My Lord Supreme,You know what I wish to be. I wish to be Your Perfection-Seed in the inner world of aspiration-flames, and Your Satisfaction-Fruit in the outer world of dedication-games.
My Lord Supreme,Yesterday I obeyed You. My obedience was my meaningful preparation. Today I am obeying You. My obedience is my soulful realisation. Tomorrow I shall obey You. My obedience shall be my fruitful perfection.
My Lord Supreme,My willingness is the perfection of my communication with You.
My sweet Lord,Do give me immense patience so that I shall never give up in the battlefield of life.
My sweet Lord,Do give me intense devotedness so that I shall ever succeed in manifesting Your Light here, there and all-where.
My sweet Lord,You have fulfilled my first prayer: You have given me freedom within and freedom without. Do fulfil my second and last prayer: please, please do not give me freedom from the immediate consequences of freedom's misuse.
My sweet Lord,Do fulfil my two prayers. My first prayer is to have the capacity to wait endlessly after I have asked You a question. My second prayer is to have the capacity to offer You my gratitude-sea immediately after I have received Your blessingful and fruitful answer.
My sweet Lord,I wish to run in the outer world to get Your Compassion and Illumination. I wish to run in the inner world to get Your Perfection and Satisfaction.
My sweet Lord,I do not know what I am doing. At the same time, I do not want to know what I am doing, for I know perfectly well that my doing or not doing cannot liberate me. Only Your Compassion can make me see the face of Light — and it does.
My sweet Lord,My faith-plant is helpless. It is not growing anymore. The buffets of doubt are destroying it. Do give me the capacity to study once more in Your inner school where I can study my faith-life, my realisation-life and my oneness-life.
My Sweet Lord,Do tell me when I am far away from You.
"My sweet child,
You are far away from Me when you are not devotedness-light in your outer existence-life and oneness-delight in your inner existence-life."
My sweet Lord,I am grateful to You not because You have given me, out of Your boundless Bounty, a serving heart to proclaim You all-where at every moment; not because You have given me a discriminating mind to lead a peaceful detachment-life; not because You have given me everything I need; not because You have not given me the things that I do not need; but because I am enchanted with Your Eternity's Vision-Perfection and Your Infinity's Reality-Satisfaction.
My sweet Lord,I wish to lead and be led. I wish to lead my darkness-life and ignorance-death to You, and place them at Your Feet. I wish to be led by my heart's purity and my soul's luminosity to You, and be placed inside Your Satisfaction-Heart.
My sweet Lord,Let me do what I soulfully and bravely can: let me climb and climb.
My sweet Lord,I shall be extremely grateful to You if You do what You compassionately and easily can: keep me from fearful slipping and painful falling.
My Lord Supreme,Do make my life three-dimensional: cry, try, fly.
My Lord Supreme,Each day You are Your blessingful Invitation, and I am my soulful acceptance.
My Lord Supreme,Yesterday I gave up one thing: desire-life. Today I am giving up another thing: expectation-life.
My Lord Supreme,To love is to care. I know, my Lord, I know, You care about me unreservedly and unconditionally.
My Lord Supreme,My earthly devoted life and my heavenly surrendered life are two of the most direct means through which You speak to me constantly.
My Lord Supreme,Your transforming-capacity is amazing, and my receiving-capacity is amazing. Something more is amazing: earth's disbelieving-capacity.
My Lord Supreme,My pure heart is for You; my impure heart, too. All my possessions, smiling and crying, encouraging and discouraging, are for You, forever and forever.
My sweet Lord,Forgive me when I bring You my imaginary problems and my illusory complaints.
My sweet Lord,Do make me feel that one unfathomable Smile of Yours is infinitely more valuable than all my earthly possessions and all my heavenly achievements.
My sweet Lord,Do make my responsibility-life always dependable. Do make my gratitude-heart always inexhaustible.
My sweet Lord,What I eternally need is Your God-Oneness. What I daily need is Your Heaven-Love. What I at every moment need is Your Compassion-Ocean.
My sweet Lord,I have but one very, very serious problem. I am terribly afraid of Your transcendental Height.
"My sweet child,
I too have one very, very serious problem. I am terribly afraid of your division-day and your separation-night."
My Lord Supreme,Do grant me the capacity to be grateful for everything that I have, even my teeming weaknesses, for they help me to think of Your boundless Compassion.
My Lord Supreme,When You hide from me, You are beautiful. When You appear before me, You are beautiful, blessingful and fruitful. When I try to hide from You, I think that I am going to accomplish something very great. When I do not hide from You, when I come to You with what I have and what I am, I see clearly and feel unmistakably that I have accomplished everything gloriously.
My Lord Supreme,When I look at the world from Your point of view, I see it as a perfection-plant of slow, steady and convincing growth. But when I look at the world from my point of view, I know that the perfection-plant is long dead, and it can be found only in the land of nowhere.
My Lord Supreme,You tell us that we are very good. The devil tells us that we are very bad. Now it is up to us whom to believe. You do not force us to believe You, whereas the devil does not want to leave us even when we reject him vehemently and totally.
My Lord Supreme,Do make me Your mirror so that You can see Yourself, admire Yourself and enjoy Your transcendental Beauty's Perfection and Your universal Duty's Satisfaction.
My Lord Supreme,In the aspiration-world I try to help those who need a new beginning.
In the desire-world I try to help those who want a final end.
My Lord Supreme,I am truly proud of my heart's faithfulness because it helps me serve You everywhere.
I am truly proud of my life's soulfulness because it helps me fulfil You all the time.
My Lord Supreme,Before I die, I shall leave only one legacy: my devoted life's gratitude-heart.
My Lord Supreme,Do grant me the vision to see Your endless Grace inside my small efforts, and to see inside Your Grace the smile-dance of my liberation.
My Lord Supreme,You are great when You do everything all by Yourself. You are greater when You do everything through me. You are greatest when You accomplish everything just by giving a chance to anybody You want to.
My Lord Supreme,My surrender to You has weakened my doubtful mind, has strengthened my faithful heart, has softened my angry vital and has fed my hungry body.
My Lord Supreme,Neither do You want nor do You expect my immediate perfection. What you need is my immediate willingness.
My Lord Supreme,Do tell my tongue to tell the world how great Your creation is and how good Your Vision is.
My Lord Supreme,My prayer-life is my begging hole.
My meditation-life is my becoming whole.
My Lord Supreme,My heart counters my life's insecurity-cave with its confidence-palace.
My Lord Supreme,Do liberate my mind from its self-styled prison.
My Lord Supreme,I complain because I do not love You enough.
I complain because I think of the world too much.
My Lord Supreme,You are infinitely higher than my highest thoughts of You.
You are infinitely more compassionate than my heart feels.
My Lord, my ever-compassionate Lord!
My Lord Supreme,May my death try to glorify You, as my life now tries to glorify You.
My Lord Supreme,Do make my vital a perfect stranger to discouragements.
Do make my heart a perfect stranger to desolate days.
My Lord Supreme,Let me forgive my past so that my future can be proud of my present.
My Lord Supreme,The desire-world has bored me. It has done its job quite well.
Now I have to do my job. I have to liberate my desire-world from ignorance-night.
My Lord Supreme,What I unmistakably need is an unconditionally surrendered life in order to become an effective member of Your ignorance-transforming and wisdom-manifesting team.
My Lord Supreme,A new world began with my aspiration-heart.
A new world begins with my dedication-life.
A new world shall begin with my surrender-perfection.
My Lord Supreme,I am always with You. I think so, at least.
My Lord Supreme,What am I missing? Alas, I am missing my sincere love for Your Compassion-Sea.
My Lord Supreme,Today Your Compassion has filled me totally. I shall not face each new day any more with wishful human expectation.
My Lord Supreme,Your universal Push awakens me.
Your transcendental Pull liberates me.
My Lord Supreme,I am always for You. And I am certain.
My Lord Supreme,It seems that my life's awareness and Your Heart's Goodness always like to live together.
My Lord Supreme,Your Justice succeeds. Your Compassion, too, succeeds, plus proceeds.
My Lord Supreme,You are inviting me to journey with You, and I am all ready.
My Lord Supreme,I am an unparalleled fool. I am trying to make my life valuable, forgetting that You have all along been working very hard to make my life invaluable.
My Lord Supreme,Am I not Yours? Am I not eternally Yours? Am I not only Yours?
My Lord Supreme,I trusted You. Therefore You have shown me the heart of earth's cry. I trust You. Therefore You will show me the soul of Heaven's smile.
My Lord Supreme,Yesterday my name was hope. Today my name is frustration. Tomorrow my name will be either illumination or destruction.
My Lord Supreme,This world of Yours has everything else except peaceful happiness.
My Lord Supreme,A day of understanding and harmony is indeed Your Infinity's Boon.
My Lord Supreme,I love myself because You love me. Otherwise I do not see anything in me that deserves love either from me or from anybody else.
My Lord Supreme.I do not need Your Compassion-Height. I do not need Your Justice-Light. I need only Your Existence-Delight.
My Lord Supreme,Do take away only three things from me: yesterday's failure-night, today's doubt-cloud and tomorrow's death-surrender.
My Lord Supreme,Since Your Compassion-Sun I cannot claim, I do not deserve and I cannot even earn, will You not give me the capacity at least to receive Your Compassion-Sun devotedly and unreservedly?
My Lord Supreme,Do give me the capacity to feel that my self-effort can succeed only when Your God-Grace precedes.
My Lord Supreme,May Your inner Voice awaken me and inspire me and Your outer Choice perfect me and fulfil You in Your own Way.
My Lord Supreme,May Your inner Silence-Beauty bless me and Your outer Sound-Duty love me.
My Lord Supreme,There was a time when I gave You everything as a duty. But now I give You everything out of love. I place my progress-smile at Your Feet.
My Lord Supreme,Yesterday I failed. But today I shall not. Why? Because today I am not only with You, but also for You, only for You.
My Lord Supreme,You are Your Compassion. May I become Your expression? Do give me a chance.
My Lord Supreme,Each day is another step closer either to frustration-gate or to satisfaction-home.
My Lord Supreme,Your encouragement I love. Your punishment I treasure.
My Lord Supreme,Your Compassion awakens the human in me. Your Justice inspires the divine in me.
My Lord Supreme,There is no difference between my flowering smile and Your Compassion-Touch.
My Lord Supreme,I am giving You my sorrow's strength. Do give me Your Joy's length.
My Lord Supreme,Physically I died to see Your Face. Spiritually I am crying to sit at Your Feet.
My Lord Supreme,Alas! My face of pride I see everywhere. Alas! Alas! My heart of humility I see nowhere.
My Lord Supreme,May my life become a life of willingness. May my heart be always a heart of selflessness.
My Lord Supreme,My aspiration-dedication-life knows all about You. My surrender-gratitude-life knows only You.
My Lord Supreme,The outer world is a doubter's mind. The inner world is a lover's heart. Am I not correct?
My Lord Supreme,Success-day I like. Progress-sun I love.
My Lord Supreme,I am helping my poor mind to make a new beginning. Will You not grant me Your inspiration-encouragement?
My Lord Supreme,Do give me the vision to meet You soulfully at any time, and do give me the mission to love You unconditionally all the time.
My Lord Supreme,My life's continuous sense of incompleteness makes my heart cry for oneness.
My Lord Supreme,The human in me wants to be understood. The divine in me longs to understand.
My Lord Supreme,The unfulfilled reality loves the human in me strongly.
The fulfilled reality loves the Divine in You even more desperately.
My Lord Supreme,Let me admire You because You are so far.
Let me love You because You are so near.
Let me touch Your Heart because that is what You precisely and eternally are.
My Lord Supreme,How is it that Your Satisfaction does not satisfy me, whereas my satisfaction always satisfies You?
My Lord Supreme,My dedication-life is fulfilling because my aspiration-life's reliance upon You is unswerving.
My Lord Supreme,An unaspiring life — how can it be my goal? Do give me a different goal, I pray.
My Lord Supreme,What I have is a broken heart. What I am is a smashed life. At long last they have discovered their right place — Your Compassion-Heart.
My Lord Supreme,Do give my heart the beauty of a rainbow and my life the duty of a God-manifestation-hero.
My Lord Supreme,My faith in myself may die; my hope, too. But not my surrender to You, my Lord. Never!
My Lord Supreme,I have only one desire, only one aspiration-Your Compassion-Sea.
My Lord Supreme,I have only one role, only one goal — a perfection-life.
My Lord Supreme,Even You have a substitute: Love. But Your Compassion has no substitute. It is without a second.
My Lord Supreme,What I call my spontaneous faith, You call that very thing Your supreme Victory.
My Lord Supreme,My prayer needs You as the Giver. My meditation needs You as the Receiver.
My Lord Supreme,I wish to hear only one thing from You: "Follow Me." Would You kindly hear only one thing from me: "Lead me."
My Lord Supreme,I have one desire: I need only You. May I soulfully fulfil my desire?
My Lord Supreme,To love You only is to be on the right road. To need You only is to be in the right lane.
My Lord Supreme,To strengthen my faith-muscle I need a second of gratitude-exercise daily.
My Lord Supreme,My insecurity starves the human in me and hurts the divine in You. What can I do? I am so helpless and useless.
My Lord Supreme,In the inner world a cry is a two-way conversation between You and me. In the outer world a smile is a two-way conversation between You and me.
My Lord Supreme,Morning is the time for my heart's gladness in You. Evening is the time for my life's nearness to You.
My Lord Supreme,I am exceedingly happy that my worry-power has surrendered to my poise-power.
My Lord Supreme,Today Your Compassion is my name. Tomorrow Your Satisfaction will be my name.
My Lord Supreme,Today I have learned that there are no small acts of self-giving and that there are no great acts of self-withdrawing.
My Lord Supreme,You want me to grow day by day in wisdom, glow hour by hour with light, flow minute by minute with energy, row second by second with my soul. You want me to do all these and I shall.
My Lord Supreme,Yesterday I decided to be with You. Today I am choosing to sit at Your Feet. Tomorrow I shall please You in Your own Way.
My Lord Supreme,Do give me the capacity to translate my mind's great intentions into my heart's good actions.
My Lord Supreme,Your Compassion deserves all my human treasures — endless tears — and all my divine treasures — gratitude and cheerfully surrendered oneness.
My Lord Supreme,Just because I did not look back yesterday, today I have been able to step forward. Just because I have stepped forward today, tomorrow I shall reach my Goal of goals: the Golden Shore.
My Lord Supreme,Just because I smile at You, my life is replete with sincerity. Just because I cry for You, my heart is complete in perfection and satisfaction.
My Lord Supreme,Every day is the right day for me to need Your Compassion and to love Your Satisfaction.
My Lord Supreme,My inner revolution and my outer resolution have the self-same source: Your Compassion-Heart.
My Lord Supreme,My heart's soulfulness is Your Grace. My life's fruitfulness is Your Face. Your Grace is Your Eternity's Assurance. Your Face is Your Immortality's Beauty.
My Lord Supreme,When You are in my prayers, I know what to do. When I am in Your Satisfaction-Thoughts, I know I have already become what You wanted me to become.
My Lord Supreme,My gratitude-heart is the cornerstone for building my satisfaction-world.
My Lord Supreme,Do accept my gratitude-life's gratitude-heart.
My Lord Supreme,You have told me a supreme secret: a day of ingratitude gives birth to teeming clouds of loneliness.
My Lord Supreme,I am grateful to You because You have given me a mind that thinks of You spontaneously. I am grateful to You because You have given me a heart that thanks You constantly.
My Lord Supreme,My prayer-heart is pure; my meditation-life is sure. Needless to say, these two love each other deeply and are unfailing friends.
My Lord Supreme,Will You let me stay with You alone, only for a day? My Lord Supreme, will You?
My Lord Supreme,When I pray, I speak to Divinity on behalf of humanity. When I meditate, I speak to humanity on behalf of Divinity.
My Lord Supreme,My heart of faith and Your Eye of Compassion have developed a tremendous friendship since I have accepted the life of aspiration-dedication.
My Lord Supreme,Do make me realise my Himalayan blunder — my self-imposed responsibility.
My Lord Supreme,Do make me realise Your Compassion-ordained duty for me.
My Lord Supreme,My soul pleases You every day. So can my body. From now on it shall just do it.
My Lord Supreme,Let me start counting Your Smiles. Then I will have no complaints. No, not even one.
My Lord Supreme,Your outer world loves the lover in me most. Your inner world loves the forgiver in me most.
My Lord Supreme,Your greatness-world fascinates my eyes. Your goodness-world liberates my eyes.
My Lord Supreme,Do give me a non-stop gratitude-growth to increase Your Compassion-Sea for me and Your Satisfaction-Sky in me.
My Lord Supreme,Alas, what am I missing? My oneness with You. Alas, alas, what am I losing? My confidence in myself.
My Lord Supreme,To reach You, we start with unknown fear and we end with known strength.
My Lord Supreme,Today I am following You soulfully. Tomorrow I shall live for You unconditionally.
My Lord Supreme,My gratitude-heart is truly fond of Your Compassion-Eye.
My Lord Supreme,Every day You are changing the human in me and fulfilling the divine in me.
My Lord Supreme,My life is a gift. I have accepted it gratefully. Now do give me the capacity to cherish it soulfully.
My Lord Supreme,Because of Your Compassion my life is not a failure. Because of Your Satisfaction my life is perfect Perfection.
My Lord Supreme,My mind says that I have to reach up to find You. My heart says that You have been knocking and knocking at its door.
My Lord Supreme,Today I am really happy because Your Assurance is complete and my surrender is unmistakable.
My Lord Supreme,Do give me the heart that longs to feel You, and not the mind that tries to understand You.
My Lord Supreme,If You want to give me a mind, then give me the mind that can understand the world and not the mind that wants to be understood by the world.
My Lord Supreme,Now is the time for me to give You my outer life's all: ignorance. Now is the time for me to give You my inner life's all: gratitude.
Editor's preface
These inspiring prayer-plants, springing from the heart-garden of a great spiritual Master, offer the world a freshness and beauty that Mother Earth shall eternally treasure.