Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 85
8401. My Heart's Adoration-Bird
As my heart’s adoration-birdSpreads its wings,
My life swims in the Power-Sea
Of my Lord’s Love.
8402. If You Do Not Manifest The Supreme
If you do not manifestThe Supreme,
You will be buried
By your own hidden capacities.
8403. Hard To Escape
Hard is it to escapeFrom doubt,
For it wears
A million disguises.
8404. Her Insecurity
Her insecurity has triggeredHer insincerity.
Her insincerity has triggered
Her devastating failure
Within and without.
8405. Your Mind's Doubt-Fort
You are fond of livingInside your mind’s doubt-fort.
No wonder you are so accident-prone
In your inner life.
8406. The Cosmic Deities Within You
Because you always unleashYour animal anger upon the world,
The cosmic deities within you
Are quite often forced to starve.
8407. Out Of Tune
Every human being can beOut of tune
With God’s Justice-Light
But not with God’s
8408. Love Can Enlarge
As forgiveness can illumineA human life,
Even so, love can enlarge
A human mind.
8409. Compete Only For Compassion-Light
O my mind,Do not compete with my heart
For supremacy.
If you want to compete
With anything or anyone,
Then compete only for
God’s constant Compassion-Light.
8410. A Ceaseless Song Of Newness
If you can make your heartA ceaseless song of newness,
Then your life of God-fulness
Cannot remain a far cry.
8411. In Case You Have Not Noticed
In case you have not noticed,There is an inevitable link
Between the human desire-life
And ceaseless frustration-night.
8412. Minor Incidents
You do not love God.You do not pray to God.
You do not meditate on God.
Do you think
That these are only minor incidents
In God’s Cosmic Drama?
8413. The Life-River
The human life-river flows.The divine life-river
Flows and glows.
The Supreme Life-River
Carries everywhere
The Satisfaction-Heart
Of the Absolute Supreme.
8414. Your Lack Of Faith In God
Your lack of faith in GodIs nothing short of
A beginningless and endless dark tunnel.
8415. God's Sleepless Dream-Boat
When God governs your inner life,Your outer life becomes
God’s own sleepless Dream-Boat.
8416. If You Are A Secret Lover Of God
If you are a secretLover of God,
And if you are a sacred
Instrument of God,
Then ignorance has no right
To exist in your life.
8417. The Trivia Of The World
If you are overcomeBy the trivia of the ordinary world,
Then your past failures
Will always remain alive
Inside your tightly earth-bound life.
8418. Every Day You Must Learn Anew
Every day you must learn anewHow to maintain silence
In your mind-world.
Every day you must learn anew
How to offer peace
To the world at large
From the world of your aspiration-flames.
8419. Just Look Within!
To discover the darknessOf your mind’s night,
You do not have to go anywhere.
Just look within
8420. God's Victory-Drum
If you want to becomeGod’s Victory-Drum,
Then ask your heart
To pray to God
To know His outer
And inner Programme.
8421. The Unaspiring Human In Me
The unaspiring human in meNot only protests but also cries
When it sees that the divine in me
Wants to be awakened
To illumine the world within and without.
8422. If You Love Spirituality
If you love spiritualitySincerely and generously,
God will undoubtedly
Crusade for your victory.
8423. Your Heart's Surrender-Life
Your heart’s surrender-lifeIs not even a single heartbeat away
From God’s Satisfaction-Life.
8424. Mountain-High Beauty
Your heart of loveAnd your life of light
Must always appreciate and admire
The mountain-high beauty of your soul.
8425. The Art Of Faith-Fidelity
God Himself will keepA good grip on your life’s reality
If you just master the art
Of faith-fidelity.
8426. The Swift Opening Of Heaven's Door
If you know how to surrenderCheerfully, soulfully and unconditionally,
Then you are bound to see
The swift opening of Heaven’s
Life-illumining and soul-fulfilling door.
8427. I Shall Not Allow
I shall not allowMy thronging thoughts
To intrude upon my heart’s
Supremely precious
Oneness-life with God.
8428. To See The Face
My gratitude-heart breathesOnly to see the face
Of my perfection-life.
8429. A Specialist In God's Love
You have cast asideYour disbelief-life.
Therefore, you have become
A specialist in God’s Love.
8430. Teach Me How To Fly
My dear soul-bird,If you do not want to teach me
How to fly for you,
Then at least teach me
How to fly with you.
8431. Peace In My Outer Life
Peace in my outer lifeIs my perfection-smile.
Dynamism in my inner life
Is my satisfaction-dance.
8432. His Inner Actions
His inner actionsHave made his heart
Divinely beautiful.
His outer silence
Has made his life
Supremely powerful.
8433. God Will Be On Your Side
Cheer upAnd give up your failure-life!
Look at your heart’s gratitude-flames.
This time God will definitely
Be on your side.
8434. His Heart's Ceaseless Silence
Because he is his heart’sCeaseless silence,
He is also his life’s
Endless joy.
8435. My Secret Prayers
My secret prayersDeal with my mind’s
Undivine thoughts.
My sacred meditations
Deal with my heart’s
Soulful feelings.
8436. Your Heart's New Name
Now that purityIs your heart’s new name,
You can live inside the garden
Of your soul’s illumination-sky.
8437. My Mind's Disbelief-Door
When I shut my mind’sDisbelief-door,
Peace unfolds its brightest bloom
For me.
8438. Cheerful Self-Giving
Cheerful self-givingIs the master key
To the mystic door
Of God-discovery.
8439. Very Special Ways
There are so many waysTo please our Beloved Supreme,
But the ways of patience, surrender
And gratitude
Are very special.
8440. An Atom Of Your Light
My Lord Supreme,An atom of Your Light
Liberates my bondage-mind;
An atom of Your Delight
Immortalises my aspiration-heart.
8441. I Own Many Things
In my outer lifeI own nothing but my feeble hopes.
In my inner life
I own many things,
Even God’s Vision-Eye.
8442. Yesterday's Fear
Yesterday’s fearHas captured me.
Tomorrow’s doubt
Is capturing me.
And today’s utter helplessness
Is about to capture me.
8443. My Confidence In My Heart
My confidence in my heartIs my only joy.
My soul’s confidence in me
Is my only peace.
8444. No Margin For Error
O my heart,You are meant for perfect perfection.
God will not grant you
Even a small margin for error.
8445. The Silence Of Humility
The silence of humilityCheerfully follows
And successfully replaces
The sound of stupidity.
8446. The Final Smile
Mine is a completely new effortTo start smiling
The final smile.
8447. Inside A Tiny Moment-Drop
Inside a tiny moment-dropI do hope to see the Presence
Of my Lord Supreme.
8448. I Phoned God
I phoned GodAnd asked Him
To do something about my impurity-life.
He told me that He knows all about it
And that He is definitely
Going to take care of it.
8449. The Prison Of Wasted Thoughts
Smile!It will bring you out of the prison
Of wasted thoughts.
8450. Your Life's Dedication-Light
Your life’s dedication-lightIs your free passport
To freedom’s delight.
8451. God Loves The Lover
Man loves the winner,But God loves the lover
Of experience-light.
8452. I Wish To Be An Eternal Slave
I wish to be an eternal slaveTo serve my Lord’s Lotus Feet.
I wish to be an eternal dreamer
To adore my Lord’s Vision-Eye.
I wish to be an eternal lover
To manifest my Lord’s Oneness-Heart.
8453. A Very Close Friend
O my mind,My soul is a very close friend
Of Immortality’s diamond dreams,
And my heart is a very close friend
Of Infinity’s golden dreams.
Can you not be even an ordinary friend
Of Eternity’s silver dreams?
8454. Heaven's Ecstasy-Sky
His heart of patienceAnd his life of perseverance
Have at long last granted him
Heaven’s ever-increasing ecstasy-sky.
8455. Two Divine Existence-Realities
Between my self-inquiryAnd my self-discovery
Two divine existence-realities abide:
My heart’s soulful cry
And my life’s powerful smile.
8456. A Mind Flooded With Doubts
A mind flooded with doubtsIs at once Eternity’s sadness
Infinity’s madness.
8457. Unless You Carefully Watch
Unless you carefully watchYour inner treasures,
Your faith, love and gratitude,
How can you expect God
To sleeplessly watch
Your doubt, hatred and ingratitude?
8458. Where Is The Difference?
Where is the difference betweenYour heart’s adamantine will-power
And your life’s unparalleled God-Hour?
8459. My Inner Electricity
Purity’s loveIs my inner electricity.
Beauty’s concern
Is my outer electricity.
Divinity’s satisfaction
Is my supreme electricity.
8460. My Heart's Senior Partner
My heart’s junior partnerIs my earth-born mind.
My heart’s senior partner
Is my Immortality’s soul.
8461. A Whisper Of Inspiration
A whisper of inspirationHas totally changed his face.
A whisper of aspiration
Has completely changed his life.
8462. To Challenge The Invisible
If your life is readyTo challenge the invisible,
Then your heart will definitely
Be embraced by the unknowable.
8463. A Shameless Self-Lover
You are denied the satisfactionOf God’s Presence
Not because you do not need God,
Not because you speak ill of God,
But because you have become
An absurd and shameless self-lover.
8464. The Elementary Lessons
Each negative thoughtIs a positive intruder.
Each negative feeling
Is a positive destroyer.
These are the elementary lessons
The seeker receives
When he enters into the spiritual life.
8465. The Supreme Lesson
No man-acquired achievementsCan forever last,
But all God-granted achievements
Will forever and forever last.
This is the supreme lesson
That all human beings must learn.
8466. The Nectar-Delight
Inspiration is the nectar-delightOf my searching mind.
Aspiration is the nectar-delight
Of my crying heart.
Realisation is the nectar-delight
Of my self-giving life.
8467. This World Definitely Needs
This world may not needA great spiritual Master.
This world may not need
A great saint.
But this world definitely needs
A perfect gentleman.
8468. The Human Mind
The human mindDoes not want to know
Where God is.
The human heart
Does not know
What God looks like.
The human life
Does not understand
Why God delays.
8469. Offer Your Mind To God
Do you want to transcend your mind?If so,
Then either sell your mind to humanity
For good
At a very high price,
Or offer your mind to God
Unconditionally and permanently.
8470. God's "Why?" And "How?"
I came from GodTo learn the meaning
Of His “Why?”
I shall go back to God
After I have learnt the meaning
Of His “How?”
8471. If You Are A Beginner-Seeker
If you are a beginner-seeker,Then yours can be
God’s Compassion-Sea.
If you are an advanced seeker,
Then yours should be
God’s Justice-Sky.
8472. God Does Not Care To Know
God does not care to knowWhether or not you are satisfied
With Him,
But God does want to know
How you can be satisfied
With your ignorance-self.
8473. Before You Think Of God
Before you think of God,Think of yourself
As a sleepless seeker.
This will definitely help you.
Before you meditate on God,
Think of yourself
As an unconditional God-lover.
This will definitely help you.
8474. Two Messages
In Heaven my soul and IReceived the message
Of God-Manifestation.
On earth my heart and I
Received the message
Of God-Perfection-Satisfaction.
8475. If You Want To Argue
If you want to argue with someone,Why don’t you argue
With your doubting mind?
If you want to hate someone,
Why don’t you hate
Your devouring vital?
If you want to awaken someone,
Why don’t you awaken
Your sleeping body?
8476. When I Live Inside My Mind
When I live inside my mind,I long for quantity’s Infinity.
When I live inside my heart,
I long for quality’s Immortality.
When I live inside my soul,
I long for neither quality nor quantity.
I long only for the supreme Satisfaction
Of my Beloved Supreme
In His own transcendental Way.
8477. A Free Permit
Doubt has a free permitTo exercise inner tyranny
In a careless seeker’s aspiration-life.
8478. The Pressure Of Inner Weaknesses
Has there ever been a timeIn God’s creation
When human beings have not suffered
From the pressure of inner weaknesses?
8479. A Heart Of Constant Self-Giving
A heart of constantAnd cheerful self-giving
Will not be dogged
By despair.
8480. His Self-Imposed Task
He is not happyBecause he has imposed upon himself
The task of reassessing each day
His own life.
8481. A Faithful And Meticulous Observer
True, you are not a God-lover.True, you are not even a truth-seeker.
But you can easily be
A faithful and meticulous observer.
8482. If You Cherish A Doubt-Life
If you deliberately cherishA doubt-life,
Sooner or later you will fall
Into life’s deepest chasm.
8483. A Golden God-Necessity-Chain
Each soulful seekerHas only one necessity.
What is that necessity?
A golden God-necessity-chain.
8484. The Trap Of Self-Deception
If you fall again and againInto the trap of self-deception,
How can you dance inside your heart
With your soul’s sunbeams?
8485. A Mind Of Blossom-Poise
You do not needA vast kingdom.
You do not need
A deep solitude.
What you need is
A mind of blossom-poise.
8486. A World Far From Ours
There is a world far from oursWhere beauty’s heart, purity’s life
And divinity’s soul
Grow and glow
To reveal God the Eternal Dreamer
And manifest God the Immortal Lover.
8487. How Can You Expect To Sing?
If your human mindIs overpowered by the sound-life,
How can you expect
To sing soul-stirring songs
In your silence-heart?
8488. Hope Gropes In The Darkness
Once upon a timeInside my heart
Hope was shining bright.
Alas, now my heart is the place
Where hope gropes in the darkness
Of frustration-night.
8489. The Dew Of Earth-Delight
Because you know how to scatterThe dew of earth-delight,
God has granted you
His own Eternity’s immortal Height.
8490. A Sacred Corner Of My Heart-Room
I long to remainIn a sacred corner of my heart-room
Where my self-giving life-music
Can please the Satisfaction-Ear
Of my Beloved Supreme.
8491. The Presence Of Teeming Doubts
The presence of teeming doubtsNot only weakens the seeker’s heart
But also lengthens the seeker’s failure-life.
8492. The Right Approach
He made the wrong approach:He wanted to conquer the world
With words of hate.
He is now making the right approach:
He is conquering the world
With acts of love.
8493. He Does Not Want To Hear
Outwardly he does not want to hearWhat the world says,
But inwardly he is always eager to know
What the world feels.
8494. A Dead Leaf
He is now ready to achieveThe life of perfection-delight
Because his human life has become
A dead leaf on the desire-tree.
8495. Unless He Invites His Inner King
He does not knowWhy his faith has left him.
How can he know
Unless he invites his heart’s inner King
To return to the throne
Inside his earth-bound and Heaven-free life?
8496. There Is No Difference
There is no differenceBetween a desire-breath
And a disgrace-life.
8497. Each Beautiful Life
Each beautiful lifeIs indeed a satisfaction-child
Of Divinity’s God-Hour.
8498. The Only Place
An impurity-breathIs the only place
Where Heaven’s God-Flowers
Never want to grow.
8499. His Mind Is A Shattered Hope
His mind is a shattered hope.His heart is a battered promise.
Alas, this is the kind of life he has.
8500. My Life's Devoted Receptivity
My life’s devoted receptivityHas and is the capacity
To make my heart feel
That it is not only close
To my Lord Supreme,
But closer than the closest.
Editor's introduction to the first edition
This is the eighty-fifth volume in a series of ten thousand “flaming flower-poems” which Sri Chinmoy is placing devotedly, unreservedly and unconditionally at the Compassion-Feet of God, our Beloved Supreme. They stand as a supreme offering from the unfolding beauty of his flower-heart and the flaming heights of his realisation-sun. Indeed, a treasure-tower which will at once be claimed by humanity’s self-ascending cry and Divinity’s God-descending Smile.
Editor's note to cover photo
Sri Chinmoy poses with New York’s Mayor Edward I. Koch on the steps of City Hall, where the Mayor presented Sri Chinmoy with a special “Certificate of Appreciation” on 16 August 1978. Citing from the Certificate, the Mayor said, “To Sri Chinmoy, whose contributions as spiritual leader, meditation teacher, musician, artist and poet have been an inspiration to thousands of New Yorkers … I commend this fine humanitarian on behalf of all our citizens.”