God’s Heart-Room
JoyJoy is another name for progress.
LightThe inner light illumines darkness. The outer light chases darkness.
GratitudeEach gratitude-breath of our heart gives God tremendous joy.
AspirationAspiration is a climbing cry of our God-loving heart.
VictoryFor a real God-seeker and God-lover, there is only one Victory, and that Victory is to claim God’s entire Creation as one’s very own, very own.
OnenessSoulfulness, newness, oneness and fulness: these are the most significant branches of our life’s God-aspiration and God-dedication-tree.
DevotionDevotion intensifies our love of God much faster than anything else.
LoveEvery day, every hour, every minute, every second, a sincere seeker must try to increase his love of God.
SurrenderTo surrender to God’s Will at every moment is the only right thing that a seeker must practise to please God in His own Way.
SincerityIf we wish to enter into God’s Heart-Room, then sincerity is of paramount importance.
EnthusiasmEnthusiasm of the mind has a very short breath, but enthusiasm in the heart lasts long, very, very long. Enthusiasm is success and progress at every moment.
PurityIf there is abundant purity in the mind, in the vital and in the body, then the seeker can easily make the fastest progress in the spiritual life.
HeartWe can claim God to be our All only if we can remain all the time in our hearts.
PeaceWe can have peace only after we have placed everything that we claim to be ours at God’s Feet.
DivinityIf we have a constant spirituality-hunger, then we can enjoy divinity-meal.
Self-givingSelf-giving seekers are God’s most favourite children.
DeterminationIf we have adamantine determination, then we can realise God much faster than otherwise.
EagernessEagerness shortens the road to our destination.
SoulfulnessA soulfulness-heart receives from God His Heart’s Fulness-Smile.
HumilityThe more we can have humility in our life, the sooner God knocks at our heart-door.
FaithOur faith in God is not to become another Alexander the Great. Our faith in God is to become God’s fondest children.
PerfectionGod becomes extremely proud of us only when we pray to God to bless us with His infinite Compassion so that we can have a life of absolute perfection to please God in His own Way.
TruthWe must not allow the mind to tell us what the truth is. We must only ask our heart to tell us what the truth is because our heart only lives in the Heart of God’s own Truth.
ForgivenessA forgiveness-heart is surrounded by all the happiness of the world.
Editor's preface
On 19 November 2005, shortly before he left New York for his annual Christmas-New Year trip, Sri Chinmoy invited those who had been following his path for less than four years to offer him a spiritual word. These are the 24 short commentaries Sri Chinmoy gave on that day.