A God-devotion-teardrop

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A God-Devotion-Teardrop

A God-devotion-teardrop
Is what I need every day.

At the End of God's Day

At the end of God’s Day,
God’s Promises fly and fly
In ecstasy-sky.

At the End of My Day

At the end of my day,
My hopes sigh and sigh
In bitter disappointment.

Every Morning I Weave

Every morning I weave
A rainbow-garland
With my heart-beauty
And my soul-fragrance
And then I place it
At the Feet of my Lord Supreme.

Finally, My Lord Has Removed

Finally, my Lord has removed
His world-complaint-acceptance-box.

God Does Not Take Any Intermission

God does not take any intermission
From His Heaven-Day
And earth-night performances.
I must do the same to prove
That I am His beloved child.

God Gives Surrender-Lessons

God gives surrender-lessons
Only to the first-class seekers.

God Is Not Disturbed

God is not disturbed by His age.
So should I be?

God Loves to Examine My Life

God loves to examine my life.
God’s Eye loves to embrace my heart.

God's Feet Love to Show Me

God’s Feet love to show me
The way to my Destination.

God Pretends

God pretends
To understand my mind,
But actually He does not.

God Pushes and Pulls

God pushes and pulls
The unwilling.

God Protects and Leads

God protects and leads
The willing.

God the Delight

God the Delight
Prepaid my earth-journey.

God the Pride

God the Pride
Will prepay my Heaven-pilgrimage.

God's Scoldings

God’s scoldings
Frighten the mind
And illumine the heart.

I Am Alive

I am alive!
That is God’s outer miracle.

God's Inner Miracle

I love God!
That is God’s inner miracle.

I Need God the Companion

I need God the Companion
And not God the Magician.

I Was Born of God-Grace

I was born of God-Grace to see His Face
In the streaming tears of my heart
And in the beaming smiles of my soul.

Last Time When I Saw God

Last time when I saw God
I told Him that I think of Him only
All the time.
I could not believe when God told me
That He also does the same, vice versa.

Light Eventually Conquers

Light eventually conquers.

Power Eventually Surrenders

Power eventually surrenders.

Millennia Come and Go

Millennia come and go.
Humanity to please God
In God’s own Way
Remains a far cry.

Morning Prayers

Morning prayers
Are God-Whispers.

My Life Begins

My life begins with my Master’s Eyes
And ends at my Master’s Feet.

My Lord and I Are Two Experts

My Lord and I are two experts in telling lies.
Can you imagine what I tell God?
I tell God that I love Him only.
Can you imagine what God tells me?
He tells me that He loves me infinitely more
Than I love Him.
We two deserve life-long imprisonment.

My Lord, Blame Me, Shame Me

My Lord, blame me, shame me,
But please do not forget to tame me.

My Mind Ridicules God

My mind ridicules God,
My heart loves God,
And I question God.

Nobody Is Perfect

Nobody is perfect,
But perfection is guaranteed.
By whom?
By God Himself.

Prayer Means God-Supplication

Prayer means

Meditation Means God-Invitation

Meditation means

Regularity Runs

Regularity runs.
Punctuality sprints.

The Heart of Each Human Being

The heart of each human being
Is a masterpiece of God.

Two Things Do Not Run Short

Two things do not run short:
My Lord’s Compassion
And my doubts.

When I Go to God Walking

When I go to God
Walking very slowly
God opens and closes His Eyes
At long intervals,
Heaving heavy sighs.

When I go to God Whistling

When I go to God whistling,
He eagerly waits for me
With His open Arms.

When I Look at My Lord's Eye

When I look at my Lord’s Eye,
I become a tiny, tender plant.

When I Enter into My Lord's Heart

When I enter into my Lord’s Heart,
I become a fully blossomed tree.

When I Pray, I Become My Heart-Rose

When I pray,
I become my heart-rose.

When I Meditate

When I meditate,
I become my life-lotus.

When I Am Slowly Walking

When I am slowly walking
Along Eternity’s Road
I learn the geography of earth.

When I Am Speedily Running

When I am speedily running
Along Eternity’s Road
I learn the history of Heaven.

My Lord, My Only Prayer to You (3)

My Lord, my only prayer to You
Is this:
Do continue to remain
Fully in charge of my life.

Every Little Thing

Every little thing
That my Lord does for me
Thrills me, my heart,
My very existence.

My Heart Is Made Of

My heart is made of
My Lord’s sweet Dreams

I Belong to God's Will

I belong to God’s Will.
What more do I need?
What more do I care for?

A True God-Lover

A true God-lover
Is he who cannot breathe
Without self-giving.

I Must Pray, Not Only for Myself (2)

I must pray, not only for myself,
But also for those
Who do not care to pray.

Do Not Blame Anybody

Do not blame anybody for the world.
The world is entirely God’s Creation.

My Heartbeat and God's Heartbeat

My heartbeat and God’s Heartbeat
Love to speak in whispers.

It Matters Not

It matters not
How much we know
About God.

It Matters Only

It matters only
How much we have given
To God.

There Is Only One Home

There is only one home,
And that home is our love of God.

God's Greatest Treasure

God’s greatest treasure
Is man’s smile.

Just One Smile

Just one smile
Immensely increases
The beauty of the universe.

Do Not Depend

Do not depend
On earthly applause.

Depend Only

Depend only
On God’s Compassion-Smile.

My Lord's Constant Miracle

My gratitude-heart
Is my Lord’s constant miracle.

The Children of Happiness

The children of happiness
Will create a new world.

When the Flowers Sing

When the flowers sing,
I feel a new dawn in my heart.

My Faith in God

My faith in God
Is my only reality.

The Visible Miracles

The visible miracles
Do not last for long.

The Invisible Miracles

The invisible miracles
Help us tremendously
In our inner and outer life.

Science Is a Modern Discovery

Science is
A modern discovery.

Spirituality Is an Ancient Discovery

Spirituality is
An ancient discovery.

I Long for a Time

I long for a time
When God and I
Can talk for a moment,

Every Day God Descends

Every day God descends
With new Promises.
But, alas, we fail to accept them.

God Comes Only to See

God comes only to see
That the mind is frightened to death.
God comes only to see
That the heart is dancing in ecstasy.

God Has Asked Himself

God has asked Himself a billion times
One question:
Why have I created this world?

The Outer Fire

The outer fire
Burns our existence.

The Inner Fire

The inner fire
Illumines and fulfils our existence.

The Outer Long Distance

The outer long distance
Frightens us.

The Outer Light

The outer light
Dazzles us.

The Inner Light

The inner light
Immediately embraces us.

The Medical World

The medical world

The Spiritual World

The spiritual world

Difficult to Preserve

Gratitude is as difficult to preserve
As the flying wind.

God's Mind

God’s Mind
Loves the jokers.

God's Heart Loves

God’s Heart
Loves the lovers.

God's Feet Love

God’s Feet
Love the worshippers.

God Loves

God loves
The eternal players.

When I Pray to God, I Think He Is

When I pray to God, I think He is
A thousand miles over my head.

When I Meditate on God

When I meditate on God, I know He is
Watching me, standing right in front of me.

Even When I Am Late

Even when I am late by one fleeting second,
God’s Vision-Express-Train does not wait for me.

God's Forgiveness

God’s Forgiveness
Does not believe in vacation.
Even so, God’s Justice.

Whenever I Have a Good Meditation

Whenever I have a good meditation,
I thrill my Lord Supreme.

Quite Often

Quite often tears give us
Good news.

Be Alert! Be Awake!

Be alert! Be awake!
God is fast approaching.


A Heaven-climbing game.


An earth-rotating game.

I Want Only My Lord

I want only my Lord
To occupy each and every thought
Of mine.

I Am Trying

I am trying to drown
My ego
And crown
My heart.

The Inner Long Distance

The inner long distance
Beckons us
To reach the ultimate Goal.