May My Heart-Flower-Smile Never Fade Away

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May My Heart-Flower-Smile

May my heart-flower-smile
Never fade away.

May I Never Become

May I never become
A lifeless lethargy-life.

My Sadness-Heart

May my sadness-heart,
May my madness-mind
Live at the Feet of my Lord Supreme.

May I Never Be Assailed

May I never be assailed
By the despair-night.

May Each and Every Breath of My Heart

May each and every breath of my heart
Serve for world harmony.

May I Never Shoot

May I never shoot my doubt-mind
At my Lord Supreme.

May I Keep a Strict Watch

May I keep a strict watch
On my thinking and suspecting mind.

May I Become a Lifelong Friend

May I become a lifelong friend
Of my heart’s inner voice.

My Enthusiasm-Heart

May my enthusiasm-heart
Always remain a running river.

May I Never See

May I never see
The face of anger-hurricane.

May I Never Be Exiled

May I never be exiled
From my Lord’s Compassion-Eye.

May My Heart's Faith-Tower

May my heart’s faith-tower
Never crumble.

May My Heart's Peace Torch

May my heart’s peace torch
Never flicker.

May I Not Cover My Heart-Garden

May I not cover my heart-garden
With my mind-jungle.

May I Not Live Any More in Anxiety

May I not live any more
In anxiety-cave.


May I say willingness-“YES”
To You, my Lord, always.

May I Give All-Importance

May I give all-importance
Only to my God-budding-life.

My Soul-Summer

May my soul-summer
Marry my heart-winter-tears.

May I Never Lament

May I never lament
The departure of my past experiences.

May I Believe

May I believe that my faith in God
Is my heritage.

May I Appreciate

May I appreciate my mind’s
Daily God-search.

May I Every Day Go

May I every day go
Far beyond my desire-life.

My God-Surrender-Examination

May my heart every day
Pass my God-surrender-examination.

May My Heart's God-Telephone

May my heart’s God-telephone
Never be disconnected.

May I Cling to My Heart

May I cling to my heart
That always loves God
In God’s own Way.

My Earthly Freedom

May I know that my earthly freedom
Is my heavenly death.

May I Not Allow My Doubt-Mind

May I not allow my doubt-mind
To speak ill of my faith-heart.

May I Have a Heart That Forgives

May I have a heart that forgives,
Forgives and forgives.

May My Heart Offer Happiness-Flowers

May my heart offer happiness-flowers
To each and every human being.

May I Have an Aspiration-Pull-Heart

May I have an aspiration-pull-heart.
May I have a dedication-push-life.

May My Vital Never Pretend

May my vital never pretend.
May my mind never offend.

May Each Thought of My Mind

May each thought of my mind
Prayerfully revolve around
The Eye of my Lord Supreme.

May My Aspiration-Heart Never Be

May my aspiration-heart never be
Under any attack.

May I Realise Every Day

May I realise every day
The frailty of human ambition-heights.

An Unconditional Surrender-Specialist

May my heart become
An unconditional surrender-specialist.

May My Heart-Life Over Be

May my heart-life over be
My mind’s head.

May I Sing Day and Night

May I sing day and night
Selflessness and oneness-songs.


May my heart-breath grow into
My Lord’s Satisfaction-Excellence.

May I Never Be Unwilling and Unready

May I never be unwilling and unready
For my Absolute Lord Supreme.

May They Never Starve

May my love, devotion and surrender
Never starve.

May I Never Surrender

May I never surrender
To ignorance-pressure and blows.

Fear's Prison

May my mind enter not into
Fear’s prison.

May I Not Cherish

May I not cherish
Fragile and brittle hopes.

May I Daily Try

May I daily try to tame
My vital-temptation-tiger.

May All My-Vital-Attachment-Links

May all my vital-attachment-links
Be snapped.

From Insincerity

May I know that from insincerity
Insecurity comes into existence.

May I Know?

May I know
That God the Power
Will liberate me
And not frighten me?

May I Not Accuse God

May I not accuse God
Of my binding and blinding faults.

May I Never Be Caught

May I never be caught
By frustration-fetters.

May My Heart Be Never Too Old

May my heart be never
Too old to learn.

May I Prayerfully Wait

May I prayerfully wait
For God’s Choice Hour.

May I Daily Feed

May I daily feed
My heart’s aspiration-child.

May My Reality-Life Be

May my reality-life be
As pure as my Dreamland-heart.

May My Soul Dream On

May my soul dream on
Until its dreams come perfectly true.

May My Soul's Dance Be Heaven's Gift (1)

May my soul’s dance be
Heaven’s gift to earth.

May My Heart's Song Be Earth's Gift

May my heart’s song
Be earth’s gift to Heaven.

May I Not Receive the Old Age

May I not receive the old age
When it arrives.

May I Not Be a Fool (1)

May I not be a fool to miss God’s
Morning meditation-invitation.

May I Not Be A Fool to Spring Ever

May I not be a fool to spring ever
A surprise on God.

Your Private Phone Number

May I not, my Lord, lose
Your private phone number.

Your Home Address

May I not, my Lord,
Lose Your Home Address.