When God-Love Descends
1. Contagious
Frustration is contagious;Therefore, be careful.
    Happiness is contagious;
Therefore, be happy,
And see, by spreading your happiness,
You increase your happiness.
    Suspicion is contagious;
Therefore, be careful.
    Faith is contagious;
Therefore, have faith,
And see, by spreading your faith,
You increase your faith.
2. The listener in you
The speaker in you tells youThat you and he can transform
The length and breadth of the world.
The listener in you tells you
That you and he can manifest
God-Light, God-Truth and God-Perfection on earth.
I tell you,
The listener in you is sincere and genuine.
Give him a chance.
He will do everything to please you,
    To fulfil you.
Just give him a chance.
3. The resting place within
Are you looking for the resting place within?Then ask God where the hallowed door is.
If you cannot ask Him,
If you do not know who God is,
Then ask your humility-friend,
Ask your sincerity-friend.
They know where the resting place within you abides.
They know; ask them!
They are eager to tell you.
4. God's future
God's futureNobody knows
But me.
His future
Shall win
My life's
5. Dream-life, reality-life
You know what your dream-life is,But you know not what your reality-life is.
Your dream-life is an assuring life of promise,
    A life of joy.
Your reality-life is a God-life of love-perfection
    And oneness-satisfaction on earth.
Therefore, stay not always in the dream-life.
Come out.
Embrace the reality-life.
6. God's satisfaction-choice
You were the son of God.You didn't know it.
You are the friend of God.
You don't know it.
You shall be the satisfaction-choice of God.
You will not know it.
Alas, alas, alas.
7. What did God tell you?
When did I love you?I loved you when God loved you.
Where did I see you?
I saw you where God saw you.
What did I tell you?
I told you what God told you.
What did God tell you?
God told you that
    He does not believe
    In the existence of death,
    He does not believe
    In the existence of ignorance.
    He does not believe
    In death-dart,
    He does not believe
    In ignorance-clay.
8. He plays for you
When does the Supreme play?The Supreme plays
    Only when you appreciate His Play,
    Only when you want to learn from Him,
    Only when you want to become a player like Him,
    Only when you want to make friends with Eternity like Him.
When you feel that His cosmic Play
Is all that you want,
    He plays,
    He plays for you.
9. Love is a thing to become
Love is not a thing to understand.Love is not a thing to feel.
Love is not a thing to give and receive.
Love is a thing only to become
    And eternally be.
10. Look up, look below
Look up.Your grasp will exceed your reach,
I assure you.
Look below.
Your grasp will never attain your reach,
Needless to say.
11. Three apostles
Three apostles of atheism:    A sleeping body,
    A strangling vital,
    A doubting mind.
Three apostles of theism:
    A believing heart,
    A loving life,
    A serving soul.
12. Growing better
Every day I am growing better.This is what I hear from my Inner Pilot.
Every day I am getting worse.
This is what I hear from the human beings around me.
Who is telling me the truth?
Is it my Inner Pilot or the human beings?
My Inner Pilot is telling me the truth,
For I know there was a time
    When I wanted to devour the world;
But now I want to feed the world.
13. Father and son
It is the father who first loves the son.It is the son who first seeks the father.
It is the father who first tells the son
    That his son is the son of greatness.
It is the son who first tells the father
    That his father is the father of greatness.
14. The world that I have discovered
The new world of ColumbusLikes to be loved first,
And then it wants to love.
But my new world,
The world that I have discovered,
Wants only to love and thus become
What love eternally is.
15. Earth's music
O earth, you tell meThat God does not love your music.
But how can God love your music
Since your music does not love God?
It only loves the pleasure-vital in itself.
If your music loved God,
God would not only love your music,
But also tell the world that your music
Is His immediate Perfection-Manifestation on earth,
The manifestation of His universality's Height on earth.
16. Try this helper
When other helpers fail you,Try this one:
His name is earth-patience.
When other helpers fail you,
Try this one:
His name is Heaven-Compassion.
When other helpers fail you,
Try this one:
His name is surrender-beauty.
17. Sweet hope
Sweet hope,You are not the product of earth-desire,
But the blossom of God-aspiration.
O sweet hope,
I am in love with you.
18. God and his lovers
God and His seekers know,God and His seekers glow,
God and His seekers grow.
But God and His lovers
    Eternally are.
19. Who never smiles, who never cries
Who never smiles?You?
Not true.
I have seen you smile
Inside the Heart of God,
At the Feet of God.
Who never cries?
Not true.
I have seen you cry
Inside earth-hunger heart,
At the thunderous destruction-feet of earth.
20. Something is going on
Something is going on in your inner world,My friend: doubt.
I am telling you why.
I see clearly that you are not satisfied
With what you have and what you are.
    What you have is frustration;
    What you are is deception.
21. Perfection-moon, perfection-sun
Insincerity is the diseaseOf your thought-life.
Sincerity is the cure
Of your will-life.
Humility's beauty and surrender's duty
Are the perfection-moon and perfection-sun
Of your soul-life.
22. Our weaknesses
You talk and never stop.That is your weakness.
He never talks.
That is his weakness.
I talk only to myself,
    Not to God.
That is my weakness.
23. Sometimes I wonder why
Earth does not need me.    Sometimes
I wonder why
I still stay on earth.
Heaven does need me.
I wonder why
I still do not go to Heaven.
24. Believe it or not
Believe it or not,Although you do not love God,
God does not hold anything against you.
Believe it or not,
Although you serve ignorance,
Ignorance does not trust you.
25. There is yet time
There is yet time.You are destined to see God.
Don't believe your earthly eyes.
There is yet time.
You are destined to realise God.
Don't believe your earthly friends.
There is yet time.
You are destined to become God.
Don't believe your earth-bound self,
    But believe your Heaven-free
    Divinity and Immortality.
26. Little troubles and big troubles
Your little troubles are:    You do not care for God,
    You do not love God.
But your big troubles are:
God smiles at somebody else,
God takes the service of somebody else.
27. Do you care for God's Smile?
Do you care for God's rare Smile?Then call on Him
And love Him with your heart's love.
Do you care for God's constant Smile?
Then become what He wants you to be:
A surrender-flower at His Transcendence-Feet.
28. Never believe what your mind says
Never believe what your mind says.Your mind is a liar.
Never believe what your mind says.
Your mind is a beggar.
Never believe what your mind says.
Your mind is secretly digging your grave.
Never believe what your mind says.
Your mind tells you that God is somewhere else,
That God is someone else other than you.
29. When God-Love descends
When God-Love descends,Beauty appears from nowhere.
    When God-Compassion descends,
Delight appears from nowhere.
30. The latecomer
O world-ignorance,You are a latecomer.
Yet God will consider your case,
God will grant your choice,
God will offer you His heavenly Voice
And He will use your earthly years.
God will fulfil you,
God will make you perfection's Immortality.
O latecomer, God is still yours
And you are still His.
31. What I have found
What I have found in Heaven,I tell you:
    Heaven knows how to smile,
    Heaven knows how to dance,
    Heaven knows how to enjoy.
What I have found in earth,
I tell you:
    Earth knows how to cry,
    Earth knows how to sigh,
    Earth knows how to die.
What I have found in God,
I tell you:
    God knows how to forget world-torture,
    God knows how to forgive world-ignorance.
32. No time to worry
No time to worryIf you want to serve God.
No time to worry
If you want to love God.
No time to worry
If you need God.
No time to worry
If you really want to be the God of tomorrow.
33. Heaven-silence
Heaven-silence loves ignorance,For by loving alone
Can Heaven transform ignorance.
Ignorance loves Heaven-silence,
For by giving what it has,
What it is,
Ignorance becomes Heaven-silence.
What ignorance has
    Is the message of life-transformation.
What ignorance is
    Is the message of God-preparation
    for perfection's Light.
34. You are the answer
"Lord, I am determined to love You."Son, I am determined to free you.
"Lord, I am determined to fulfil You."
Son, I am determined to offer you
    To quench the thirst of humanity
    And to feed the hunger of divinity.
You are the answer to humanity's thirst
    for God-realisation.
You are the answer to Divinity's hunger
    for God-manifestation.
35. I am not
The hour is coming.The hour is approaching fast.
God will tell me
    What I am not,
    Who I am not,
    Where I am not.
What am I not?
    I am not ignorance.
Who am I not?
    I am not God's slave,
    I am not a stranger to God.
Where am I not?
    I am not in the mouth
    Of a devouring ignorance-tiger.
36. Nothing is really lost
Nothing is really lost.No, not even my long-forgotten peace.
Nothing is really gained.
No, not even my constantly used
37. Is your soul troubled?
Is your soul troubled?Then I tell you,
Think of your claim:
    Your God's Greatness-Height.
Is your life troubled?
Then I tell you,
Think of your life's nothingness-might.
38. Pleased with me
Sound-lifeWas pleased with me
When I said
    God is great.
Was pleased with me
When I said
    God is good.
Was pleased with me
When I said
    God is becoming.
39. The simple ones
My Lord preserves the simple ones.My Lord fulfils the sincere ones.
My Lord becomes the humble ones.
40. I am where I am
I am from above,Believe it or not.
For God's sake I am on earth.
I am from below,
Believe it or not.
For man's sake I am in Heaven.
No preference have I
For the highest Height
Or the abysmal depth.
For God's sake,
For man's sake,
I am where I am.
41. Only two things
Lord, I am ready to receive.What do You have for me?
"Son, I have only two things
To give you:
    The Crown of My Heaven's Vision,
    And the frown of ignorance-force
    At My whole universal Mission."
42. Why men cry
I tell you in supreme secrecy,God will become a man,
God will cry like a man.
God will become a man
To see what man needs most.
God will cry like a man
To see why men cry.
43. Two hopes of God
Two hopes of God:Man will take His place,
Man will give Him rest,
    Eternity's rest.
44. Do not flatter me any more
O Heaven,For God's sake
Do not flatter me any more.
I am sick of your flattery,
Totally sick of your flattery.
I am unimaginably sick of your flattery.
O earth,
For God's sake
Do not torture me any more.
I am sick of your torture,
Totally sick of your torture.
I deserve better treatment from you.
45. A God-invoking work
A soulful work is the first reward.A surrender-work is the best reward.
A God-invoking work
    Is the first and best dream-reward of God,
    The first and best reality-achievement of man.
46. Addition and subtraction
While lovingHe subtracts himself;
    Therefore, he is really great.
While serving
He adds God to his service-seed;
Therefore, he and his action
    Are supremely perfect.
47. Divine necessities
Surrender-fruitIs my first necessity.
Is my second necessity.
Is my third necessity.
But God the Compassion-Tree
    Is my supreme necessity.
48. Divided sincerity
Your outer lifeIs multiplied indifference;
Therefore, my soul does not like you.
Your inner life
Is divided sincerity;
Therefore, my heart does not love you.
49. Will-sea
Thought-waves caught me;Therefore, I lived in possibility-world.
Will-sea has freed me;
Therefore, I am in reality-world.
50. Three sublime things
He always doesNot one, but three sublime things:
    He loves God openly,
    He keeps God's Blessing-Fruit safely,
    He distributes God-Delight unreservedly.