Enthusiasm, part 3

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Every Day We Must Fulfil

Every day we must fulfil
Our God-manifestation-responsibilities
With redoubled enthusiasm.

My Self-Giving Drill

My self-giving drill
Is God’s Heartbeat-Thrill.

I Bid Adieu to My Self-Indulgence

I bid adieu to my self-indulgence.
God gives me back my self-effulgence.

The Mind-Prayer

The mind-prayer
A long-distance call to God.

The Heart-Meditation

The heart-meditation
A local call to God.

Frustration Is a Useless Zero

Frustration is a useless zero.
Enthusiasm is a real hero.

Things That Money-Power Cannot Buy

Things that money-power cannot buy:
God’s Pride and God’s Satisfaction.


God-aspiration-beauty I was.
God-realisation-fragrance I now am.

The Ancient Sincerity

The ancient sincerity
Is needed
For the modern peace.

Prayer-Cries Strengthen

Prayer-cries strengthen.
Meditation-smiles enlighten.


A future tense.


Meditation-fulfilment is a present tense.

Every Mother Is an Angel

Every mother is an angel.
Every father is a camel.
Every brother is a dog.
Every sister is a frog.
Every grandmother/father is indulgence.
Every child is, indeed, effulgence.

Stop Not

Stop not, stop not, stop not!
By ignorance never be caught!
Go forward, go forward!
Fly upward, dive inward!


Does not grow on earth.


Does not germinate
In Heaven.


God-hunger is the world’s
Unparalleled victory.

Peace of Mind

Peace of mind
Always succeeds.

Love of God Always Proceeds

Love of God
Always proceeds.

I Acquire Peace (2)

I acquire peace,
Not from solitude,
But from world-servitude.

It Is Only Through Inner Peace (2)

It is only through inner peace
That we can have true outer freedom.

Trials in the Outer World

Trials in the outer world
Awaken you.
Trials in the inner world
Illumine you.

To Silence Enthusiasm

To silence enthusiasm
At any time
Is absolutely wrong.

Serve the Crying Earth

Serve the crying earth,
You will be happy.

Patience Is Not Peace

Patience is not peace,
But patience shows us
The way to peace.

Allow Failure to Teach You

Allow failure to teach you
A supreme lesson:
Each sunset is the beginning
Of a very, very bright and powerful sunrise.

Tasteless Are the Mind-Frowns

Tasteless are the mind-frowns.

Delicious Are the Heart-Smiles

Delicious are the heart-smiles.


Earth-knowledge teaches the mind.


Enriches the heart.

God the Heart

God the Heart forgives.

God the Eye

God the Eye erases.

God the Mind

God the Mind forgets.

God the Smile

God the Smile embraces.

Old Age Is a New Page

Old age is a new page
And not a broken cage.

I Know, Even at the Very Top

I know, even at the very top
I shall not stop, I shall not stop!

Every Day, Hours and Hours

Every day, hours and hours and hours,
I take my Lord’s Blessing-Showers.

From High Above

From high above
My fragrance-soul spoke.
From low below
My beauty-heart awoke.

O Heart of Aspiration

O heart of aspiration,
No, no, never vacation!

O, Leave the School of the Mind

O, leave the school of the mind
If God you want to find.

No Gloom, No Doom

No gloom, no doom, no gloom, no doom
In my sleepless God-love-heart-room.

Ignorance-Night I Dare

Ignorance-night I dare.
Wisdom-delight I share.

O My Hopeless Mind

O my hopeless mind,
Sleep, sleep, sleep.
O my hopeful heart,
Leap, leap, leap!

When My Lord Is Sadly Missing

When my Lord is sadly missing,
The whole world starts ruthlessly hissing.

Mine Is the Breath of Gratitude

Mine is the breath of gratitude.
Mine is the heart of beatitude.

God Loves Me More Than I Love Him

God loves me more than I love Him.
More than my heart, He treasures my dream.

Never Say No to Your God-Oneness-Heart

Never say no to your God-oneness-heart
If you want to smash asunder ignorance-dart.

Sweet Is Devotion

Sweet is devotion, pure is devotion, sure is devotion.
Cry, cry, cry, cry day in, day out, for illumination.

Blue Sky, Red Sun

Blue sky, red sun, I love you both.
Your smile-blossoms, my solemn oath.

A Vastness-Sky and a Vastness-Ocean

A vastness-sky and a vastness-ocean my mind is.
Therefore, my heart is all peace and all bliss.

For God's Nectar-Feet

For God’s Nectar-Feet I cry, I cry, I cry.
He instead gives me His Heart-Wings
To fly and fly and fly.

I Sing for God

I sing for God, God sings for me.
My tears, His Smiles, a fulness-tree.

When God Is In

When God is in, all peace, no din.
When God is out, I cry, I shout.

O World-Peace-Nations

O world-peace-nations,
You are my heart-destinations.

Old Age Is a New Soul

Old age is a new soul
With a self-transcendence-goal.

O, There Shall Come a Time

O, there shall come a time when I shall fly
In my Supreme Beloved’s golden Heart-Sky.

When I Feel Forsaken

When I feel forsaken,
I am all mistaken.

No, My Heart Is Not Blind

No, my heart is not blind, not blind.
Soon my Lord’s Feet my heart shall find.

One with God-Thought

Stop not, stop not, stop not, stop not
Until you are one with God-thought.

Do Not Worry

Do not worry, do not worry,
Yours will be poison-curry.

My Ruthless Mind

My ruthless mind, give me a break.
I want to swim in my heart-lake.

I Heed My Lord

I heed my Lord, I heed my Lord, I heed.
This is, indeed, in my life my only need.


Humanity, humanity,
O come and clasp divinity.

We Achieve Nothing by Lying

We achieve nothing by lying.
We receive everything by striving.

To Give My Lord the Utmost Joy

To give my Lord the utmost joy
I must become His choicest toy.

With the Beauty of My Outer Running

With the beauty of my outer running
And with the fragrance of my inner running
I shall make my God-manifestation a must.

My Heart Is a God-Gratitude-Song

My heart is a God-gratitude-song.

My Life Is a God-Beatitude-Flute

My life is a God-beatitude-flute.

My Soul Is a God-Plenitude-Dream

My soul is a God-plenitude-dream.

I Adore God's Protection-Arms

I adore God’s Protection-Arms.

I Love God's Compassion-Eye

I love God’s Compassion-Eye.

I Worship God's Forgiveness-Feet

I worship God’s Forgiveness-Feet.

My Lord's Grace Begins

My Lord’s Grace begins;
My helpless life ends.

I Give God a Piece of Good News

I give God a piece of good news.
God gives me His Emperor-Smiles.

I Give God My Proud Views

I give God my proud views.
God gives me His Orphan-Tears.

The Outer Run

The outer run inspires me
To go and see God.
The inner run inspires me
To come and sit at God’s Feet.

My Esraj

No joke, no fun, no joke, no fun, no joke, no fun!
My esraj has made me a famed musician.

My Piano's Madness-Surprise

No joke, no fun, no joke, no fun!
My piano’s madness-surprise
Tells my inner world,
“Quick, quick, quick, quick!
Arise, arise, arise!”

I Tell My Lord to Wait for a While

I tell my Lord to wait for a while
To watch my life’s perfection-smile.

All My Desires

All my desires have only one name:
Shame, shame,
A birthless, deathless shame.

My Lord Beloved Heaves a Long Sigh

My Lord Beloved heaves a long sigh
When my God-doubting mind comes nigh.

To Love Running in the Morning

To love running in the morning
Is the beginning of my God-pleasing life.

I Know God Through My Poems (2)

I know God through my poems.
I claim God in my songs.

My Smiles Are God in Action (2)

My smiles are God in action,
And so are my tears.

I Love to Speak to God (2)

I love to speak to God
In my sound-armoury.
God loves to speak to me
In His Silence-Room.

I Do My Job: I Preach (2)

I do my job:
I preach.
God does His Job:
He practises.

In God's Spare Time He Asks My Heart (2)

In God’s spare time,
He asks my heart
To clasp His Eye.

My Lord, I Have Won Your Victory-Face

My Lord, I have won, Your Victory-Face
By running every day Your morning race.

My Heart Needs Only One Freedom (2)

My heart needs
Only one freedom:
The freedom to dream.

A Depressed Heart (2)

A depressed heart means
A confessed failure.

The Farther Away I Am (1)

The farther away I am
From my inner hunger,
The greater is my outer insecurity.

Two Souls Meet to Promise

Two souls meet to promise.
Two hearts meet to love.
Two minds meet to challenge.


Detachment is man’s
Never-failing smile.

Faith Cures My Sorrows (2)

Faith cures my sorrows.
Love feeds my morrows.
Peace fulfils my life.
Bliss cancels death-knife.

My Inner Hunger Cries (1)

My inner hunger cries,
My life of beauty flies.
My dream-boat-heart sails.
It never, never, fails.

Arise! Awake! Arise! Awake!

Arise! Awake! Arise! Awake!
To swim in your silver heart-lake.

Awake! Arise! Awake! Arise!

Awake! Arise! Awake! Arise!
To win your Lord’s Smile-flooded prize.

My Heart and I Must Never Fail

My heart and I must never fail
To blaze a newness-oneness-trail.

I Am All Joy

I am all joy, I am all joy:
God has made me His choicest toy.

My World Is Joy

My world is joy, my heart is love.
Each thought of mine comes from Above.

The Peaceful Home of My Soul

I live in the peaceful home of my soul;
Therefore, I am beckoned by Goal.

I Praise My Lord

I praise my Lord; He does the same.
This is the way we play our game.

I Sail My Tiny Life-Boat

I sail my tiny life-boat,
I sail and sail and sail,
All day and night in detail.

Never I Think of My Past

Never I think of my past —
Worthless and useless dust.

My Past Was a God-Unsung Song

My past was a God-unsung song.
My present is a God-realised gong.

For Her (Him) My Morning Call

For her (him) my morning call
Who is my Lord’s choicest doll.

I Was Born to Succeed

I was born to succeed;
Never, never to fail.
And mine is the life-boat
That shall sleeplessly sail.

Only Tears Succeed

Only tears succeed.
All else fails.


Change favours
The awakened hearts.

I Can Be the Master of My Thoughts

I can be the master of my thoughts,
I can be.

I Know My Limits

I know my limits,
But I must exceed them.

One Dream, Million Dreamers

One dream, million dreamers.
One goal, billion seekers.
One life, trillion livers.

Never Give Up

Never give up, never give up,
Never give up!
Never admit your failure!

The Invisible Can Be Perceived

The invisible can be perceived.
The impossible can be achieved.

My Heart, My Heart

My heart, my heart, open your door.
Ignorance-night no more, no more!

My Mind Enjoys the Hour of Night

My mind enjoys the hour of night.
My heart enjoys the day of light.

Face Darkness, Face

Face darkness, face,
To win the race.

I Am at Home

I am at home only when
I, with my Master, roam.

God's Heart Cradles My Crying Heart

God’s Heart cradles my crying heart.
God’s Eye cradles my serving life.

We All Enjoy Earth-Pleasure

We all enjoy earth-pleasure,
Denying God’s Heaven-Treasure.

No Atom Is Empty of God's Will

No atom is empty of God’s Will.

My Heart Lives in Aspiration-Days

My heart lives in aspiration-days.
My mind lives in desire-ages.

Desire Monopolises

Desire monopolises.
Aspiration harmonises.

Halfway to Heaven

A self-giving life
Halfway to Heaven.

God-Advisers Are All-Where

God-advisers are all-where.
God-listeners are nowhere.

You Cannot Be God's Dove

You cannot be God’s dove
If you are your ego-love.

I Wish to Hear from God

I wish to hear from God
His Life-Stories.
God wishes to hear from me
My heart-songs.