The difference between God and me
The difference betweenGod and me:
I ask God
To keep His Eye closed.
God asks me
To keep my heart open.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I want.
God wants.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I tell God
That my mind is now ready to do
Everything for Him.
God tells me
That His Heart has already done
Everything for me.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I love God
To fulfil my desire-life.
God loves me
Because He does not know
Anything else.
The difference betweenGod and me:
When I think of God,
I become my dissatisfaction-vital.
When God thinks of me,
He becomes His expectation-Heart.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I blame God
For every little thing
That goes wrong in my life.
God blames Himself
For my imperfection-life.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I pretend
To be the doer.
God pretends
To be the Actor.
The difference betweenGod and me:
God says to me,
"My child, are you ready?"
I say to God,
"My Lord, why are You so late?"
The difference betweenGod and me:
I tell God,
"My Lord, do You want to see My mind-forest?
It is so powerful.
You are bound to admire it."
God says to me,
"My child, do you want to see
My Heart-Garden?
It is so beautiful.
You will just love it."
The difference betweenGod and me:
When I see anything wrong
In God's creation,
I bark at Him.
When He sees anything wrong
In my creation,
He simply smiles.
The difference betweenGod and me:
My mind says to God,
"My Lord, why are You inspiring me
To arrive at my destination?
Can You not see that it will take me
Ninety-nine trillion steps?"
My God's Heart says,
"My child, only one more step."
The difference betweenGod and me:
God does not know
How to sleep.
I do not know
How to wake up.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I want
God's prompt attention.
God wants
My total satisfaction.
The difference betweenGod and me:
My dictionary has only one word:
God's dictionary has only one word:
The difference betweenGod and me:
When there is a severe dispute
Between God and me,
God openly admits His defeat.
I do not accept my defeat
Even secretly.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I tell God,
"My Lord, You are too old
To understand my philosophy."
God says to me,
"My child, you are too young
To appreciate My Song."
The difference betweenGod and me:
When I am angry with God,
God pleads with me
To give Him another chance.
When God is angry with me,
I say to myself, "Who cares!"
The difference betweenGod and me:
I go up to examine
God's Mind.
God comes down
To sweeten my life.
The difference betweenGod and me:
God tells me to go forward.
I ask God, "What is wrong
With my going backward?"
The difference betweenGod and me:
God is ready
To give me everything for the asking.
I am not yet prepared
To give God anything.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I tell God,
"You can come to my house.
If I like You, You can stay with me."
God tells me,
"You can come to My House
And live with Me permanently.
Here is the key."
The difference betweenGod and me:
God says to me:
"Work is Love."
I say to God:
"Work is torture."
The difference betweenGod and me:
God whispers dreams.
I plunder realities.
The difference betweenGod and me:
Is God's Meal.
Is my banquet.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I proudly tell God
That ignorance is my boss.
God tearfully tells me
To give Him only one chance
And see if He is better.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I tell God
That I doubt Him quite often.
God tells me
That He trusts me all the time.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I angrily ask God,
"My Lord, where are You?"
God eagerly asks me,
"My child, how are you?"
The difference betweenGod and me:
I tell God,
"My Lord, how can I believe You
When You tell me
That You think of me all the time?"
God tells me,
"My child, how can I believe you
When you tell Me
That you love Me only?"
The difference betweenGod and me:
I am afraid of God's
Perfection-Dream for me.
God is not afraid of transforming
My imperfection-life
Into His Satisfaction-Heart.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I do not believe God at all
When He tells me that I am
His Heart's All.
God does not believe me at all
When I tell Him that my mind
Is my all
And I want my mind to remain my all
All my life.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I say to God,
"My Lord, it pains me so deeply
That I often speak ill of You."
My Lord says to me,
"My child, not true, not true,
Not true."
The difference betweenGod and me:
I say to God,
"My Lord, Your infinite Greatness
I desire."
My Lord says to me,
"My child, your inseparable oneness
I need."
The difference betweenGod and me:
I say to God,
"My Lord, I need perfection from You
For my life."
My Lord says to me,
"My child, I need aspiration from you
For My Heart."
The difference betweenGod and me:
I ask God,
"My Lord, when will You give me
Eternal freedom?"
My Lord says to me,
"My child, when will you
Cheerfully become
A citizen of My Heart-Kingdom?"
The difference betweenGod and me:
My very nature
Is to rectify God.
God's very nature
Is to justify me.
The difference betweenGod and me:
"My Lord, is there anything
That You would like to have
From me?"
"Yes, My child.
I would like to have
Your haughty head."
"My child, is there anything
That you would like to have
From Me?"
"Yes, my Lord.
I would like to have
Your pretty Feet."
The difference betweenGod and me:
Before entering into
A very serious argument, I tell God,
"My Lord, this time
I shall defeat You badly."
God says to me,
"My child, this time
I shall illumine you permanently."
Neither of us wins.
The difference betweenGod and me:
God does not know
What frustration is.
I do not know
What satisfaction is.
The difference betweenGod and me:
God wants to feed
The world.
I want to transform
The world.
The difference betweenGod and me:
God consciously
Reveals Himself
To Himself.
I unconsciously
Conceal myself
From myself.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I cannot
Take care of myself.
God takes cares of Himself,
Plus He takes care of me
Lovingly, compassionately
And self-givingly.
The difference betweenGod and me:
God is satisfied
In governing Himself.
I am satisfied
Only when I govern others.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I enjoy living
In my mind-prison.
God enjoys living
In His Heart-Country.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I have no courage
To face myself.
God has the courage
Not only to face Himself,
But also to face me
And transform me.
The difference betweenGod and me:
My Lord's
Unimaginable Greatness
Surprises me.
My self-limitation
Surprises my Lord.
The difference betweenGod and me:
My Lord's
Unfathomable Goodness
Astonishes me.
My self-oblivion
Astonishes my Lord.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I want to impress God
By frequenting libraries
And reading and studying
Thousands of books.
God wants to impress me
By not reading
One single book.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I want to save the world.
God tells me,
"My child, I am pleading
With you
Not to take away My job."
The difference betweenGod and me:
When I go to God for help,
He tells me,
"My child, My help
Is immediately available."
When God comes to me for help,
I say to God,
"My Lord, my help
Is approachable, no doubt,
But not guaranteed."
The difference betweenGod and me:
I am
A stupid thought-carrier.
God is
A wise thought-observer.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I want my popularity
And nothing else.
God wants His Creativity
And nothing else.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I want to perfect
God's creation.
God wants to protect
My creation.
The difference betweenGod and me:
My teachings
Are locking me
Most deplorably.
God's Teachings
Are unlocking the whole world
Most compassionately.
The difference betweenGod and me:
When God teaches me
His Philosophy,
He tells me that His Philosophy
Has only three words:
Here and now."
When I teach my philosophy
To God,
I tell Him that my philosophy
Has only one word:
The difference betweenGod and me:
I hesitate indefinitely
Before I speak about God.
God meditates most seriously
Before He speaks about me.
The difference betweenGod and me:
My motto is:
"Give up, give up
If you do not succeed."
God's Motto is:
"Wake up, wake up-
You will never fail!"
The difference betweenGod and me:
God enjoys
I enjoy
The difference betweenGod and me:
When I give God my good news
That I am
Unconditionally surrendering
To His Will,
God tells me,
"My child, I am extremely,
Extremely proud of you."
When God gives me His good news
That I am a perfect devotee,
I say to God,
"My Lord,
You could have told me that
A long time ago."
The difference betweenGod and me:
God is horrified
To see me greedily devouring
I am stupefied
To see that God has no interest
In my Nectar-meal.
The difference betweenGod and me:
God never thinks that He is Extremely great.
I never think that I am Shamelessly useless.
The difference betweenGod and me:
I talk and talk
About the roaring lions
Of my mind-forest.
God talks and talks
About the beauty and fragrance
Of His Infinity's Heart-Garden.
62 The Difference Between ...
The difference betweenGod and me:
God asks me to be hungry
For His infinite Love.
I ask God not to be angry
With my finite anger.
The difference betweenGod and me:
When I offer a gratitude-flower
From my heart-garden to God,
God says to me,
"My child, you have given Me
Everything that I need."
When God offers a Satisfaction-Smile From His Heart-Garden to me,
I say to God,
"Is that all?"
The difference betweenGod and me:
God asks me
To be perfect in my inner life
And my outer life.
I ask God,
"My Lord, I beg of You
Only one thing:
Just fall asleep until I wake You up."