The Dance of Life, part 16
751. What to look for
What to look forIn God —
A sweet smile.
What to look for
In man —
An iota of gratitude.
What to look for
In Heaven —
A flood of compassion.
What to look for
On earth —
An island of peace.
What to look for
In life —
A particle of satisfaction.
What to look for
In death —
A song of immortality.
752. Surprising news
God hasSurprising news for him.
God will give him
Aspiration today
Realisation tomorrow,
Far beyond his expectation
Far beyond his imagination.
He has
Surprising news for God.
At last he is ready to offer
Ignorance, his best friend, to God.
He is even prepared to offer
His own self, the desire incarnate, to God.
753. Sigh no more
Father,Sigh no more,
I shall be Yours.
Sigh no more,
I am yours.
I assure You,
I shall love You.
I assure you,
I love you.
I wish to replace You.
You have already replaced Me.
Don’t you see that you
And your friend, Ignorance,
Have been ruling My Kingdom
For a long time?
754. My songs
My desire-songBegan.
But I do not know
When I stopped it.
My aspiration-song
But I do not know
How it began
How I am
Continuing it.
My realisation-song
Who began it?
Who continues it?
Who listens to it?
Who is enamoured of it?
755. Two instruments of death
Two instruments of death:Fear and doubt.
I employed them
For a long time
To serve me
Please me.
They served me
Day in and day out.
I was really and truly
Pleased with them
Proud of them.
Recently faith, an instrument of God,
Came to me
Looking for a job.
I immediately employed faith.
To my wide surprise,
Faith chased away
My previous workers.
Now faith alone
Does everything for me,
From morn to eve
From eve to morn.
756. Three times
Three timesI looked for a hiding place.
Alas, each time
I failed.
First time
I looked for a hiding place in God.
God did not allow me
To hide inside Him.
He said
I am too restless,
I would not stay inside Him
For good.
He said to me
That I have to
Hide inside Him either
Forever or never.
He knew that I would not
Be able to stay inside Him forever.
Therefore, He did not care
To fulfil my prayer.
Second time
I looked for a hiding place in man.
Alas, it all ended in vain.
Man said to me,
“I shall allow you to hide inside me
On one condition.
You have to offer me daily
A sea of gratitude
A sea of plenitude.”
I immediately told man
That his demands were extravagant,
Impossible and unthinkable.
I left man with my transcendental disgust.
Third and last time
I looked for a hiding place
Inside Ignorance-sea.
Lo, I have done it.
And nothing need I
Offer my Ignorance-sea in return.
Here I shall hide,
I shall eternally hide.
757. He and fear, he and doubt
He and fearTogether began their adventure.
Their adventure ends
As it began.
It began with helplessness
And ends in helplessness.
He and doubt
Together began their adventure.
Their adventure ends
As it began.
It began with confusion
And ends in confusion.
758. Two strangers came
One stranger came.I showed him my compassion,
I gave him my protection.
Soon I came to know
That this stranger was
My Father, God, in complete disguise.
Another stranger came.
I showed him my incapacity,
I gave him my ignorance.
Soon I came to know that
This stranger was
My brother, man, in complete disguise.
759. I lived
I lived in the cottageOf Dreams
To see the Face of Reality.
I live in the house
Of Dreams
To shake hands with Reality.
I shall live in the Palace
Of Dreams
To become the Soul of Reality.
760. Homesick
My soul is homesick.It wants to go back
To its Fulfilment-Home.
My heart is homesick.
It wants to go back
To its Oneness-Home.
My mind is homesick.
It wants to go back
To its Vastness-Home.
My vital is homesick.
It wants to go back
To its Dynamism-Home.
My body is homesick.
It wants to go back
To its Ignorance-Home.
761. Stand up!
Stand up!Lo, half the battle is over.
Quick march!
Lo, all the battle is over.
Smile bright!
Lo, half the battle is over.
Laugh wide!
Lo, all the battle is over.
Aspire today!
Lo, half the battle is over.
Surrender tomorrow!
Lo, all the battle is over.
762. Some people
Some peopleAre grateful to God
Because they feel He is so kind,
Because He fulfils their desires.
Some people
Are grateful to God
Because they think He is so blind,
Because He sees not what they do.
Some people
Are grateful to God
Because God does not fulfil
Their earth-bound desires,
Because He feeds
Their Heaven-free aspiration,
Because He evolves in them,
Because He evolves through them,
Because He is all for them.
763. The day he met God
The day he met GodFor the first time,
God said to him:
“Don’t look back.
Forgive your past.
And be careful.
Play no more with desire-wings;
They will carry you to their source:
Play and play,
Dance and dance
With aspiration-wings.
They will carry you to their Source:
Infinity’s Delight.”
764. At last
At last my heart-woundIs healed.
At last my mind-spot
Is sealed.
No problem now weighs
On my soul.
Sleepless and fearless
I see my Goal.
765. How can he be happy?
How can he be happyWhen wild storms are ahead of him?
How can he be happy
When red dangers are beside him?
He can be happy,
He can be happy
Because his Master has said:
“Be happy.”
How can he be happy
When he knows that he has failed
In his life-examination?
How can he be happy
When he knows that he has fought
Against the compassion-warriors of Light?
He can be happy,
He can be happy
Because his Master has said:
“Be happy.”
766. He is suffering
He is sufferingBecause
He knows not
His Mother’s voice.
He is suffering
He knows not
His Father’s choice.
He is suffering
He knows not
Where God is.
He is suffering
He knows not
Who he is.
767. When I say
When I say“I wish,”
I am worthless.
When I say
“I need,”
I am meaningful.
When I say
“I have,”
I am fruitful.
When I say
“I am,”
I am the perfection
Of human aspiration
And divine satisfaction.
768. I escaped
I escapedFrom the Embrace of God.
I escaped
From the sea of ignorance.
I escaped
From the perdition of despair.
I escaped
From the den of destruction.
I know not why.
I know not how.
And now I see,
No escape, no escape.
I am caught by my own
Choice of freedom.
769. Why is she chosen, why is he chosen?
Why is she chosen?She is chosen
She cries and cries
In her heart.
Why is he chosen?
He is chosen
He dares and dares
In his mind.
Why is she chosen?
She is chosen
She knows what surrender is.
Why is he chosen?
He is chosen
He knows what service is.
770. Prayer
PrayerIs the youngest brother.
He cries and cries
To see Father’s heights.
Is the eldest brother.
He smiles and smiles
To house Father’s heights.
Tells me
Where to go.
Tells me
How to live.
771. Who is my God?
My God is the FarmerWho cultivates my life.
My God is the Doctor
Who cures my mind.
My God is the Lover
Who loves my heart.
My God is the Warrior
Who strengthens my vital.
My God is the Forgiver
Who forgives my body.
My God is the Liberator
Who liberates my soul.
772. Good and evil
Good and evil —They belong to my mental world,
They belong to my external life,
They belong to my moral summits.
Good and evil —
I see them not
I am in God,
God is in me.
Father has made Son
Far beyond the domain
Of duality’s dance.
773. Realisation
Realisation,What is it?
It is nothing other than illusion.
For whom?
For him who wants to govern the world.
What is it?
It is nothing other than satisfaction.
For whom?
For him who wants to serve the world.
774. Who are you?
Are you a sinner?Then you are carrying
My ugly past.
Thank you ever so much.
Are you a saint?
Then you are carrying
My heavy present.
Thank you ever so much.
Are you a spiritual Master?
Then you will be carrying
My Dream-Boat
The Reality-Shore.
Thank you, thank you
A million times, my Master sweet.
775. Devotion
When you loveWith devotion,
You are divinely great.
When you surrender
With devotion,
You are divinely good.
When you pray
With devotion,
You are supremely great.
When you meditate
With devotion,
You are supremely good.
Devotion, devotion, devotion.
776. Are there any Gurus in America?
Are there any GurusIn America?
There are.
Where are they?
They are right
In front of your nose.
Who are they?
Those who tell you
That you are a future God.
777. Choose your Master
Silence your mindTo choose your Master.
Ask your heart
To choose your Master.
Ask your Master
To show the Light.
Ask your ignorance
To end the fight.
778. Where is God?
Where is God?In Heaven?
Where is God?
On earth?
Where is God?
Within you?
Where is God?
Without you?
Where is God?
He is inside the “Yes”
Of your heart.
He is inside the “No”
Of your mind.
779. Son and Father
Son speaks to FatherOn thought waves:
Father, I wish to pay a short visit
To You.
When can I come?
“Son, at any time.”
Father, do You have
Any presents for me?
“Son, I have three presents for you:
A beautiful present,
A precious present,
An immortal present.”
Father, Father,
Please, please tell me
What they are.
“A beautiful boat,
A precious pilot,
An immortal Shore.”
780. If I am to lead
If I am to lead,I must touch others’ feet first.
If I am to guide,
I must wash others’ feet first.
If I am to lead,
I must kiss others’ feet first.
If I am to guide,
I must become others’ feet first.
And then alone
Can I be the Leader
And Guide of Divinity’s Smile
And Humanity’s pride.
781. Common sense
Common sense isAlways
When you are of the world
And in the world.
Common sense is
At times
When you are transcending
The low heights of morality.
Common sense is
When you are in
The Heart of Light.
782. Don't try, but do
Try and fail:This was the discovery
I made
While I stayed
In the mind’s hesitation-world.
Do and succeed:
This is the discovery
I have now made
Since I have been staying
In the heart’s confidence-world.
783. Who is called, who is chosen?
Who is called?He alone is called
Who is ready
To fight,
Fight against teeming ignorance.
Who is chosen?
He alone is chosen
Who wants
To win,
Win the Victory supreme.
Who is called?
He alone is called
Who is prepared
To love,
Love the entire world.
Who is chosen?
He alone is chosen
Who embraces,
Embraces the life
Of universal oneness.
784. Who is normal?
Who is normal?Is it the one who is intelligent and sincere?
Who is normal?
Is it the one who is just and pure?
Who is normal?
Is it the one who always hates and curses the world?
Who is normal?
Is it the one who sincerely likes and enjoys the world?
Who is normal?
Is it the one who is in God,
Who is for man?
785. Our crowns
You wear your crownOn your unbending head.
He wears his crown
In his aspiring heart.
I wear my crown
Far above my ignorance-life.
God wears His Crown
In the heart of earth-love.
786. Three talkers
You speak.You speak too much,
Too long,
Your contribution is fruitless.
He speaks.
He speaks too little,
Too briefly,
His contribution is senseless.
I speak.
My speech is all worthless,
All useless.
God does not speak.
He spontaneously acts,
He constantly becomes,
He eternally is.
787. My four inventor-children
My great progressInvented my yesterday.
My strong will
Invented my today.
My sweet hope
Invented my tomorrow.
My clear faith
Invented my day after tomorrow.
788. Kind and unkind
O Himalayan Fear,Because
You are kind,
You have left me.
O Himalayan Doubt,
You are kind,
You have left me.
O Himalayan Faith,
You are unkind,
You are still away from me.
O Himalayan Aspiration,
You are unkind,
You are still hiding inside me.
789. My four homes
I have four homes:Earth, Heaven, Death and God.
Earth is my frustration-home,
Heaven is my imagination-home,
Death is my oblivion-home,
God is my expectation-home.
790. When I walk down the years
When I walk down the yearsWith fear,
Death embraces me.
When I walk down the years
With courage,
Life embraces me.
When I walk down the years
With surrender divine,
Light blesses me.
When I walk down the years
With Perfection supreme,
God utilises me,
God treasures me,
God immortalises me.
791. A student from God's school
He studied at God’s school;God was his main teacher.
God taught him
Only one thing: necessity.
“Son, if you want to live
Only in the soul’s world,
I am your only necessity.
But if you want to live
In the body’s world,
Then everything is your necessity,
Everybody is your necessity,
I am your necessity,
Countless, yet countless more.
Now that you have completed your studies,
Time has come for you to go home
And begin your life.”
792. A mere waste of time
He findsIt is a mere waste
Of time
For him to pray.
God never listens to his prayers.
He finds
It is a mere waste
Of time
For him to desire.
God never fulfils his desires.
He finds
It is a mere waste
Of time
For him to dethrone and replace God.
God is not so weak as to be
dethroned and replaced.
793. A joint smile
What is aspiration?Confidence.
What is confidence?
What is success?
What is progress?
What is manifestation?
A smile,
A joint smile
Of God and man.
794. A secret place and an open place
There is a secret placeWhere I see my God.
Do you want to know where?
Look, my secret God is deep inside
My Faith-safe.
There is an open place
Where I see my God.
Do you want to know where?
Look, my open God is just before
My Love-light.
795. From a distance
You are kindFrom a far distance.
He is pure
From a farther distance.
I am brave
From the farthest distance.
Truth shines divine
From a near distance.
Love shines perfect
From a nearer distance.
Surrender shines supreme
From the nearest distance.
796. I do not know
I do not knowHow to run
Therefore my friend, Faith,
Accompanies me.
I do not know
How to dive
Therefore my friend, Courage,
Accompanies me.
I do not know
How to fly
Therefore my friend, Aspiration,
Accompanies me.
I do not know
How to go to God
Therefore my friend, Surrender,
Accompanies me.
797. Unveil
Unveil the face of simplicity.Lo, Beauty appears.
Unveil the face of sincerity.
Lo, Reality appears.
Unveil the face of purity.
Lo, Divinity appears.
Unveil the face of humility.
Lo, Immortality appears.
Unveil the face of integrity.
Lo, the Absolute Himself appears.
798. Hope
HopeIs kind.
I mix with hope.
Is swift.
I run with hope.
Is brave.
I collect boundless strength
From hope.
Is sincere.
I invite hope
To accompany me
To the Golden Shore.
799. Thinker, believer, seeker and server
O Thinker,Indeed you are great.
I wish to mix with the believer,
Because he is good.
O Believer,
Indeed you are good.
I wish to offer my love to the seeker,
Because he is divine.
O Seeker,
Indeed you are divine.
I wish to live with the unconditional server,
Because he is perfect.
800. My daughter has no equal
Doubt says to God“God, why do You love
Your daughter, Faith, so much?”
“I love My daughter
Because she does not argue with Me,
Because she does not question Me,
Because she always believes in Me,
Because she does not ask Me to make her understand
What I say to her.
She accepts My Will devotedly,
She executes My Will unconditionally.
I tell you, Doubt,
Here on earth, in My vast creation
My daughter has no equal.”