The Golden Boat, part 5
1. Do the gods feel sorry?
Do the gods feel sorry?    Yes, they do.
    Because men surpass them.
Does God feel sorry?
    Yes, He does.
    Because most men
Do not dare to play with Him,
    Let alone compete with
    Or surpass
2. Motion and rest
Motion and rest    Complete God’s Game.
Motion and rest
    Are two brothers.
Rest prepares;
    Motion distributes.
Rest dives deep within;
    Motion flies far without.
In rest God dreams
    His Reality-life.
In motion God becomes
    One and inseparable
    With His Dream-fulfilled Boat.
3. What is it?
Wisdom, what is it?    Peace.
Peace, what is it?
Satisfaction, what is it?
Perfection, what is it?
    More Light,
    Abundant Light,
    Light infinite.
4. After the long inner struggle
There was a timeWhen he was far removed from Truth.
Now he measures
    Not only
His life
    But also
The immensity of God’s Depth
The infinity of God’s Height.
After the long inner struggle
    He sees the meaning of life,
    He feels the meaning of light.
5. Contradictions
Human birth    And
Are contradictory.
Human life
Are contradictory.
Human goal
Are contradictory.
6. No sin, no virtue
When sin plagues him    He cries aloud.
When virtue plagues him
    He cries aloud.
His Lord today tells him:
“No sin, no virtue, My son.
    Only think that
I experience the life-breath
    Of every moment
In a different way,
That’s all.”
7. When I confide
When I confide my secrets    To my mind,
My mind betrays me
    In a jungle of confusion.
When I confide my secrets
    To my vital,
My vital throws me
    Into a tornado of destruction.
When I confide my secrets
    To my heart,
My heart takes me
    To my soul
    For special guidance.
And when I confide my secrets
    To my soul,
My God-Goal immediately
    Runs towards me.
8. Words
A man of strengthIs a man of few words.
A man of silence
Speaks no words.
A man of divinity
Uses words
    To please God,
    To bring down God,
    To manifest God the Dream on earth
    To fulfil God the Dreamer in Heaven.
9. Of you, for you
You have seen    What was never kept concealed.
You have found
    What was never kept hidden.
You have found your God,
    Who has always been
    In the heart of your love-light.
No matter how sincere you are,
No matter how hard you work
    To disqualify yourself for God-realisation,
You shall sadly fail.
    For God’s Transcendental Dream is of you,
    And God’s Universal Reality is for you.
10. Expectations
I expect nothing from earth,I expect nothing from Heaven.
My Supreme expects
    In and through me
From earth’s life.
My Supreme expects
    In and through me
From Heaven’s soul.
Earth has fulfilled our expectation:
Heaven has fulfilled our expectation:
11. Two wicked sinners, two loving friends
Doubt and jealousy are    Two wicked sinners.
Faith and hope are
    Two loving friends.
Courage and sacrifice are
    Two noble souls.
Beauty and Purity are
    The seeker’s heart.
Truth and God are
    Reality’s eyes.
12. One with extinction's sigh
He avoided humanity    Because humanity was sick and weak.
He avoided Divinity
    Because Divinity was strong
    and indifferent.
He stayed inside his fearful cave
    and tearful heart
Until he become one with extinction’s sigh.
13. Three messages
He had only three messages to give:    One to Heaven,
    One to earth,
    One to hell.
“Dear Heaven,
    Be careful of your indifference-power.
Dear earth,
    Be careful of your ignorance-length.
Dear hell,
    Be careful of Satan’s autocracy.”
14. To receive
To receive humanity    I need an abundance of space.
To receive divinity
    I need an abundance of grace.
To receive God
    I need an abundance of surrender.
To receive my own lower being
    I need an abundance of power.
15. Are you not inseparable?
O truth-lover, O man-saver,    Are you not inseparable?
O love-giver, O oneness-seer,
    Are you not inseparable?
O illumination-distributor,
    O duty-fulfiller,
    Are you not inseparable?
O landlord-man, O Tenant-God,
    Are you not inseparable?
16. God-realisation demands
Austere concentration is not needed    To realise God.
Extensive meditation is not needed
    To realise God.
God-realisation demands
    Conscious surrender
    Of the puny “I”
    And expansion-perfection
    Of the earthbound life.
17. No one ventures
No one ventures    To explain
No one ventures
    To serve God
    With surrender-light.
No one ventures
    To distribute
No one ventures
    To know the power
    Of God-Invention.
No one ventures
    To realise the power
    Of aspiration-vision.
18. You are special, you are divine
You are gifted.    Therefore
The world appreciates you.
You are special.
The world admires you.
You are divine.
Both God and the world
    Love you
    Love you,
19. The distance between
The distance    Between
Hope and despair
    Is no distance.
The distance
Love and hate
    Is no distance.
The distance
Doubt and faith
    Is no distance.
The distance
Your lower life
Your higher life
    Is incredibly long,
    Arduous and dangerous.
20. Together they go
The hour of grace    And
The shower of glory
    Together shine.
The hour of victory
The power of surrender
    Together strike.
The Hour of God
The flower of gratitude
    Together blossom.
21. No completion
No purity,No sanity.
No sanity,
No realisation.
No realisation,
No perfection.
No perfection,
No completion.
22. Nowhere to be found
The hermitage of peace    Can easily be found.
The home of light
    Can easily be found.
The nest of silence
    Can easily be found.
The room of perfection
    Is nowhere to be found.
23. To become
To enjoy is    To obey.
To obey is
    To shine.
To shine is
    To become.
To become is
    To transform
    The animal in us,
    To elevate
    The human in us,
    To fulfil
    The divine in us.
24. Darker, purer, surer
Darker than night    Is my mental doubt.
Purer than dawn
    Is my weeping heart.
Stronger than a giant
    Is my blossomed faith.
25. He wants both
He wants bothHumanity and Divinity:
    Humanity to wash his feet,
    Divinity to breathe its love.
He wants both
God and man:
    God to pull him towards God,
    Man to push him towards God.
26. Unless
Unless the child cries,    The mother brings him no milk.
Unless the disciple cries,
    The Master brings him no nectar.
Unless man tries,
    God gives him nothing.
Unless God forces,
    Man does nothing.
27. Only to offer
Only to rise,    He stumbled.
Only to succeed,
    He failed.
Only to create,
    He stopped.
Only to become,
    He shunned.
Only to offer,
    He is.
28. Perfect, imperfect
Doubt-prideIs in itself imperfect.
Is in itself perfect.
Is in itself imperfect.
Is in itself perfect.
Is itself imperfect.
Is itself perfect.
29. Your sadness immeasurable
“Lord, Your sadness    Immeasurable,
How can I relieve?”
Think that I suffer,
    Feel that I suffer,
    Love humanity as I do.
Lo, half of My suffering-night
    Has captured your oneness-love
    With its Reality-Height.
30. O immaculate Beauty
O immaculate Beauty,    God needs you.
O immaculate Purity,
    God utilises you.
O immaculate Lustre,
    God perfects you.
O immaculate Consciousness,
    God expands Himself
    In you,
    With you.
31. The aim
The aim of all seeing    Is serving.
The aim of all serving
    Is loving.
The aim of all loving
    Is identifying.
The aim of all identifying
    Is oneness-becoming.
In oneness-becoming
    We mark the journey’s close.
32. Why do I suffer
Why do I suffer,My Lord Supreme?
Is it because
    I am not careful?
Is it because
    I enter into ignorance?
“No, nothing of the sort.
Your big heart
Cannot live
Without housing others’ pain
As your very own.”
33. Thought-world
The activity of a thought-wave    Fascinates me.
The reality of a thought-sea
    Transforms me.
The divinity of a thought-world
    Immortalises me.
34. Now I shine
I died in thought.    Now
I fly with Will.
I died in time.
I dance with Eternity.
I died in imperfection.
I shine with God-Perfection.
35. Now we are satisfied
I spoke;I was badly misunderstood.
    I remained silent;
I was properly understood.
    I loved;
I was suspected.
    I served;
I was appreciated.
    I saw;
Neither God nor I was satisfied.
    I became;
Both God and I are totally satisfied.
36. Without Thee
To think without Thee    Is to cry.
To see without Thee
    Is to sigh.
To work without Thee
    Is to fail.
To rest without Thee
    Is to die.
I know, I know,
I fail to practise.
37. His immortal self
He greets mortal breath    With his immortal grace.
He illumines mortal confusion
    With his immortal face.
He transforms mortal pangs
    With his immortal heart.
He consoles mortal failure
    With his immortal progress.
38. He ascends and descends
God’s Hour helps him    Ascend and descend.
He ascends to pluck
    The fruits of Nectar-light.
He descends to distribute
    The fruits with Beauty’s heart.
39. You will be caught
Don’t pretend    Without the truth;
You will be caught.
Don’t expand
    Without the light;
You will be caught.
Don’t preach
    Without the silence;
You will be caught.
Don’t argue
    With your inner effulgent light,
    With your outer flickering candle;
You will be caught.
40. Nothing else to think about
Lord, I think of YouNot because You are
Kind to me,
But because I have
Nothing else to think about.
“Son, I think of you
Not because I have
Nothing else to think about,
But because when
I think of you
I get the joy of a child,
The strength of a youth
And the wisdom of an old man.”
Lord, from now on
I shall think of You
And not remain indebted to You.
41. The due price
Lord, when people misunderstand me,What shall I do?
    “Forgive them.”
I do that.
But again and again they misunderstand me.
    “My son, do not allow
    All and sundry
    To have free access to you.
    Don’t make your spirituality cheap.
    All must pay the due price.”
42. Take me to stay with you
A beggar stood    Before
God, man and Satan.
To God he said:
“Lord, take me to stay with You
    In Your Boat.”
“Your desire is granted, My son.”
To man he said:
“Brother, take me to stay with you
    In your boat.”
“Sorry, my boat is too small.”
To Satan he said:
“Esteemed Friend, take me to stay with you
    In your boat.”
“Certainly, you will not only stay,
    But be the boatman
    And thus relieve me
    Of my long and endless task.”
43. To say the least
“Good-bye, Father,I shall see You tomorrow.”
    Good-bye, son,
    I shall see you in a minute.
“Why and how, Father?
I am leaving, Father.
I am tired, really tired,
To say the least.”
    I am proud of you,
    I am one with you.
    I share your glory’s light
    Equally and unmistakably,
    To say the least.
44. Don't tell a lie!
Who has not stumbled?    You?
Don’t tell a lie!
Who has not failed?
Don’t tell a lie!
Who has not seen
    The Face of God?
Don’t tell a lie!
Who will not
    Become God?
Don’t tell a lie!
45. Eternal surrender
Lord Supreme,Eternal surrender:
Does it exist or will it ever exist?
“My son, from time immemorial
    Eternal surrender
    Has walked the soil of earth.
My transcendental Silence
My universal Sound
    To each other have offered
    Their capacity-height
    In the form of surrender-light.
The surrender of My Silence
    To My Life of Sound
    Makes earth grow
    Towards the highest height.
The surrender of My Sound
    To My Life of Silence
    Makes Heaven descend
    To feel the bleeding heartbeat
Of Mother Earth.”
46. He is important
He is serene.    Therefore
God’s Mind caresses his mind.
He is brilliant.
God’s Vital welcomes his vital.
He is important.
God’s Heart
    With Fondness-light
    Houses him,
    His dream-boat,
    His dream-river,
    His dream-shore.
47. Many and few
Many seeds, few crops.Many blossoms, few fruits.
Many seekers, few realised souls.
Many Masters, one God.
    The self-same God
    Sails His Dream-Boat
And becomes His Reality-Shore.
48. To get up, to meditate
To get up early in the morning    Is one thing;
To meditate soulfully
    Is something else.
If I fail to get up early
    In the morning,
    How can I meditate?
Again, if I get up
    And do not meditate well,
    I just torture my poor body.
O my body,
    From now on I shall use you
    Only for God’s sake.
O my soul,
    From now on I shall use you
    Only for God’s sake.
49. You have to share my fate
My Lord, is it my businessTo perfect the world?
    “Son, who else’s business is it?
    If you dare to call yourself My son
    You have to share
    Equally My fate.
    Love Me, I am yours.
    Serve Me, you are Mine,
    Mine alone.”
50. Perfect strangers
Lord, Lord,Save me, save me.
I am in terrible danger.
I am fighting against time
To prove to my spiritual children
That I am a poet of high magnitude.
Father, do save me, save me.
“Son, don’t insult Me.
You and I are perfect strangers
To the birth and life of defeat.”
Editor's preface to the first edition
This book of 50 poems is part of a four-part series written by Sri Chinmoy in the 22-hour period between 12:01 a.m. and 10:01 p.m. on 2 February 1974. It was also printed on the same day by the group pictured in the photograph above the preface.