Pope John Paul II: God’s Heart-Prize winner

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An unparalleled spiritual sovereign of the 20th Century — my most blessed meetings with Pope Paul VI

Pope Paul VI

The future Pope is inaugurated as a cardinal by Pope Paul VI on 26 June 1967. To this day Pope John Paul II refers to Pope Paul VI as “my teacher and father.”

"Peter, in the person of Pope Paul VI, has said to me, ‘Feed my sheep’...
  Karol Wojtyla Archbishop of Krakow, 1964"


I was so fortunate to meet with Pope Paul VI at the Vatican on three occasions: 22 March 1972, 27 June 1973 and 9 June 1976. Pope Paul VI was an unparalleled spiritual sovereign of the twentieth century. With his mind’s illumination, he showed mankind the beauty of a new Dawn. With his heart’s oneness, he told man his duty in a new Day.


At our very first meeting, Pope Paul VI said to me, “This meeting of ours has been most essential. The Hindu life and the Christian life shall go together. Your message and my message are the same. When we both leave this world, you and I, we will meet together.”

I shall eternally treasure Pope Paul VI’s divine greatness and supreme goodness.

God's Heart-Prize Winner — my poems dedicated to Pope John Paul II


Each century our Heavenly Father
Blesses a human being
With His supremely satisfied Heart-Prize.
In the twentieth century,
Our Holy Father has won that Prize.
Therefore, our pride in our Holy Father
Day by day, hour by hour,
Minute by minute
And second by second
Is blossoming.


Holy Father,
To stand in front of
Your compassion-flooded presence
Is to deeply breathe in
The ineffable fragrance
Of your purity-life.


Our hearts swim in ecstasy-sea
At the very sight of your
Divinity’s height, light and delight.


So easily and effectively
You clear our minds’
Cloudy skies.


Long before others,
You catch the Tears and Smiles
That descend from God’s Eye.


Your Holiness,
The ill will that reigns
In the world
Is no match for your goodwill,
Compassion and concern.


Whenever and wherever we see you,
We sail on our heart-seas,
Empty of worries and anxieties.


God-hunger is your first name.
God-lover is your second name.
God-server is your third name.
God-fulfiller is your fourth name.


We love ourselves
More than we love others.
But when we are in your gracious presence,
Beloved Holy Father,
God immediately comes into the picture
And, to our great joy and astonishment,
We are compelled to love God
Infinitely more than we love ourselves.


From you we learn, Holy Father,
A purity-heart first;
Everything else later —
If at all needed.


The whole world knows, Holy Father,
That you have an open invitation
From God’s Heart
And you do avail yourself
Of that invitation
On a minute-by-minute basis.


In silence your heart
Teaches our hearts
How to speak
With each and every heart
In the world
Fluently and perfectly.


We all live on isolated islands,
But you live in the heart-breath
Of all the continents.


You tell us that there is no harm
If we always travel
At maximum speed,
But it has to be only Godwards.


Father John Paul,
God has given you
A very rare master key
To open every God-aspiring
And God-loving heart.


No matter how busy you are,
We can watch you
At any time
On our heart-channel.


The moment we think of you,
Holy Father,
We unmistakably see
Our heart’s prayer-wings
Climbing very swiftly.


O Holy Father,
May humanity’s all-dreaming hopes
Follow in the steps
Of your all-fulfilling Silence-eyes.


From your sleeplessly self-giving life
We come to learn
That it is not our world-glories
And world-reputations,
But our God-dedication,
That interests, gladdens
And satisfies God’s Heart.


Your Holiness,
Five times you have blessed me.
Each time I soulfully stood
In front of you,
I drank deep
Every drop of God’s Love
From your heart-eye.


How I wish we all could travel
Everywhere like you:
Only with God-surrender
And God-gratitude-steps.


The difference between you and us,
Holy Father, is this:
We are apt to expose even
The wee weaknesses of others
To the world at large,
Whereas you most compassionately
And most aptly hide
All humanity’s Himalayan blunders.


We needs must follow
Our Holy Father,
For he alone knows
Where he is going.


If we listen to our Holy Father,
We shall definitely
Be able to reclaim
The fulness
Of our oneness-heart-home.


Since you became the Pontiff,
Long twenty-four years ago,
Every day you have to meet with
A host of new and challenging
With courage indomitable
And compassion unfathomable
You deal with all your responsibilities,
Even the most complicated ones.


If we stand in front of Pope John Paul
Soulfully and prayerfully,
Immediately we become
The beauty of a morning rainbow-sky.


Most human beings are in a mad rush
To belittle others in every possible way,
Whereas Pope John Paul
Tries to bring to the fore
The all-loving, all-caring
And all-illumining dignity
Of each human being.

Photograph — Sri Chinmoy and Pope John Paul II

Photograph — Sri Chinmoy meditating


When we enter into your heart,
By virtue of our prayers and meditations,
We hear a solemn message
That the God-lovers and God-servers
Shall, before long, create a new world
Where all human follies
Will be transformed
Into divine confidence, courage, light
And delight.


Revered Holy Father,
To follow your shadow
Is to approach the Beauty,
Peace and Bliss
At Heaven’s Gateway.


When one feels doomed To failure and disappointment, One hears a sweet message-whisper From your heart: “My child, do not give up. After all, Justice-Light Is as necessary as Compassion-Height For us to grow into our highest Height.


Alas, the doubting mind
Cannot appreciate Grace,
The Grace divine —
Which you immeasurably embody —
But you try with your own heart
To transform the unaspiring human beings.
Either sooner than at once
Or in the very long run,
You are bound to succeed.


As mornings are born
With climbing hopes
And fulfilling promises,
Even so, our meetings with you,
Beloved Holy Father,
Are born of inspiration,
Enthusiasm and eagerness
To become divine instruments of God.


Each time we see the Truth
In your way, Holy Father,
And not with
Our confusing and confused minds,
God Himself gives us a ride
To quickly arrive at our Destination.


You make us see and feel
That every day offers a new supply
Of God’s Grace
For the fulfilment of each and every task
In our life.


Holy Father,
To have implicit faith
In your world-elevating utterances
Is to ground ourselves utterly
In God-depths.


Fear and self-doubt
Are eternal strangers
To you.


Division and separation
Are eternal strangers
To you.


You are at once
A compassion-fountain
A justice-mountain.


You are at once
A battlefield-hero-warrior
A prayer-heart-gardener.


You are at once
A visionary poet
An intellectual giant.


You are at once
Spirituality’s practicality
Practicality’s spirituality.


In you
Alpha and Omega
Sleeplessly play


In you
Is God the Flute Player.


With you
Is God the Trumpet Player.


For you
Is God the Organ Player.

The father of all mankind — A tribute to the Holy Father by Monsignor Thomas Hartman

30 June 2002

Since 9-11, our world has been scarred by terrorism, and we realise the wisdom of what Pope John Paul II said at the United Nations in 1998. He said that the next Millennium will he decided by nations — whether they live in a functional or dysfunctional way. A functional nation is one that takes care of the weak, nurtures the weak, shores up the weak. A dysfunctional nation is one that takes advantage of the weak.

As the world acknowledges the role that the Pope has played in international politics, for interfaith religions, and as an example of a spiritual leader before his God, we pause to acknowledge the great contribution that this wonderful Father of all mankind has made.

He has taught us that prayer is at the beginning and the end of our actions. When I had the opportunity to celebrate Mass with him, it struck me that he lives like Jesus on the cross and takes on all the pain and suffering he has seen in the world. He lifts it up to God and says, “Please bring food for the hungry, bring shelter for the homeless and bring peace for those who are in pain.”

This holy man is certainly one who knows people. He himself was the victim of the Nazi regime during World War II. He suffered the loss of his mother at an early age as well as his brother. He knew what it was to study hard for a goal, and he studied not only for himself but so that he could shape his mind to assume a leadership role in the Church.

When he was elected at 58 years old, he took on the burden of being the apostle for the world. He has travelled the entire world to bring people together. His grasp of other religions and other languages speaks volumes to so many and especially to anyone who may believe that the Church or he himself is narrow-minded. His awareness of science and his comfortableness with world leaders, his relentless pursuit of religious freedom and his magnificent, magical way with children are an example for all of us who seek to be people of faith. Pope Paul VI once said that a Christian is one who, when somebody has tears and not enough people to share these tears with, would be there to cry with that person; and when somebody has laughter and not enough people to share the laughter with, would be there to laugh with that person.

There is no clearer example of one who understands both sorrow and joy than the Holy Father. He understood the sorrow of World War II, the sorrow of oppression of his people, the sorrow of the hunger of the world, and at the same time, anyone who has been with him when he is with children notices a smile that is contagious.

So I join with Sri Chinmoy in acknowledging Pope John Paul II as our leader in faith, and as he declines physically, his light is only shining brighter.

He is not only an example to us of the Church that is youthful or the God who is receptive to the strong, but he is also a person who believes with all his mind, in all his prayer and in all his soul that God is just as present to him. While each of us fears death, he reminds us that we have something greater awaiting us, and that is the true revolution, that is the true freedom, that is the true salvation.

Those who question whether God has visited the universe or abandoned it need only look at the model of this Pope — talking to young people in Canada at a World Youth Day, talking every Wednesday to thousands of people from different parts of the globe, and talking while he is on his knees, in his chapel alone with his God, as he is photographed so often and so accurately — to see that this is a man who knows his God. And for that we say, God bless you, Pope John Paul II.

Sri Chinmoy: Monsignor Thomas Hartman, whom I affectionately call Father Tom, is the Director of Radio and Television for the Diocesan Television Centre on Long Island, New York. He is a highly acclaimed television host and author.

In the Holy Father's blessingful presence — my five treasured audiences with Pope John Paul II

18 June 1980

18 June 1980

St. Peter’s Square, The Vatican

My first audience with Pope John Paul II took place at the Vatican less than two years after his election. The Pope showed me so much affection and love. I presented him with a pamphlet showing our work at the United Nations. The Holy Father was beaming with joy and enthusiasm. He powerfully grasped my right elbow and said, “Special blessings to you. Special greetings to your members. We shall continue together.”

Photograph — Sri Chinmoy and Pope John Paul II

14 October 1987

St. Peter’s Square, The Vatican

My second audience with the Holy Father took place at the Vatican seven years later. After addressing several groups during a general audience that ended at approximately 12:30 p.m., the Holy Father approached me, smiling affectionately. He said, “How are you? It is very nice to see you!”

I replied, “Holy Father, I have come here for your special blessings. I have composed a song about you. The name of the song is ‘Salvation-King’, and you are the Salvation-King.”

Audience with Pope John Paul II — 1987

I was privileged to attend the Holy Father’s general audience in St. Peter’s Square. I am seated at the end of the row to the Pope’s left.

Presentation of song

I presented the Pope with a portfolio containing the song and opened it to show him the musical notation. Then I said, “I have also set to music some of your most powerful utterances made in America during your most recent visit. This is my humble offering to you.”

The Pope carefully looked at the songs and exclaimed, “Nice! Nice! Nice!” Then, with tremendous enthusiasm, he said, “God bless you and your divine activities.”

Presentation of song — image 2

Presentation of song — image 3

The pipe organ at St. Peter's Basilica

The evening prior to our meeting, I was deeply honoured to have been granted permission to perform on the pipe organ at St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, both before and after the celebratory Mass at 5 p.m.

The pipe organ at St. Peter's Basilica

Afterwards, the head organist (right) exclaimed, “Bravo! Bravo! Thank you deeply!”

Quote by Pope John Paul II

"We must have music. It is good for our souls.
  It reminds us of the beauty of God’s world. And through music, through making music or listening to it, we can thank God, Music is one of the best ways to pray.
  Pope John Paul II"

Photograph — Sri Chinmoy with the Holy Father

Basking in the love and compassion of the Holy Father.

30 November 1988

Aula Paul VI, The Vatican

My third audience with the Pope took place inside the Vatican. The Pope most affectionately greeted me and said, “I am very grateful for your visit.”

30 November 1988, part II

Then I offered the Pope the song I had composed about him just a few days before, and I read the words aloud. The song is called “Salvation-Delight.” I was showing the Pope each line with my finger.

The Pope was very happy. Then he said, “May God bless you. God bless you and all your contemplative activities.”

31 May 1995 — Peace Torch

31 May 1995 — Peace Torch part II

St. Peter’s Square, The Vatican

My fourth audience with Pope John Paul II took place just before the Pope’s weekly Mass for 15,000 people. I offered the Pope our Peace Torch with the words, “Holy Father, we are offering our hearts’ prayerful gratitude to you for so compassionately blessing this Peace Torch, which will be carried in seventy countries.”

31 May 1995 — Peace Torch part III

Offering the Holy Father our Peace Torch for his blessings.

31 May 1995 — Peace Torch part IV

The Holy Father blessed the Torch, making the sacred Sign of the Cross with it.

31 May 1995 — Peace Torch part V

The Holy Father blessed the Torch, making the sacred Sign of the Cross with it.

31 May 1995 — Peace Torch part VI

Then, speaking in Italian, the Pope explained the symbolism of the Torch to the crowds in Saint Peter’s Square. In conclusion, the Pope said, “I salute the runners of the Peace Run, who are carrying a Torch as a testimony to peace through the streets of the world.”

L'Osservatore Romano.

The following day, 1 June 1995, a large photo of this meeting appeared on the front page of the Vatican’s official daily newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano.

17 May 1998 — Part I

Sala Clementina, The Vatican

My fifth audience with the Holy Father took place on the eve of his 78th Birthday. On this most auspicious occasion, I presented him with the U Thant Peace Award on behalf of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations.

17 May 1998 — Part II

I am extremely grateful to Father Konrad Heymo, (far right) for kindly taking me to the Holy Father.

17 May 1998 — Part III

While he was receiving the Award, the Holy Father was deeply moved and affectionately placed his right hand on my left hand. Then he compassionately blessed the Award three times.

17 May 1998 — Quote by Pope John Paul II

"I come as a pilgrim: a pilgrim in the cause of justice and peace and human solidarity" — striving to build up the one human family.

Photograph — Presenting U Thant Peace Award

Photograph — Presenting U Thant Peace Award part II

Two of my students inform the Holy Father about the Peace Concert dedicated to him which I would be offering the following day, the day of his 78th Birthday.

Photograph — Presenting U Thant Peace Award part III

The following day, 18 May 1998, the day of the Holy Father’s 78th Birthday, I offered a concert of prayerful music inside the Vatican at the Church of Santa Maria di Camposanto.

At the Vatican Church of Santa Maria di Camposanto

Offering my humble obeisance before the Saviour Christ at the Vatican Church of Santa Maria di Camposanto.


I dedicated this concert to the Holy Father:

“We are praying to the Holy Father to bless us all on this most auspicious occasion. May his Birthday illumine each and every human being on earth. I pray to our Absolute Lord Supreme, out of His infinite Bounty, to keep the Holy Father in the physical body for quite a few years more. Each day the Holy Father brings to the world a new hope and a new promise for the betterment of humanity. May we all feel our Holy Father’s blessingful presence as we dedicate, prayerfully and soulfully, our Peace Concert to him.”

Photograph — playing the esraj

3 June 1989, Iceland

The Pope blesses me on 3 June 1989 during his visit to Iceland.


"The Grace of God unites us with Him and with one another. We are all destined to live together in the one family of God.

"Fearless in Unshakeable Hope"

Tributes To Pope John Paul II by Mother Teresa, President Mikhail Gorbachev, President Nelson Mandela and United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan

Mother Teresa

When Time Magazine was about to reveal that Pope John Paul II had been chosen as “Man of the Year” for 1994, its editors asked Mother Teresa to assess the Pope’s contribution to the betterment of our world. They knew that Mother Teresa was extremely close to the Holy Father. By way of reply, Mother Teresa sent them the following unforgettable tribute:

“Pope John Paul II”

Ever sustained by a profound Faith, Nourished by unceasing prayer, Fearless in unshakeable Hope, Deeply in Love with God.”

President Mikhail Gorbachev

The unparalleled dreamer of universal freedom, President Mikhail Gorbachev, discovered in Pope John Paul II a true oneness-heart-brother-friend-compeer to help him change the face and fate of the suffering humanity, specially the countries of Eastern Europe. President Gorbachev boldly declares:
"Everything that happened in Eastern Europe in these last few years would have been impossible without the presence of this Pope and without the important role, including the political role, that he played on the world stage."

President Nelson Mandela

On 16 September 1995, at long last, Pope John Paul II touched foot on South African soil for the first time. The Holy Father had made a solemn vow not to visit that country until the apartheid system had been overthrown. President Nelson Mandela, the freedom-fighter supreme, greeted the Pope at the airport and offered the Pope his heart’s streaming gratitude-tears for the Pope’s long years of inner and outer support:
"To say the visit is long overdue is to pay tribute to your own abhorrence of the system of apartheid. You delayed your visit to this country because you viewed with disdain a system that treated God’s children as lesser human beings."

United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan

On 3 June 1999, at the urgent invitation of Pope John Paul II, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan met with the Pope in Rome to discuss the pitiful situation in the Balkans. Like the Pope, the Secretary-General’s compassion-heart bleeds for the suffering humanity in every corner of the world. The Pope’s secret and sacred meetings with world leaders have helped to bring about immeasurable improvements in the lives of thousands of people. Indeed, his direct involvement in the world situation has had a most profound effect, far beyond the flights of our imagination.

Shortly after this momentous meeting, the Secretary-General spoke very highly of Pope John Paul II:

"Once again, I was struck by [Pope John Paul’s] acute sense of the times we are living in, and by his burning desire to see the benefits of human progress more widely and equitably shared. He spoke of the world’s increasing interdependence.
  He rightly said that this requires new ways of thinking and new types of international cooperation. And he defined the challenge facing us, at the dawn of the 21st Century, as that of building a world in which individuals and peoples fully and unequivocally accept responsibility for their fellow human beings, for all the earth’s inhabitants. I was greatly encouraged by this message, because it chimes exactly with one that I myself am trying to get across."

My song-offerings to Pope John Paul II


Father John Paul, Salvation-King!
Your galaxy of glories we sing.
Soulful delight, your inner game.
Fruitful courage, your outer name.
Sleepless you awaken the sleeping lives,
In you our Lord’s God-Vision thrives.
O Himalayan Pole, O pole-star bright,
You tell the world: “No bondage-night.”

PJP 79. Composed 21 September 1979 in honour of Pope John Paul II's visit to America.


Holy Father is blessing the world
From his Compassion-Height.
Let us wake up, quickly wake up,
To his Salvation-Delight.


In January 1989 some of my students were invited to sing my song “Salvation-Delight” for the Holy Father in Polish, English and Italian after the Pope’s private Mass. Here the leader of the singing group, Sylvia Corda, presents the Pope with the printed version of the song.

2. Art exhibition at the Campo Santo, the Vatican

Between October 2000 and March 2002, an exhibition of my paintings and drawings was held at the Campo Santo, the Vatican. Over the past decade, I have drawn many millions of birds. To me, birds represent the immortality of the soul.

Freedom in justice2

"Freedom in justice will bring a new dawn of hope."

PJP 83. The following 11 songs I composed to words spoken by Pope John Paul II during his American tour in September 1987.

When God calls

"When God calls, He asks for our whole person and all our vital energies."

The pulse of mankind

"I know that in your hearts beats the pulse of mankind."

The power of hope

"Lord, give us the power of hope,
  The fire of love,
  The light of faith."

Love your family!

"Love your family!
  Protect your family!
  Be proud of your family!"

Do not be afraid

"Do not be afraid of honest effort and honest work;
  Do not be afraid of the truth."

The Pope wishes to be your voice

"The Pope wishes to be your voice; the voice of all those who cannot speak, or who are kept silent; the voice of conscience, the call to action."

Human life is the concrete reality

"Nothing surpasses the greatness or dignity of a human person. Human life is not just an idea or an abstraction. Human life is the concrete reality of a being that is capable of love and of service to humanity."

We cannot live without love

"We cannot live without love. If we do not encounter love, if we do not experience it and make it our own, and if we do not participate intimately in it, our life is meaningless. Without love we remain incomprehensible to ourselves."

The progress of humanity

"The progress of humanity must be measured not only by the progress of science and technology, but also by the importance given to spiritual values."

Strengthen the bonds that unite us

"Strengthen the bonds that unite us and eliminate all that has divided us in the past."


My heart's ceaseless gratitude-tears — my humble letters to the Holy Father (extracts)


2 March 1989

Your Holiness:

In the last few years on three occasions you have compassionately blessed me with your Holy Presence, and each time I have been profoundly moved far, far beyond my ability to express. I cannot begin to say how much your loving and encouraging words have meant to me, and how deeply your inner Presence has touched me.

Inwardly and outwardly what you are doing for mankind is absolutely unparalleled. In our era, you are Divinity’s supreme instrument and humanity’s supreme hope. God-lovers throughout the world, Christian and non-Christian alike, draw the utmost inspiration from all that you are and all that you do.

16 March 1992

Your Holiness:

With such joy I am writing to offer you my heart’s boundless love and my life’s sleepless gratitude on the occasion of your upcoming Birthday.

You are the absolutely divinely chosen instrument of our all-loving Father to guide humanity in His Light. Christians and non-Christians alike love you, adore you and revere you. Your Birthday is a cause for celebration for the entire aspiring world.

15 July 1992

Holy Father,

I am praying to the Saviour Christ most soulfully for your quick and complete recovery. You are Heaven’s most precious gift to mankind. You are earth’s most precious hope. The entire peace-loving world is praying for you.

3 July 1993

Your Holiness:

I am so grateful to our Beloved Lord Supreme that you have fully recovered from illness. God has listened to our hearts’ deepest prayers.

Holy Father, you are the light of the aspiring world and the hope of God-lovers and God-servers throughout the length and breadth of the world. Your compassion-heart has become the oneness-home of the entire humanity.

4 May 1994

Your Holiness:

The pain that you are enduring from your unfortunate accident has affected me very deeply. Your unspeakable suffering I feel in the inmost depths of my loving and adoring oneness-heart. When the Father is in pain, all the children cry so pitifully. Our hearts are inconsolable.

Holy Father, with heartfelt tears I am praying to our Absolute Lord Supreme for your speedy recovery. Until your body is fully healed, our lives shall remain covered with sorrows.

10 May 1994

Your Holiness:

Your Birthday is a time of immense joy not only for the Christian world but for the entire aspiring humanity. In the outer world you are our highest inspiration and supreme hope. In the inner world you are the divinely chosen representative of our Absolute Supreme to guide us along His Eternity’s Path.

Your heart of compassion I soulfully adore. Your life of dedication I deeply revere. To you, Holy Father, I bow and bow.

18 June 1998

Beloved Holy Father,

Today is a most sacred day in my life. Eighteen years ago, on the 18th of June 1980, you blessed me for the first time in Saint Peter’s Square. When I was introduced to you, you immediately grasped my right elbow with your strong and steady hand. I felt at once that you are the true rock of the Church, to nobly and selflessly stand in the shoes of the Fisherman.

I have now been blessed by you five times over the years. On May 17th this year, you were kind enough to accept our U Thant Peace Award from me. To me, you are the living emblem of peace on earth. Your courage, faith and compassion have elevated this world far, far beyond the flight of our imagination. Your very presence among us is a supreme blessing for humanity.

I wish to offer you my heart’s ceaseless gratitude-tears.

16 October 1998

Beloved Holy Father,

Today the whole world is resounding with celebrations to mark the twentieth anniversary of your most glorious Pontificate. We, your humble servants, know that your very presence here on earth is an unparalleled blessing for humanity. You are the living embodiment of God’s boundless Peace and fathomless Compassion.

Wisely and firmly, you have guided our hearts and souls for twenty long years. Patiently and lovingly, you have illumined us in our moments of doubt and strengthened us in our ever-lengthening days of faith. To you we owe a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid, save by the ceaseless flow of our prayerful gratitude-tears.

Holy Father, on this most auspicious occasion, my only prayer is that we may be blessed with your supremely radiant and compassionate presence among us for many more years to come.

Prayerful concerts around the world — a special celebration of the Holy Father's 76th birthday


A special celebration of the Holy Father's 76th birthday

On the sacred occasion of the 76th Birthday of His Holiness Pope John Paul II, my students and I offered prayerful songs in Catholic churches around the world. We performed songs which I had composed in homage to the Holy Father, as well as songs in which I had set tune to the immortal utterances of the Saviour Christ.

Our symbolic goal was to offer 76 concerts altogether in the two weeks preceding the Pope’s Birthday. Ultimately, we offered 123 performances in over 24 countries. My own Peace Concert dedicated to the Holy Father was held on 13 May 1996 at the United Nations in New York. Two hundred members of the United Nations community were present on this occasion to offer their heartfelt prayers for the Holy Father.

My students and I from all over the world lovingly and gratefully offer each of our performance-drops to the Holy Father, who embodies the Compassion-Ocean of our Saviour Christ.


Concert for Peace, 13 May 1996

Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, United Nations

In honour of the 76th Birthday of His Holiness Pope John Paul II

Concert for Peace, 13 May 1996 — dedication

“Today’s Peace Concert I am prayerfully dedicating to the Holy Father Pope John Paul II, whose birthday is fast approaching.”

Selected comments from those who attended the prayerful musical performances given by my students around the globe


The initiative of 76 concerts for the 76th birthday is an initiative which will unite people around the person of the Holy Father with benevolence and cordiality. This unification creates an atmosphere in which the message of the Pope, expressed in beautiful melodies, will be received more fully by the people of goodwill who work for peace. God bless your initiative.

Archbishop Szezepan Wesoly Rome, Italy


With deep acknowledgement I greet the initiative of the Peace Committee, which honours the 76th birthday of the Holy Father John Paul II. Your initiative is even more respectable, considering that the music to the words of Jesus Christ and the Holy Father was written by Sri Chinmoy. In this way the musical homage for John Paul II becomes simultaneously an expression of interreligious dialogue, which has always held an important position in the action and teaching of John Paul II.

Father Edward Kaczynski Rector of the Papal University of St. Thomas Rome, Italy


I am most appreciative of the inspiration behind this project.

Archbishop Leonard Faulkner Archbishop of Adelaide, South Australia


I would like to thank, in the name of the Pope, all those present who have come here in the name of friendship among all human beings.

Bishop Lorenzo Frana Permanent Observer of the Holy See to UNESCO Paris, France


Beautiful melodies, very nice singing. This is very good for the Church. The Holy Father will be pleased.

Bishop Johannes Gijsen Bishop of Iceland Christchurch, Reykjavik, Iceland


The melodies of Sri Chinmoy are more like reflections or prayers than like works for concerts. And this was the main point — to be together for a moment, think together, pray together for the same cause. We celebrate the birthday of the herald of this cause, which is always so fully conveyed by music.

Father John Paul Konobrodzki OSB P Monastery of Tyniec Tyniec, Poland


People have sung in German, Spanish, Korean and English here in this church. But perhaps never before have the arches of this church heard such sweet melodies like these we have listened to today in honour of our Pope John Paul II. The Pope teaches all of us to unite, to love each other, to give to each other.

Father Joseph Santa Maria Immaculate Church Moscow, Russia

Inside the Heart-Garden of the Catholic Church — My meetings with luminaries of the Pope's worldwide family

Mother Teresa

Calcutta’s Soaring Bird
India’s Sailing Moon
The World’s Weeping Sky
Earth’s Tearing Loss
Heaven’s Dancing Gain
The Christ’s Blossoming Promise
The Mother Mary’s Harvesting Pride

My eulogy for Mother Teresa, September 1997

Mother Teresa was, is and shall forever remain my sister of infinite affection and my Mother of infinite compassion. Over the years, she showered her choicest blessings, affection, love, concern and compassion upon my aspiring heart and devoted life.

With her unparalleled service-light, she awakened and illumined millions of souls that were suffering, are still suffering, and have yet to suffer. Her service-light to humanity will forever shine bright, brighter, brightest in the heart-garden of humanity.

Mother Teresa and I met together five times and exchanged many letters and telephone calls. Her body’s departure from the earthly scene was a supreme loss to Mother Earth. Again, her Soul’s blessings for the world citizens and her inseparable oneness with the suffering humanity will always remain immortal.

Sri Chinmoy with Mother Teresa

Sri Chinmoy with Mother Teresa

Basil Cardinal Hume

On 19 October 1990, I was fortunate to meet with Basil Cardinal Hume, Archbishop of Westminster. After our meeting, we walked to Westminster Cathedral Hall, where I lifted him up as a token of my humble appreciation of him.

Basil Cardinal Hume — Lifting up the World with a Oneness-Heart

Basil Cardinal Hume with Peace Torch

Above: Cardinal Hume holds our Peace Torch.

Jaime L. Cardinal Sin

I was privileged to meet with Jaime L. Cardinal Sin, Archbishop of Manila, on 1 January 1993 during my visit to the Philippines. Cardinal Sin confided to me, “This is the place to pray and worship, but people come to me only with their complaints.”

Father Mieczyslaw Malinski

It was a signal honour for me to meet with Father Mieczyslaw Malinski, the Pope’s old friend, fellow priest and biographer, during my visit to Rome in March 1997.

Elio Filippeschi

I offer my gratitude to Elio Filippeschi, a senior guard at the Vatican Cathedral, who was instrumental in arranging for me to play on the Vatican pipe organ in 1987.

"I adore the Father's Son"

My poems and meditations on the Saviour Christ An extract from //The Son// Songs to the Saviour Christ’s immortal utterances.


Jesus Christ

Quote by Pope John Paul II

"Be faithful to the truth and its transmission, for the truth endures; truth will not go away. Truth will not pass or change.
  Pope John Paul II"


The Christ told the Truth.
The Truth existed before.
The Christ became the Truth.
Hence, the Truth lives and breathes on earth.

My poems and meditations on the Saviour Christ

The Christ was a poet, for his utterances are all poetic, visionary and revolutionary. Each of the Christ’s works is a seer-vision of the Father Supreme.

The Christ was a painter. He painted the suffering of human life and the delight of divine life in and through his own life.

The Christ was an athlete. He ran the fastest in thirty-three years. In the short span of his life, he completed his course, according to the Vision-Dispensation of his Father Supreme. Again, he was a supreme athlete. He braved the buffets of human life and offered his oneness to the suffering and aspiring mankind.

I saw the Face
Of the suffering Christ.
I cried and cried.

I felt the Heart
Of the forgiving Christ.
I smiled and smiled.

I clasped the Soul
Of the illumining Christ.
I danced and danced.

The real Christ is taking birth every day inside our consciousness.

The real Christ is the Christ who is immortal, not the Christ who lived for thirty-three years.

Not the human Christ, but the divine Christ. The human Christ, the carpenter’s son, lived on earth for thirty-three years, but the divine Christ, who realised God, who became one with God, who represented God and still represents God on earth, is still alive, and at the same time, is taking birth in human hearts every day.


Earth’s blunders are great.
God’s Compassion is greater.
Jesus knew it.
He prayed for this blessing:
“Father, forgive them,
For they know not what they do.”


Jesus was great.
Greater was his mercy.
Greatest was his sacrifice.


Jesus’ human birth was the question.
His divine death was not only an answer,
But The Answer.


I like Joseph’s son
He is humility’s flood.

I love Mary’s son
He is Divinity’s sky.

I adore the Father’s son
He is Immortality’s Love.


Jesus died on the Cross
To bear the punishment for our sins.
The Christ lives in our heart-cave
To enjoy the purity of our prayers.


Each Catholic church is a heart-garden flooded with purity and divinity. It carries humanity’s aspiration to the Highest and brings down God’s Compassion to humanity. You can say that the Church is the golden bridge between man’s aspiration-cry and God’s Satisfaction-Smile.


The Catholic Church embodies God’s sleepless and self-giving Breath for the illumination, salvation and perfection of mankind. God works in and through the Holy Father and the Church to expedite humanity’s inner and outer growth and progress, and to fulfil humanity’s aspirations for inner and outer freedom and liberation.

Excerpt from the Son3


[Jesus on the Mount. He is rapt in trance.

Enter Father.

The Face of Jesus glows.]

FATHER: Son, I wish you to offer a series of aphorisms as special advice to your disciples. Your disciples may ask you for their meanings. Therefore I shall tell you the meanings as well. First, blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

JESUS: How wonderful is Your advice, Father!

FATHER: It means that the Kingdom of Bliss is for those blessed people who have devoted dedication to their inner and spiritual life and who have nothing to do with pride.

JESUS: I see. Thank You, Father. Next?

FATHER: Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

JESUS: Wonderful, Father.

FATHER: Son, it means that the true spiritual life of a seeker begins when he has a real sense of loss. His loss is the loss of his inner wealth: peace, joy, love and bliss. This loss creates in him an inner cry which may outwardly be known as mourning. Naturally a seeker of this type will he given back the peace, joy, love and bliss which he is crying to recover.

JESUS: I see. Thank You, Father. Next?

FATHER: Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

JESUS: Wonderful, Father.

FATHER: Son, it means that if a man has a tremendous sense of superiority, he will lord it over others, but if the same man feels that he is weak and helpless without Me, then he will develop a deep sense of humility. This humility will make him one with all human beings on earth. His universal oneness is the strength that will enable him to claim the earth divinely and supremely.

JESUS: I see. Thank You, Father. Next?

FATHER: Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

JESUS: Wonderful, Father.

FATHER: Son, it means that purity alone has the capacity to receive and achieve Divinity. A pure heart is a peerless manifestation of My divine Reality.

JESUS: I see. Thank You very much, Father. Next?

FATHER: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

JESUS: Wonderful, Father.

FATHER: Son, it means that My divine children are those who aspire for Light and who are surcharged with Light. Light, in the process of its manifestation, becomes the all-nourishing and all-fulfilling Peace.

JESUS: I see. Thank You, Father. Next?

FATHER: If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

JESUS: Wonderful, Father.

FATHER: Son, it means that forgiveness is by far the best quality both in Me and in all human beings. If ignorance has struck you once and you have forgiven ignorance, there is no guarantee that it will not strike you again. But if you tell ignorance that if it wants to strike you again, you are more than prepared to answer it with your forgiveness-weapon, ignorance comes to realise that your weapon is infinitely stronger than its weapon. Your weapon has Light and spreads Light; whereas its weapon, which is darkness, is all confusion. Remaining in utter and constant confusion, how can it continue to fight against its opponent, Light, which is all-loving and all-fulfilling?

JESUS: I see. Thank You, Father, thank You. Next?

FATHER: When you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

JESUS: Wonderful, Father.

FATHER: Son, it means that man gets a great sense of satisfaction if he sees that someone is watching while he is giving something to others. The satisfaction that results from a public show immediately creates unnecessary pride. What is pride, if not immediate and total self-destruction?

JESUS: Thank You, Father, thank You. Next?

FATHER: For today it is enough, My son. I am a bit tired. Some other day I will give you more advice.

PJP 134. A play written in 1973

Man shall not live by bread alone

Immortal utterance of the Saviour Christ, Music by Sri Chinmoy

"Man shall not live by bread alone.
  /Matthew 4:4/"

My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

Immortal utterance of the Saviour Christ, Music by Sri Chinmoy

"My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?
  /Matthew 27:46/"

Not my will, but thine be done

Immortal utterance of the Saviour Christ, Music by Sri Chinmoy

"Not my will, but Thine be done.
  /Luke 22:42/"

Father, forgive them

Immortal utterance of the Saviour Christ, Music by Sri Chinmoy 14 December 1981

"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
  /Luke 24:34/"

I and my Father are one

Immortal utterance of the Saviour Christ, Music by Sri Chinmoy 14 December 1981

"I and my Father are one.
  /John 10:30/"


Revered Holy Father,
To follow your shadow
Is to approach the Beauty,
Peace and Bliss
At Heaven’s Gateway.

Selected titles by Sri Chinmoy

Gorbachev: The Master Key of the Universal Heart (1990)

Raisa Maximovna Gorbachev: Rainbow-Queen of Culture-Light (1990) India, My India (1997)

The Wings of Joy (1997)

Mother Teresa: Humanity’s Flower-Heart, Divinity’s Fragrance-Soul (1997)

Diana: Princess of Wales, Empress of the World (1997)

Nelson Mandela: The Pinnacle-Pillar of Mother Earth (1998)

Kofi Annan: Cynosure-Eyes (2002)

The Divine Hero (2002)