
By His Perfection-Smile.
Do not forget,You have two hurdles to cross:
God-realisation first,
And then God-manifestation.
You know inwardly perfectly wellThat you are a beginner-seeker.
Is it not useless
To try to convince others
That you are very advanced?
He aspired deeply and intensely.Therefore, God’s infinite Bounty
Made him win the inner aspiration-race.
Do not envy him.
Try to surpass him
If you want to.
Or at least you can follow him.
According to your heart’s receptivity-smileGod is trying and trying
To manifest Himself in and through you
In a very special way.
God is not looking to seeWho stands first or last.
God is only looking to see
If your consciousness-light
Is bright.
Read spiritual booksWith your heart’s aspiration;
You will understand everything.
Read them with your mind’s suspicion;
You will understand nothing.
God is not expecting youTo reach His inner Height.
But if you can reach
Your own height,
He will be more than happy.
If you cannot reach your highestWhen you stand before
Your Lord Supreme,
Then when are you going to
Reach your highest?
Meditation isThe expansion of consciousness.
When you are meditating,
If you feel and know
That along with you
Someone else will benefit
From your meditation,
Then this is absolutely perfect meditation.
The day you lose enthusiasm and joyIn your spiritual life
Is the beginning
Of your journey’s end.
O sadness-night,I shall never allow you
To enter into my aspiration-heart,
For You are ruthlessly destroying
My inner and outer capacity-smiles.
O my vital,You are worse than a mad elephant,
For a mad elephant has peace
At least some of the time,
Whereas you enjoy
Constant rebellion and destruction.
Knock at your own heart-doorTo see God and feel God.
Knock at God’s Heart-Door
To enter into His Heart-Room
And to sit there
With utmost joy, love and gratitude.
My Lord Supreme,Would You kindly make
All important decisions in my life?
I shall always ask You
Inwardly and outwardly what I should do.
My Lord,
Do make all decisions
In my life.
Force yourself to believeThat someday you are destined
To become a choice instrument of God.
Once more your willingness-heart
Will come to the fore.
God sees in youTremendous enthusiasm,
Eagerness and oneness.
That is why
He is lovingly and affectionately
Calling you His divine soldier
Who threatens the ignorance-tiger
All the time.
God has given youThe capacity to please Him.
But if you do not exercise the capacity,
Then you are a failure,
And You make poor God feel
That He is also a total failure.
The law of karma is one thingAnd the divine Grace is another.
Grace can nullify,
Grace can illumine,
Grace can expedite,
Grace can multiply —
Of course,
If you believe in Grace!
The way of the heartIs to conquer all oppositions
Inner and outer.
When outer difficultiesStand in front of you,
Just tell yourself,
“If I can meditate
In spite of this opposition,
I will become
A better and stronger God-seeker
And God-lover.”
The mind may surrenderTo opposition-wall,
But the heart can and will
Bring to the fore
The joy of overcoming all opposition.
My Beloved LordOffered me a simple cure-all:
“Remain always happy and soulful.
Then easily you will be able to aspire
And dedicate your life to Me,
And your imperfection-life
Will come to an end.”
On your birthdayMuster the courage to ask yourself
Two bold questions:
“Why did I come to earth?”
“Am I making satisfactory progress
In my spiritual life?”
Everybody has to knowIn the heart of his heart
How much God cares for him
If he wants to swim in the sea
Of progress-satisfaction-delight.
You fool!By blaming God
For what He has not done
Or what He has done,
You will never be able
To become another God.
It is absurd to buildA manifestation-temple
Without an aspiration-shrine.
My Lord,Teach me how to speak to the world
About You
With real conviction.
“My child,
You will have conviction
Only if your aspiration
Has a volcano-intensity.”
What he hasIs inner sweetness and charm.
What he needs
Is a heart of greater intensity
To please the Supreme
In His own Way.
If you value opportunity,Lo, opportunity will come
Again and again
In new forms.
All God-seekers
Have come to this conclusion!
You are not your mind.Why do you have to care
Whether your mind is tired
Of loving God or not?
Indeed, you are your soul.
Your soul can never be tired
Of loving God.
True, you have been workingVery intensely.
But where is the sincerity
In your intensity,
Not to speak of purity?
To raise the consciousness of the worldWhat is needed?
Intensity in your aspiration,
Immensity in the world’s receptivity.
If your heartFeels the necessity,
Then God’s Eye
Will give you the capacity
To love the divine in man
And transform the animal in man.
God the CreatorFeeds my heart.
God the creation
Needs my life.
It is God the Lover inside youWho offers the world joy and love.
It is God the Beloved who receives it
In the world-heart.
Today’s seekerDoes not want to become
A cave-dweller.
And God is completely satisfied
With the seeker’s decision.
If you want to seeThe infinite beauty of your face,
Then keep your heart always
Under the canopy of God’s Grace.
For those who are aspiringAll the time,
The life-elevator
Is only ascending and ascending
With their aspiration, dedication,
Love, devotion and surrender.
God’s inner Call you will hearOnly when you are ready
To soulfully accept
His outer Commands.
Against world-destruction,Ours is the prayer for peace
And meditation for peace.
We pray to the Supreme
So that the world is not destroyed.
We meditate on the Supreme
So that the world gets illumination.
Before you came to see himYou felt his inner presence.
Then when you came to see him
You immediately felt
Your own inner peace.
He was such a fool!He thought his insecurity
Was a tiny object
That he could easily crush.
But as soon as he tried to grab it,
He discovered that it was
Larger than the largest
And stronger than the strongest.
When he tried to force GodTo fulfil his desires,
Soon his anger, frustration,
Insecurity and impurity
Burned like wildfire
And reduced his aspiration-life to ashes.
The mind’s separation-powerNever stops.
The heart’s oneness-hour
Ever remains.
My sweet Lord,When I am resting,
Please stay with me.
When I am talking to others,
Please speak through me.
When I am before my shrine,
Please pray and meditate for me.
You are a foolIf you think that only your shrine
And no other place
Is visited by God.
Food is God:This is what the seers of the past
Taught me.
God is hunger:
This is what my heart
Is teaching me.
It is so difficult to run,Yet not only do I run
But I run for miles every day.
If I can run for miles,
How is it that You, my Lord,
Cannot even watch me?
“My child,
I am not only watching you
But also running with you,
In you and for you.”
When I ask myself,“Am I keeping God
Always inside my heart?”
And I can answer sincerely,
Then I am perfect.
When I enjoy my silence-life,Keeping my concentration
On God,
Then I am a supremely chosen instrument
Of God.
Let us have the conscious beliefThat God is with us
At every moment,
Even when we are fast asleep
In ignorance-night.
When I am in a good consciousness,God’s Vision-Eye is watching.
When I am in a bad consciousness,
His Compassion-Heart is watching.
When I am meditating,
He is watching.
When I am serving,
He is watching.
God has always the Blessing-Time
To watch me.
We must feel God’s PresenceIn both divinity’s action
And humanity’s inaction.
As God is both
With form and formless,
Even so, He is both
Action and inaction.
Although he prays to God,He thinks there is no God.
Although she does not pray to God,
She thinks God is all for her.
When his inner divinity came to the fore,His mind of impurity was challenged
By his heart of purity.
Lo, his mind immediately surrendered!
If you are wise,Then anything that will add
To your aspiration-flames
You will immediately do.
You may not know the best wayTo please God,
But if you pray daily
To be able to please Him
In His own Way,
Your prayer will unmistakably
One day bear fruit.
Your Lord Supreme may not ask youTo do something for Him every day
In the outer world,
But there is not a single day
When He does not ask you
To do something for Him
In the inner world.
Needless to say,
You must take His Requests
As your fast progress-delight.
The seeker’s silence-thoughtsAre eternally beautiful,
Eternally powerful
And eternally God-manifesting
Today’s failure-plantsWill tomorrow grow into
Patience from below
And Compassion from Above
Can and will do the impossible
If you do not hearYour own heart-cry,
How can you expect God
To show His Smile to you?
By insulting your mindYou cannot change your mind.
By consulting your heart
For superior knowledge
You can and will be able
To transform your mind.
The supremely gifted soulsDo not have to boast,
For they know that the Golden Shore
Is always within their easy reach.
If you clingTo God’s Compassion-Heart,
Then God will allow you to ring
His Satisfaction-Bell.
The heart does not needThe mind-knowledge
Either to increase
Its aspiration-life
Or to decrease
Its desire-life.
Every morning try to greet GodWith only one thing:
An ever-increasing
As long as your heartWill aspire,
There is no need for your life
To retire.
My promises have touched the earth,But remain unmanifested.
My hopes, and the fulfilment
Of my hopes,
Live with the farthest planets.
He needed GodOnly when his life
Was a sinking breath.
God did not make Himself
In his caseHoping for light
And groping in the dark
Have become inseparably one.
God the Dreamer,I love You,
Your Beauty.
God the Lover,
I need You,
Your Duty.