Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 56

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5501. No more tomorrows

No more tomorrows.
No more todays.
It is now, at this very moment,
That I shall become a divinely good
And supremely chosen instrument
Of my Lord Supreme.

5502. Your silence-mind

Only your purity-flooded
Can tame
Your restless and goalless vital.

5503. Today's mental world

Just because the busy thoughts
Outnumber the quiet thoughts,
Today’s mental world
Is unlit and confused.

5504. A sincere and dear love

You can never enjoy
If you have a sincere and dear love
For the unfathomable deeps.

5505. The product of powerful visions

An ordinary and unaspiring man
Is the product of feeble dreams.
A great seeker and God-lover
Is the product of powerful
And fruitful visions.

5506. The goalless fighters

In the battlefield of life
Only the goalless fighters
Are godless failures.

5507. Each time I aspire

Each time I am inspired,
I become a song of God’s Beauty.
Each time I aspire,
I become the music of God’s Duty.

5508. Victory and defeat

Victory and defeat are interwoven.
Do not try to separate them,
But try to go beyond them
If your heart longs for abiding peace.

5509. God Himself will be proud of you

You do not have to hide your promise;
Just hide your pride
And transform your promise.
God Himself will be proud of you,
Far more than you could ever
Be proud of yourself.

5510. Today's proud ambition

Proud ambition
Tomorrow becomes
A helpless victim to itself.

5511. An unblossomed bud

Unless God’s Compassion-Flood descends
Into your entire being,
Your life will remain
An unblossomed, tiny little bud.

5512. Only your heart's aspiration-cry

It is only your heart’s aspiration-cry
That can liberate your mind
From the intense apprehension
Of an absolutely futile nothingness.

5513. Fight and fight

Fight and fight against
The despondency of your vital,
If you want to bring to the fore
Your loving and aspiring heart’s

5514. Try to outweep

O heart, my heart,
Try to outweep the false tears
Of the mind.
You will make the aspiration-world
Immensely happy.

5515. His heart's inner sun

His heart’s inner sun
Was stunned
When his life
Carelessly and stupidly descended
Fast, very fast.

5516. Two ancient playmates

He has two ancient playmates:
His heart’s selfless cry
His life’s shadowless smile.

5517. When his life refused to accept

The beauty of Heaven
Silently sank inside his heart
When his life refused to accept
The soundless sound of his soul,
The great and good God-representative.

5518. Because your words cast darkness

My mind and my heart
Do not dare to mix with you
Not because you are too great,
Not because you are too good,
But because your uninspiring
And unaspiring words
Always cast darkness
On my blossoming and glowing soul.

5519. God's Justice-Light

Everything may bend
If necessity demands.
But God’s Justice-Light,
When decreed by God Himself,
Will never bend.

5520. More important things to do

God has infinitely more important
Things to do
Than to please
My constantly curious whims.

5521. If you mix with insane thoughts

You do not have to go to hell
To see what hell looks like.
If you allow yourself
To mix with your insane thoughts,
Then hell itself will come and visit you.

5522. A haven of silence

When God chose you
To be a truth-seeker and a God-lover,
He gave you a secret haven
Of sacred silence
Inside your heart.

5523. Two absurd absurdities

Two absurd absurdities:
The pure heart
Will deceive the confused mind;
The sure soul
Will deceive the crying heart.

5524. When his heart communes with him

When his treacherous mind
Communes with him,
His heart suffers
From frustration-blows.

When his precious heart
Communes with him,
His mind suffers
From self-imposed suspicion-tortures.

5525. Unconsciously willing victims

An insincere mind
And an impure heart
Are unconsciously willing victims
Of powerful sorrows.

5526. A fruitful Eternity

Each moment will seem to be
A fruitful Eternity
If we love the beauty
Of our heart’s cry
And the duty
Of our life’s smile.

5527. My heart's bounden duty

God’s unconditional Love
Has awakened my heart.
Now it is my heart’s bounden duty
To awaken the younger members of its family
With its God-given unconditional love.

5528. God does not sanction

As God’s Justice-Light
Does not sanction
Anything uninspiring,
Even so,
God’s Compassion-Height
Does not sanction
Anything unaspiring.

5529. My heart is happy

My heart is happy
When it remembers
Its past soulful tears.

My mind is happy
When it remembers
Its past powerful smiles.

5530. The harvest of happiness

If you are thinking of collecting
The harvest of happiness,
Then look forward
With the beauty of the morning dawn
And with the purity of the evening stars.

5531. The joy of his song

Through tremendous suffering
He learnt the meaning of the inner life.
Now he is teaching others
The meaning of the inner life
Through the joy of his song.

5532. May oblivion hide

May oblivion hide
My mind’s teeming doubts
And my heart’s crying fears.

5533. How can you expect to see?

How can you expect to see
The beauty of your oneness-love
For God’s creation
If you have already allowed
Your breath to be stained
With dark hatred?

5534. A palace of despair

Since the kingdom of your mind
Is flooded with ruthless scorn,
Your heart cannot be anything
Other than a palace
Of throbbing despair.

5535. One with the inner faith

Let not the hostile forces
Capture my mind any more,
For now I have become absolutely one
With the inner faith
That creates a new and illumining creation
For me and through me.

5536. The height of your hypocrisy

Outwardly, in public,
You are more than ready
To hate your doubting mind.
Inwardly, in private,
You cherish your doubting mind.
What else is it,
If not the height
Of your hypocrisy?

5537. His heart's celestial beauty

His heart’s celestial beauty
Was slowly killed
By his mind’s dragon-frowns.

5538. If you refuse to accept

If you deliberately refuse to accept
The beauty and power
Of consciousness-light,
Then your entire being
Will be compelled to face
A sudden and fierce confusion-night.

5539. Hope begins

Hope begins
Inside the searching mind.
Promise begins
Inside the loving heart.
Satisfaction begins
Inside the illumining soul.

5540. The voice of beauty

The voice of beauty asks my mind
To go forward
Farther than the farthest
In order to become happy.

The voice of purity tells my heart
To dive inward
Deeper than the deepest
In order to become perfect.

5541. Love ceaselessly struggles

Love ceaselessly struggles
To increase itself.
Peace sleeplessly struggles
To fulfil itself.

5542. My life's beauty has given me

My life’s beauty has given me
The capacity to appreciate
God the creation.

My heart’s purity has given me
The capacity to love
God the Creator.

5543. Eternity's progress-road

For a selfless seeker
Eternity’s progress-road
Is paved with God’s own Light
And Delight.

5544. The water of self-contempt

Do not think that if you drink
The water of self-contempt
For your past misdeeds,
God will be pleased with you.
No, He will not!
Out of His infinite Bounty,
He may grant you another chance.

5545. There are two prophetic songs

There are two prophetic songs:
Today God will walk with me;
Tomorrow I shall work for God.

5546. A soulful person

A powerful person
May not get even one faithful friend,
But a soulful person
Will have the entire world
As his loving and intimate friend.

5547. The power of hope

Your mind may at times know
The beauty of hope,
But your heart always knows
The power of hope.

5548. O power of oblivion

O power of oblivion,
Will you kindly hide
My depression-torture
O power of oblivion,
Will you kindly hide
The pride of destruction-night
This is the only way
My mind can move forward
And my heart can dive inward.

5549. Kill the doubt-snake

Slowly and steadily
Kill the doubt-snake
That has encircled your searching mind
And enveloped your crying heart.

5550. Do not resist your soul

You do not have to guard your soul.
Only do not resist your soul
When it tries to guard you,
Guide you and illumine you
In God’s own Way.

5551. If you obey God's Will

If you obey God’s Will
Consciously, soulfully and unreservedly,
Then you will never inherit disgrace
From any corner of the world.

5552. The uncontrollable vital

It is not God’s Justice-Light
But God’s Compassion-Height
That silences and illumines
Not only the uncontrolled
But also the uncontrollable vital in us.

5553. Master your resentments

Master your resentments
Towards the world and towards yourself.
You will before long
Make the fastest ascent.

5554. Peace may not follow him

Peace may not follow him
Whose life is the proof of goodness,
But God’s blessingful Satisfaction-Light
Without fail follows him.

5555. The inner hunger rules

The outer hunger rules
The human in me mercilessly.
The inner hunger rules
The divine in me gloriously.

5556. If you have a detached mind

If you have a detached mind
And if you have a devoted heart,
Then your life of total transformation
Cannot and will not remain a far cry.

5557. Use your purity-breath

In the morning
Use your purity-breath
To illumine the world within you.

In the evening
Use the selfsame breath
To liberate the world around you.

5558. Who can measure?

Who can measure
The beauty of the heart?
A breathless God-dreamer
A selfless God-lover.

5559. Wanting in self-control

Since you are wanting
In self-control,
How can you expect God
To perform His Satisfaction-Role
In and through you?

5560. Be careful in choosing!

Be careful in choosing!
If you make a mistake,
You will never be able to hear
God’s life-transforming Voice.

5561. The wings of fleeting time

Only my cheerfully and unconditionally
Self-giving heart
Has the velocity and capacity
To capture the wings
Of fleeting time.

5562. Breathlessly I love You

Breathlessly I love You, my Lord,
In my heart’s dreams.
Sleeplessly I need You, my Lord,
In my life’s realities.

5563. Reduce the earth-bound mind

Reduce the earth-bound mind
To nothingness
If you want to be happy.

Multiply the beauty of
The Heaven-free heart
Until it reaches Infinity
If you want to be perfect.

5564. A rash of the world's deficiencies

A rash of the world’s deficiencies
You are bound to incur
If you do not offer
Your self-giving and earth-fulfilling life

5565. His silence-tree

His silence-tree
And its own life-tears
Are sheltering not only those
Who are longing for light
But also those
Who are longing for service-delight.

5566. The soul's sorrowful eyes

The streaming tears
Of the soul’s sorrowful eyes
Can easily be felt
By the seeker’s heart.
They alone can purify, illumine
And immortalise the seeker.

5567. Two paramount questions

Two paramount questions:
Do I have to love God unconditionally
In His own Way?
Does God have to love me
In all my weaknesses
In my own way?

5568. My universe of tears

In the morning if I forget
To offer my gratitude-heart
To my Lord Supreme,
Then in the evening I offer Him
My universe of tears.

5569. A victim to earthly fame

If you become a victim
To earthly fame,
How can you expect to discover
The satisfaction-waves of Heavenly gains?

5570. His mind is as secret

His mind is as secret
As a dream-bud.
His heart is as sacred
As a reality-flower.

5571. An ineffectual hope

A dry intellectual mind
Is undoubtedly an ineffectual
Life-transforming hope.
Therefore, live not in the arid desert
Of intellectual pride.

5572. The whispers of the prophets

The whispers of the prophets:
You will see God face to face.
You will consciously become
A participant in God’s Eternity’s Race.
You are another God.
What you need is your Atlantic manifestation
Through your Himalayan revelation.

5573. Two precious dreams

Two precious dreams:
I shall realise God without fail
In this life;
God shall be proud of me

5574. Inside the circle of anger

Inside the circle of anger
Fear and doubt unconsciously abide.
Outside the circle of anger
Beauty’s God-rapture openly abides.

5575. Yours is the opportunity

Yours is the opportunity
To enjoy the power of choice.
God’s is the Divinity
To grant you the choice of power.

5576. No end to joy

No end to sadness for him
Who mechanically thinks and thinks.
No end to joy for him
Who prayerfully meditates and meditates.

5577. Self-discovery is not an accident

Self-discovery is not an accident.
Neither is life-mastery.
God-realisation is not a mystery.
Neither is earth-transformation.

5578. His sadness sadly crawled

His sadness sadly crawled
And finally collapsed.
Then he surrendered himself
To Heaven
And became the cheerful hero-pride
Of earth.

5579. The life of aspiration

Unless you take
The life of aspiration seriously
Right from the beginning,
Your mind’s curiosity
Will fade away
And your uncertain heart
Will miserably fail.

5580. A citadel against the mind

If your heart does not create
A solid citadel
Against your mind’s wild tempests,
Then your life will meet with
Nothing else but downright failure.

5581. The world within you

If you live in the desire-world,
The separation-wall between you and God
Will swell and expand.
Therefore, accept the world
That is within you:
The union-world,
Where you and God are eternally united
In God’s infinite Vision-Delight.

5582. What does my aspiration-cry do?

What does my aspiration-cry do?
It carefully and triumphantly renovates
My old world.

What does my dedication-smile do?
It invites God the Supreme Guest
To come once again
And live in my newly revealed world.

5583. His will be the role

Until his ignorance-night
Completely vanishes,
His will be the role to cry,
And his Lord’s will be the role to sigh.

5584. He expects the fruits

He does not pray,
He does not meditate.
Yet he expects the fruits
Of prayer and meditation.
Since this is not possible,
He is forced to enlarge
The confines of his despair.

5585. A Dream of God

A Dream of God
Easily made infinite human beings.
The reality of a single man
Can amazingly satisfy the Absolute Supreme.

5586. If Heaven gets tired

If earth gets tired
Of loving Heaven,
Heaven does not mind.
Perhaps God also does not mind.
But if ever Heaven gets tired
Of loving earth,
Earth will helplessly weep,
And God will use nothing
But His Volcano-Ire.

5587. A mountain peak of fulfilment

The human life is
A molehill-height of hopes.
The divine life is
A mountain peak of fulfilment.

5588. An imperishable message

On the summit of ages
This imperishable message was written:
Each promise of God and each hope of man
Together shall strive,
Together shall succeed,
Together shall transcend.

5589. The arrows of your silence-life

Only the arrows
Of your silence-life
Can pierce the veil
Of your mind’s ruthless

5590. Can you not please me?

O my ego,
I have all along either pleased you
Or tried to please you.
Can you not please me only once
In this lifetime?
“O God-seeker,
What do you want from me?”
I want your death, immediate death.
“O seeker, granted.
From today on you will be able
To walk along the sunlit road of aspiration,
Dedication and God-manifestation.”

5591. One highway to Heaven

There is only one highway to Heaven,
And that highway
Is our constant and unconditional
Self-giving way.

5592. The footsteps of envy

The footsteps of envy
Must not trespass
On the hallowed ground
Of my heart’s oneness-life.

5593. Society's cheap joy

Society’s cheap joy
You openly enjoy.
How can you then
Hope to secretly enjoy
Divinity’s invaluable
And life-illumining joy?

5594. Since you resigned

Since you resigned
From your life’s inner career
Long before your mind-power faded,
Your heart-power will fade
Long before its career is meant to end.

5595. God's supremely chosen instruments

God’s supremely chosen instruments
Are extremely embarrassed
To go back to Heaven
Without having radically changed
The uncomely face of this world.

5596. Death's journey begins and ends

Death’s journey begins and ends
When your heart remains
Untouched and unperturbed by earth’s noise
And offers its grateful existence-life
To the Lord Supreme.

5597. Life's journey begins and ends

Life’s journey begins and ends
Inside God’s Eternity’s Eye,
Infinity’s Heart
And Immortality’s Body.

5598. You cannot escape

You want to escape.
Do you not know
That you cannot escape?
You can escape
From your friends and dear ones.
You can escape
From your society.
You can escape
From your country.
You can escape
From each and every one.
But you cannot escape
From your mind.
No matter where you go,
Your mind will follow you
And torture you.

5599. The blue bird inside your heart

If you really want to escape
From your mind,
Then you have to go
Beyond the mind.
How do you do that?
You have to make friends
With the blue bird
That is deep inside your heart.
This blue bird will help you fly
In the firmament of Light and Delight.

5600. Make friends with your soul

When you pray,
Think of a lost child within you
Crying helplessly.
When you meditate,
Think of a morning flower
Smiling and smiling,
Radiating its beauty
And offering its fragrance.
This is how you can make friends
With your soul
And fly with it infinitely higher
Than the confines of the mind.

Editor's introduction to the first edition

This is the fifty-sixth volume in a series of ten thousand “flaming flower-poems” which Sri Chinmoy is placing devotedly, unreservedly and unconditionally at the Compassion-Feet of God, our Beloved Supreme. They stand as a supreme offering from the unfolding beauty of his flower-heart and the flaming heights of his realisation-sun. Indeed, a treasure-tower which will at once be claimed by humanity’s self-ascending cry and Divinity’s God-descending Smile.

Editor's note to cover photo

Sri Chinmoy and Ambassador Ole Algard of Norway participate in a programme in tribute to former Secretary-General U Thant on 23 November 1976 at the United Nations.

Translations of this page: Czech
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