My Supreme Songbook

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Marathon I Run

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme,
Marathon I run, marathon I run, marathon,
To be the smile of Your Infinity’s Dawn.

My Lord Beloved Supreme, Smile, Smile

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme,
My Lord Beloved Supreme,
Smile, smile, smile!
Do You not know, my Beloved Supreme,
That a fleeting Smile of Yours
Can win my crying and bleeding heart
A million times over?
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme,
My Lord Beloved Supreme.

Your Newness Does Not Satisfy Me

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
Your Newness does not satisfy me.
Your Oneness does not satisfy me.
Your Fulness does not satisfy me.
Only Your Forgiveness satisfies me.
Your Forgiveness satisfies me fully,
Integrally and eternally.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

My Supreme, Every Day I Pray to You

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
Every day I pray to You only for one thing:
May today be the last day of my desire-life.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

I Am Happy When You Guide My Heart

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
I am happy when You guide my heart.
I am more happy when You govern my mind.
I am infinitely more happy when You enslave my life.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

Smile, Smile, Smile

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
Smile, smile, smile so that my heart and I can feel
That You still love us.
Smile, smile, smile so that my life and I can know
That You still need us.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

I Love You Only, Only, Only

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
I love You only, only, only.
I need You only, only, only.
My child, come, come, come, come to Me.
You and I shall fly together
In My Heart’s Ecstasy-Sky.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

Why Do You Not Love Me Any More?

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
Why do You not love me any more?
“My child, your question deserves no answer.”
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

Who Can Console You?

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
Who can console You if not Your own
Eternity’s blue-gold Dreams?
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

My Heart's Streaming Tears

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
My heart’s streaming tears shorten
My God-destination-distance.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

My Soul Has Zero Tolerance

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
My soul has zero tolerance
For God-disobedience-seekers.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

I Must Not Choose Joys

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
I must not choose joys,
I must not choose sorrows.
I must choose You, only You, only You, only You.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

My God-Oneness-Life

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
My God-oneness-life entirely depends
On my heart’s God-devotion-tears.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

My Prayer Is My Oneness

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
My prayer is my oneness with Your Transcendental Eye.
My meditation is my fulness inside Your Universal Heart.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

My Only Happiness

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
My only happiness is in the fulfilment
Of Your Express Commands.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

My Supreme, Today I Am Determined

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
Today I am determined to smash asunder
My mind’s long and strong desire-train-chain.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

My Supreme, the More Faith I Have in You

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
The more faith I have in You,
The sooner You claim me as Your own, very own.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

I Become the Tower of Strength

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
I become the tower of strength
Only when I remain seated
At Your Compassion-Feet.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

The Earthly Calendar

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
I do not learn my age from the earthly calendar.
I learn my age from my life’s surrender
To the Will of Your Compassion-Eye.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!


My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
May my outer life be Your own
May my inner life be Your own
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

My Surrender-Soil

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
May my aspiration-heart and my dedication-life
Be both firmly rooted in my surrender-soil.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

An Ever-Blossoming God-Gratitude-Heart

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
May my life become an ever-blossoming
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

May All My God-Dreams Blossom

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
May all my God-dreams blossom
In my aspiring heart-garden.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

My Joy Knows No Bounds

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
My joy knows no bounds
To see Your golden Chariot
On my world-oneness-heart-path.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

Eternity's God-Aspiration-Cry

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
May my heart be Eternity’s God-aspiration-cry.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

A Most Peaceful Evening Sunset-Song

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
May my life be a most peaceful evening sunset-song.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

A Most Beautiful Morning Sunrise-Smile

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
May my heart be a most beautiful
Morning sunrise-smile.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

When My Life Becomes a Desire-Beggar

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
When my life becomes a desire-beggar
I would like You to immediately be a denial-Emperor.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

What a Fool I Am

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
What a fool I am!
I try to test Your Will
Instead of tasting and devouring Your Will.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

My Supreme, May My Heart Love

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
May my heart love each and
Every human being in the world
The way You love my heart.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

I Was Born to Be a Lover of Your Dreams

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
I was born to be a lover of Your Dreams
And a server of Your Realities.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

The Human Birth Is an Unknown Journey

My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
The human birth is an unknown journey.
The divine death is an unknowable goal.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!

My Master-Lord, I Came into the World

My Master-Lord, my Master-Lord, my Master-Lord!
I came into the world only to give You joy.
I came into the world to be Your fondness-toy.

My Master-Lord

My Master-Lord, my Master-Lord, my Master-Lord!
I need Your Compassion-flooded Eyes’ Wisdom-Light.
No more severe insecurity-bite!
Now all delight, delight.

Make Me Your Fastest Devotion-Magnet

My Master-Lord, my Master-Lord, my Master-Lord!
Make me Your fastest devotion-magnet.
I shall live only in Your Heart-made net.

Your Heart's Smiling and Flying Face

My Master-Lord, my Master-Lord, my Master-Lord!
Your Heart’s smiling and flying Face
Is my life’s only Salvation-Grace.

My Master-Lord, I Love Your Eyes

My Master-Lord, my Master-Lord, my Master-Lord!
I love Your Eyes, more so, Your Feet
Where my ancient soul, my modern life meet.

My Master-Lord, Your Choice Was My Soul

My Master-Lord, my Master-Lord, my Master-Lord!
Your choice was my soul.
Your Heart is my choice
To save my life from its bondage-voice.

I Shall Fell My Ignorance-Tree

My Master-Lord, my Master-Lord,
My Master-Lord!
I shall fell my ignorance-tree
To run and dive and fly with You, free.

My Morning Begins

My morning begins
With the Sun-Bloom-Blessing
Of my Lord Beloved Supreme.

A God-Gratitude-Silence-Moment

My morning begins
With a prayerful and soulful

A Rainbow-Dancing Delight

My morning begins with a
Rainbow-dancing delight.

My Morning Begins With the Vision

My morning begins
With the vision
Of my rose-heart-garden.

My Master Dies and Dies

My Master dies and dies and dies and dies
To bloom a smile on my face.
I die and die and die and die
To blossom a smile on my Master’s Face.

Every Year I Vote

Every year I vote
For oneness-peace-candidate.

You Say You Are a Total Failure

You say you are a total failure.
I say you are God’s future hope.

Finally, My Heart-Blossoms Have Replaced

Finally, my heart-blossoms
Have replaced my mind-weeds.

May My Mind Awake

May my mind awake
From the nightmare
Of endless self-doubts.

Every Compromise

Every compromise
Is a tragedy in disguise.

Not My Mind, But My Heart

Not my mind, but my heart
Hears each God-Whisper.

Each Time I Pray, My Lord Shakes Hands

Each time I pray,
My Lord shakes hands with me.
Each time I meditate,
My Beloved embraces me.

My Readiness Takes and Takes

My readiness takes and takes.
My willingness gives and takes.
My eagerness gives and gives.