Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, part 89
8801. A Special Chance
God is giving you a special chanceTo please Him.
You have only to sleeplessly feel
That He loves you most.
8802. He Lives With The Hope
He lives with the hopeThat someday, somehow,
Someone will realise the Supreme in him
So he can fulfil his Lord
Here on earth.
8803. Aspire Constantly!
O truth-seeker, aspire,Aspire constantly!
Otherwise, you will be fooling
Not your Lord Supreme
But only yourself.
8804. The Fate Of God's creation
Alas, it often happensThat the good souls must suffer
Because of the bad ones.
Such is the fate
Of God’s creation.
8805. He Pretended To Be Full Of Light
In his Master’s presenceHe pretended to be full of light,
But out of his Master’s sight,
He became the darkest possible night.
8806. To Know What Is Happening
One does not have to beA God-realised soul
To know what is happening
Inside others’ hearts.
Just raise your consciousness high enough
And you will be able to know
What others are feeling.
8807. My Mind Makes Me Feel
My mind quite often makes me feelThat it is drinking nectar
Even while it is drinking
8808. Only Heart-Power Pleases God
No other power on earthWill be able to please God
Except your heart-power.
It is heart-power alone
That God will always treasure.
8809. An Exception
When God saysThat He is not completely satisfied
With any human being,
Each individual thinks
That he is an exception.
When God changes His opinion
And says that He is pleased
With each and every human being,
Each individual thinks
That God is infinitely more pleased with him
Than with the rest of the world.
8810. A Gift Worth Receiving
Only a giftThat has been offered
With the heart’s oneness-power
Is worth receiving.
8811. God's Supreme Satisfaction
Your Beloved Supreme is ready to give youSomething infinitely more significant
Than God-realisation,
And that is His supreme Satisfaction
8812. The Message Of Pride
God is far more satisfiedWith a blade of grass
Embodying the message of humility
Than with a highly advanced seeker
Who still embodies the message of pride.
8813. Not In The Supreme's Way
Alas, most seekers love the Supreme,Manifest the Supreme
And please the Supreme
In their own way
And not in His Way.
8814. Your Soul Wants To Be Proud
Your soul wants to be proud of youAt every moment.
Therefore, sleeplessly your soul
Encourages you,
Inspires you
And energises you
To become a most perfect instrument
Of your Beloved Supreme.
8815. To Lead The Life Of A God
If you want to lead the lifeOf a god or goddess on earth,
Love your Beloved Lord
In His own Way.
8816. The Same Blessing
When your Lord Supreme blesses someone,If you expand your consciousness,
You can receive the same blessing.
8817. All God Wants From You
Widen your vision-eye,Intensify your aspiration-heart,
Enlarge your dedication-life.
This is all God wants from you,
And it will always remain so.
8818. Do Not Wait For Tomorrow
Do not wait for tomorrowTo listen to God’s blessingful Requests,
For that tomorrow may never dawn
In your aspiration-life.
8819. His Lord Finally Lost Faith In Him
When his Lord SupremeFinally lost faith in him,
His own soul, out of bitter disgust,
Weakened his spiritual capacity
And diminished his inner receptivity.
8820. When A Soul Enters Into A Body
When a soul enters into a body,The Lord Supreme dreams the Dream
Of His Manifestation-Light.
When a body becomes the soul-consciousness,
The Lord Supreme smiles the Smile
Of His Satisfaction-Delight.
8821. Think Of Doing It Tomorrow
If there is something divineThat you are planning to do,
Do it immediately.
If there is something undivine
That you are planning to do,
Think of doing it tomorrow.
8822. When God Blows His Whistle
When God the CaptainBlows His divine whistle,
He wants His team to run
And cheerfully do the needful.
8823. The Cosmic Gods Never Sleep
The cosmic gods never sleep.At every moment they serve the Supreme
Both here on earth and there in Heaven.
8824. Work Is A Joy
For an unaspiring man,Work is punishment,
Work is torture.
For an aspiring man,
Work is a blessing,
Work is a joy.
8825. Flower And Petals
The spiritual Master is a flowerAnd his students are the petals.
Without the flower,
There can be no petals.
Again, if the petals have fallen away,
Who will appreciate the flower?
8826. He Endured Humanity's Physical Pain
He endured humanity’s physical painBecause he saw the Absolute
Not only inside the smile of Heaven
But also inside the cry of earth.
8827. Your Goal Does Not Exist
True, he is an unfortunate seekerBecause he wants to reach his goal
By false means.
But, alas, you are no better.
You are so complacent
That your goal does not even exist!
8828. The Energising Power
The energising powerOf your own climbing aspiration
Can prevent those who are still
Wallowing in the pleasures of ignorance-night
From making deplorable mistakes.
8829. Because Of His Disobedience
Because of his disobedience,He was unable to progress.
Because he could not progress,
He fell far behind in the inner race.
8830. God Will Exercise His Authority
As long as your heart compels youTo remain in God’s Boat,
God will exercise His divine Authority,
Which is nothing other than
His inseparable oneness with you.
8831. You Have Achieved That Very Thing
You feel that your MasterHas achieved something
Which you have not yet achieved.
But can you not feel
That just because you are
His spiritual child,
You also have achieved that very thing
In and through Him?
8832. Their Beliefs Are Perfect
The heart believes that purityIs the beginning of the spiritual life.
The mind believes that sincerity
Is the beginning of the spiritual life.
The vital believes that obedience
Is the beginning of the spiritual life.
The body believes that wakefulness
Is the beginning of the spiritual life.
And I must say
That their beliefs are perfect.
8833. God's Own Talent
Talent is not unattainable.If you aspire,
God’s Grace will descend
And God’s own Talent will develop
In and through you.
8834. Use And Increase Your Talent
If you have been blessed with talentIn any field,
Take the golden opportunity
Not only to use it
But also to increase it
As quickly as possible.
8835. A Heart That Is Pure
A heart that is pureIs Heaven’s perpetual Bliss.
A mind that is impure
Is hell’s dragon-frown.
8836. Tremendous Success
Tremendous success,If it is to last,
Must always be followed
By continuous progress
Both inner and outer.
8837. Meditate More Soulfully
To meditate longerWill be of no avail to you.
What you must do
Is meditate more soulfully.
8838. Your Soul Will Not Be Satisfied
Your Beloved Supreme may forgive youIf you want to please Him
In your own way,
But your own soul will not be satisfied,
8839. Earthly Poison, Heavenly Nectar
At every second you may give GodEarthly poison,
But God will always offer you
Only Heavenly Nectar.
8840. Sweet And Pure
Sweeter than the sweetestAnd purer than the purest
Is our gratitude
To our Beloved Lord Supreme.
8841. Compassion And Receptivity
God’s Compassion and your receptivityTogether make it possible
For God to keep you safely
Inside His Golden Boat.
8842. If You Live In Your Heart
Only if you live in your heartWill your soul be able to offer you
Its divine messages.
8843. God Was Ashamed
When he told GodThat he didn’t want to serve
God’s divine Mission on earth,
God appreciated his sincerity
But was totally ashamed
Of his lack of dedication.
8844. We Are Surrendering
At each moment we are surrendering,But it is up to us
Whether we surrender to the undivine forces
Or to the Will of our Beloved Supreme.
8845. If You Want To Take God's Side
If you want to take God’s side,At every moment you have to be
Alert, aspiring and self-giving.
8846. An Emblem Of Sincerity
If you make your lifeAn emblem of sincerity,
God will definitely give you
An invaluable gift in the inner world.
8847. One Undeniable Truth
If you see where you areAnd where you once stood,
You will realise one undeniable truth:
There is no one who more deserves
Your constant gratitude-heart
Than your Beloved Supreme.
8848. When Gratitude Is Absent
When gratitude is absent,There is only inner destruction.
When gratitude is present,
There is continuous inner progress.
8849. Because Of Your Obedience
Because of your obedience,Both inner and outer,
You are everything to God
And He is everything to you.
8850. No Matter How Tiny
Each wrong thought,No matter how tiny,
Can easily become as destructive
As an atom bomb.
8851. Your Pure Oneness-Heart
Everything in your lifeCan and will desert you,
Except your pure oneness-heart
With your Beloved Supreme.
8852. If God Sees His Children Aspiring
If God sees His children aspiring,He gets tremendous joy.
If He sees them not aspiring,
A sharp, pointed arrow
Enters into His Heart.
8853. There Is Someone In Heaven
There is Someone in HeavenWho loves you infinitely more
Than you can ever love any human being,
Including yourself,
And that Person is none other than
Your Beloved Supreme.
8854. Because He Failed To Please His Soul
Because he failed to please his soul,There came a time when his soul
Became indifferent to him,
And totally withdrew
From his false aspiration-dedication-life.
8855. Work Devotedly
Work devotedly.Lo, you are meditating soulfully.
Meditate soulfully.
Lo, you are serving devotedly.
8856. On The Strength Of His Oneness
On the strength of his oneness with God,He is all security
Within and without.
8857. You Are A Child Of The Supreme
No one expects a child to carryToo heavy a load.
Since you are a child of the Supreme,
Do you think He will ask you to do something
Without giving you
More than the necessary capacity?
8858. Gratitude That Starts In The Mind
Gratitude that starts in the mindCannot last.
Each time an unhealthy,
Contradictory thought arises,
Sooner than at once
Mental gratitude disappears.
8859. His Blessingful Smile
If you feel that your Beloved SupremeIs disappointed with your inner life,
Then bring back your determination
And aspiration,
And again do the right thing.
Lo, His blessingful Smile
Will once more be yours.
8860. You Are Trying To Make God Feel
O foolish seeker,You have developed your ego
To such an extent
That you are trying to make God feel
As you yourself already feel:
That you are indispensable.
8861. Why Do You Worry?
Why do you worry?You worry simply because
The physical reality in you
Is hopelessly attached
To the earth-consciousness.
8862. The Earth-Magnet Pulls
The earth-magnet pullsOur body-reality.
The Heaven-magnet pulls
Our soul-reality.
8863. Identify With The Highest Reality
Always identify with the highest realityIn yourself, your soul-bird,
Which flies above and beyond
All the worries of the earth-plane.
8864. Two Spiritual Legs
Devotion and gratitudeAre like two spiritual legs.
Both should be equally strong
If we are to run the fastest.
8865. The Desire-World Craves
The desire-world unconsciously cravesAnd seeks satisfaction from excitement.
The aspiration-world consciously strives for
And finds satisfaction in enlightenment.
8866. How Can God Be Happy?
How can God be happyIf your lack of oneness with others
Is making them sad?
How can you be happy
If your lack of oneness with others
Is making God sad?
8867. The Divine In Us Says
The human in us says,“His misconduct is intolerable.
I will punish him
So he will change.”
The divine in us says,
“Perhaps I would have done the same
In his position.
Therefore, let me cultivate
Compassion and forgiveness
To illumine both him and myself.”
8868. If I Cannot Have Compassion-Power
If I cannot have compassion-power,Let me have forgiveness-power.
If I cannot have forgiveness-power,
Let me have tolerance-power.
If I cannot have tolerance-power,
Let me at least delay
My judgement-power.
8869. Because He Contained His Anger
Because he contained his anger,The divine forces had the opportunity
To act in and through him
And finally to illumine him.
8870. One Thing I Know For Sure
My Lord Supreme,One thing I know for sure:
I can be truly happy
Only when You replace my anger
With forgiveness,
Then with compassion
And finally with oneness.
8871. The Vision-Light
The vision-light of America’s creatorsIs not being accepted by America today,
But a day will dawn when a new generation
Will manifest the divine vision
Of America’s immortal founders.
8872. If You Do Something Right
If you do something right,You will see God’s Smile.
If you do something wrong,
You will feel God’s Sadness.
8873. He Lived In The World Of Jealousy
He lived in the world of jealousy,Insecurity, impurity and ingratitude.
But he smiled at his Master
Just to get a smile in return,
So he could fool himself into thinking
That everything was all right.
8874. Those Were Not Fantasy-Days
You say your present-day problemsAre killing you.
But do you not remember
That once upon a time
Peace, Light and Bliss
Were absolute realities for you?
Those were not your fantasy-days!
They were as real as today.
If you want to have them back,
Nothing on earth can prevent you.
8875. The Only Way To Be Happy
To be well-establishedIn the spiritual life
Is to be happy in the only way
One can really be happy.
8876. Their Presence Transforms
When advanced seekers leadA pure spiritual life,
Their very presence transforms
Their younger brother-seekers.
8877. Beauty Is Enrichment
Beauty is the enrichmentOf the aspirant’s heart.
Beauty is the enlightenment
Of the heart’s cry.
8878. When The Soul Comes Forward
When the soul comes forward,The heart very often offers
Its special gratitude to the Supreme
Through human tears.
Remember those tears and treasure them,
For they are something most precious.
8879. Your Own True Mirror
If you want to study yourself,Remember that your heart
Is your own true mirror.
8880. His Are The Tears
His are not the tearsOf disappointed expectation.
His are the tears
Of unexpected inner joy.
8881. Comfortable But Not Soulful
Do you not seeThat you are comfortable
But not soulful
When you ask God for His Forgiveness-Light?
Such being the case,
God and His Forgiveness-Light
Will never knock at your heart’s door.
8882. Always For Their Own Good
When God remainsIn His highest Heights
And ignores the demands
Of His earth-bound children,
You can be sure
It is always for their own good.
8883. Your Service To Others
If your outer sincerityIs based on inner insincerity,
Then your service to others
Has no real value.
8884. A Most Difficult Task
To see a glimpse of the highest TruthIs an easy task.
But to be absolutely obedient and faithful
To that highest Truth
Is a most difficult task.
8885. Today You May Think Of God
Today you may think of GodAnd feel God,
But tomorrow, without fail,
You must become
Another God.
8886. If Your Suffering Can Reach God
If your suffering, frustrationAnd undivine qualities can reach God,
Do you not think that your love,
Devotion and surrender can also reach Him?
8887. Try To Live A Life
Try to live a lifeThat breathes an everlasting hope
Which can never be subdued
By frustration-dragon.
8888. Even God Cannot Believe It!
You are forcing your heartTo become an exact duplicate
Of your mind.
Even God cannot believe it!
8889. If You Weigh Your Faults
If you mercilessly weighYour faults,
Then God will cheerfully weigh
Your heart’s mountain-faith.
8890. Three Dreams I Have
People have many dreams,But I have only three:
Perfect peace between
The soul and the body,
The total transformation
Of my nature,
And complete satisfaction
In God’s entire creation.
8891. The World Can Tell You
The world can tell youWhere to go unmistakably.
But the world can never tell you
How to go,
Even slowly,
Not to speak of speedily.
8892. What My Lord Wants
I want my animal lifeTo become totally extinct,
But my Lord says this is wrong.
What He wants from me
And for me
Is the transformation of my animal life
Into an illumined and manifested divine life.
8893. He Is Grateful
Because he did not wantSatan in him,
He started praying to God.
Because he did not like
The impurity in him,
He started meditating on God.
Therefore, he is grateful
Even to the undivine
For helping him on his spiritual journey.
8894. Each Human Being
I was wrong and you were right!Each human being
In God’s creation
Is the World-Creator
In complete disguise.
8895. Doubt Is Extremely Poisonous
Doubt is extremely poisonous.Don’t mix with doubt,
And don’t mix your dark doubts
With your bright faith.
Otherwise, your faith, too,
Will become poisoned.
8896. Direct Your Vision-Eye
Direct your vision-eyeIn every conceivable direction.
You will be able to illumine
Even the world’s division-eye.
8897. His Existence Is In Chains
Because his earthly existenceIs in stark bondage-chains,
His heart is compelled to live
In the deserts
Of birthless and deathless frustration.
8898. If You Are Searching
If you are restlesslyAnd blindly searching
For the beauty and fragrance
Of nectar-delight,
How can God’s Hour
Knock at your heart’s peace-door?
8899. Only A God-Throne
What he wants to seeIs only a God-Throne
And nothing else
Inside the aspiration-cry
Of his surrendering heart.
8900. An Absolutely Divine Soldier
You alone and nobody elseCan be an absolutely divine soldier,
The world’s most remarkable,
Powerful and beautiful
Chosen child of God.
Editor's introduction to the first edition
This is the eighty-ninth volume in a series of ten thousand “flaming flower-poems” which Sri Chinmoy is placing devotedly, unreservedly and unconditionally at the Compassion-Feet of God, our Beloved Supreme. They stand as a supreme offering from the unfolding beauty of his flower-heart and the flaming heights of his realisation-sun. Indeed, a treasure-tower which will at once be claimed by humanity’s self-ascending cry and Divinity’s God-descending Smile.
Editor's note to cover photo
Queensborough President Donald Manes presents Sri Chinmoy with a proclamation declaring 13 April 1980 as “Sri Chinmoy Day” in the Borough of Queens, New York.