My sweet Father-Lord, where are You?
Part one
SFL 1-24. Sri Chinmoy offered the first twenty-four prayers in this book for individual Japanese disciples on 18 December 1987 during a Christmas trip to Japan.1.
My Lord Supreme,May I see Your Beauty's Eye
Feel Your Duty's Heart
Everywhere —
Wherever I go.
My Lord Supreme,I know, I know
That my present difficulties
Will soon be removed
By Your infinite Compassion-Light
Your Illumination-Salvation.
My Lord Beloved Supreme,May I keep my heart-door open,
Wide open,
Every hour, every minute
And every second
For You to enter
With Your Compassion infinite
And play all the time
Inside my heart-garden.
My Lord Supreme,May my curiosity about spirituality
Come to an end.
May my heart's sleepless hunger for You
Come to the fore
And make You feel that I am all ready
For You, only for You.
My Lord Beloved Supreme,In my previous incarnations
I pleased You
With my life's strict discipline-light.
In this incarnation
I would like to please You
With my heart's sleepless surrender-delight
To Your Vision transcendental
Your manifestation universal.
My Lord Beloved Supreme,My heart's mounting cries
My life's spreading smiles
Are my sacred gifts
Which I am placing
At Your Compassion-Feet
So that at every moment
I can please You
And fulfil You
In Your own Way.
My Lord Supreme,I have given You this time
What I have long cherished:
My mind of confusion-night.
In return, You have given me
What You eternally are:
Your Heart's Compassion-Illumination,
My Lord Supreme,In my previous incarnations,
My hungry heart used to cry and cry
For Your Compassion-Nectar.
In this incarnation,
My life is smiling sleeplessly
At Your Compassion-Heart,
At Your Perfection-Feet
At Your Oneness-fulfilled Heart-Home.
My Lord Supreme,In my previous life You wanted me
To be materially successful
And earthly great.
Therefore, You placed me into
A royal family.
But in this incarnation
You are telling me
That to be spiritually rich
Is the most important thing.
If I can be spiritually rich,
Only then will I be able to please You
Most satisfactorily.
My Lord, may Thy Will be fulfilled
As soon as possible in and through me.
My Lord Supreme,You have removed my mind's doubts,
My mind's confusion-darkness
My mind's anxiety-clouds.
You have replaced them
With climbing aspiration-cries,
With glowing dedication-smiles
With Your ever-fulfilling Love and Joy.
My Lord Supreme,The time has come for me
To please You in Your own Way —
To make my surrender and oneness complete
In my own secret and sacred heart-room
To become a choice instrument of Yours.
My Lord Supreme,My unconscious fear of You
Takes me away from You,
But my conscious faith in You
My conscious love for You
Not only bring me back to You
But also make me feel
That Your Compassion-Light
Is closer than the closest.
Soon You will make me feel
That throughout Eternity
Your Compassion and my surrender
Will be inseparable friends
For Your complete Satisfaction
And my complete fulfilment.
My Lord Supreme,You have given me
A mind that longs for Truth,
Your Truth,
For You as the Truth Supreme.
My Lord Supreme,
You have given me
A heart that cries for Your Heart,
Only Your Heart.
You have made me feel
That my tiny drop-heart
Will eventually become one,
Inseparably one,
With Your larger than the largest
Compassion-flooded Ocean of Delight.
My Lord Supreme,
With Your infinite Compassion
You are making me feel
This Truth sublime, illumining
And all-fulfilling.
My sweet Father-Lord,Where are You?
How is it that I cannot see You
All the time,
Or at least when I want to see You?
"My sweet child,
Your soul and I play hide-and-seek.
We enjoy this game immensely.
Now is the time for you to seek Me
And for Me to hide.
But soon you will try to hide from Me
And I will seek you out.
Then we shall end
Our hide-and-seek game.
I shall transform your little,
Earthly life-plant
Into a Heavenly-blossomed life-tree."
My Lord Supreme,You have given me a heart
That cries for You.
You have given me a life
That wants to serve You.
But, my Lord, is there any way
That I can run fast, faster, fastest
In my heart of aspiration
And in my life of dedication?
"Yes, My child, there is a way,
And this way is very, very simple
And very direct.
This way is the way
Of your gratitude-offering to Me.
The more you can offer
Your gratitude-heart and gratitude-life
To Me,
The sooner you will be able to run
Faster than the fastest
In your heart of aspiration
And in your life of dedication."
My Lord Supreme,When I pray to You,
I see the sky lifting me up
High, higher, highest.
When I meditate on You,
I see the same sky descending
Slowly, steadily and unerringly
And touching my earth-existence
Most compassionately.
My Lord Supreme, You are telling me
Not to be afraid of the Unknown,
But to love the Unknown
And become one with the Unknown,
For this unknown Reality
Will not remain forever unknown,
And my life's perfection
And my heart's satisfaction
Will grow in it.
My Lord, make me ready
And make me worthy
Of Your blessingful Promise to me.
My Lord Supreme,You are telling me that
My heart's inner cry
My life's hunger for You
Must have a slow, steady
And unerring pace.
The crown of spirituality
Cannot be achieved overnight,
In the twinkling of an eye.
Slowly, steadily and unerringly,
I shall abide by Your
Compassion-Decision about my life,
For I must be fully ready
Before the God-Hour strikes for me.
Once the God-Hour strikes,
My life has to respond immediately.
My Lord Supreme, from today on
I shall wait for Your Arrival
With the utmost confidence
In Your choice Hour.
May Your Compassion and Satisfaction
Climb up and down
Inside my life's patience-tree.
My Lord Supreme,I do not know
What You have in mind for me.
I do not know
And I do not want to know.
I have only one prayer to You:
That I not be afraid
In my own spiritual life,
So that, like a divine warrior,
I can conquer my mind's giant doubts
And my life's anxiety-mountains.
I want to be what You want me to be:
A self-giving and perfect instrument
Of Your highest Vision for earth.
My Lord Supreme,My Beloved Supreme,
In my previous incarnation
You showered on me
Your most powerful Blessing-Light.
I cried and cried and cried
While receiving from You
Your immortal Treasures.
In the evening of my life,
In that incarnation,
I claimed You as my own, very own.
In this incarnation,
At my journey's dawn,
I see myself seated inside
Your infinite Compassion-Heart-Garden,
And I see that You are giving me
The capacity to enjoy
The celestial Beauty
And the celestial Fragrance
Of Your Heart-Garden.
My Lord Beloved Supreme,You have given me a childlike heart.
In my previous incarnations also
You gave me a childlike heart,
And I know that You will always give me
A childlike heart.
My Lord Beloved Supreme,
Do tell me why You gave me,
Have given me and will forever give me
A childlike heart.
"My child, your childlike heart
Is My Divinity's most special Boon.
It is in and through this most illumining
And fulfilling Boon
That I see, I grow into and I become one with
My own universe.
Only a childlike heart can please Me.
Only a childlike heart can fulfil Me.
Only a childlike heart will reach
My Immortality's highest Height."
My Lord Supreme,My mind wants outer education.
My heart wants inner education.
My mind wants to see the Truth
In its own way.
My heart wants to feel the Truth
The way the Truth wants to be known
And felt.
My Lord Supreme,
You want my inner education
To come first and foremost in my life.
Make me strong, make me confident
So that I can please You at every moment
By having You as my only Teacher
In my life's inner school.
I know that when I study
In my heart's school,
You will not only teach me,
But also make me feel
That I will be able to claim
Your infinite Wisdom-Light-Ocean
As my own, very own.
My Lord Supreme,You have given me a simplicity-mind
And a purity-heart unconditionally.
What shall I give You in return
"My sweet child,
You do not have to give Me anything
In return.
Just feel that I shall do everything
In you and for you in My own Way
In accordance with My Vision's
Choice Hour.
From this moment on may your life
And your heart
Become only a garland
Of gratitude-satisfaction."
My Lord Supreme,You have taken me out of
You have taken me out of
You have taken me out of
Now You have placed me
At Your Lotus-Feet.
Therefore, I am safe,
Permanently safe.
May my own heart-lotus
Petal by petal blossom
And offer its gratitude-fragrance
To You,
To Your entire creation.
May my heart of love,
May my life of gratitude,
May my entire earthly reality
Become an unconditional surrender-river
To flow into
Your Infinity's Compassion-Ocean,
Your Immortality's Satisfaction-Ocean.
My Lord Supreme, how happy I am
To claim You, only You, only You,
As my own, very own.
My Lord Supreme,Who am I?
Do tell me.
"My child,
You are My Eternity's Dream-boat.
You are My Eternity's Dream-passenger
You are My Eternity's Vision-partner.
You have the body,
But you are the soul-consciousness.
Your earthly mind-possession
You have not claimed and should not claim.
Only claim your heart as your own.
If you remain in the heart,
You will remain My friend,
My Eternity's friend,
And your soul will remain forever
My most satisfied and most satisfying wealth.
If you can bring to the fore
Your soul-consciousness,
You will please Me infinitely more
Than even your own heart
Can ever imagine.
Remain in the soul, remain in the soul,
Forever and forever."
Part two
SFL 25-55. Sri Chinmoy offered these special prayers during the years 1989 to 1997.25.3
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord, my Lord,My soul's Lord, my heart's Lord,
My mind's Lord, my vital's Lord,
My body's Lord,
No matter how many times
I have failed You,
I shall never give up.
I shall please You,
I shall please You
In Your own Way,
In Your own Way.
This is my life's only promise
To You, to You, my Lord,
My Beloved Lord Supreme.
SFL 25. 26 July 1989, New York↩
My dear Supreme, my sweet Supreme,My Lord Supreme, my Beloved Supreme,
My Absolute Master Supreme,
May my mind thank You most sincerely
For all the things that it has received from You.
May my heart thank You most soulfully
For all the things that You have not given
To my heart.
My Supremely Beloved Supreme,
My Absolute Master Supreme,
Am I correct in saying and in feeling
That my mind's world-possession-hunger
Has made me enormously happy?
My Absolute Master Supreme,
My Supremely Beloved Supreme,
Am I perfect in saying and in feeling
That my heart's bondage-renunciation-flight
Has made You proudly happy?
"My child, My Eternity's Dream-child,
My Infinity's Reality-being,
In the world of your mind
You are definitely correct,
And in the world of your heart
You are absolutely perfect.
With your mind's possession-world,
You may make yourself powerful.
With your heart's renunciation-life,
You can and will
Make My transcendental Dream beautiful
And My universal Reality fruitful."
SFL 26. 23 November 1989, New York↩
My ever-increasinglyCompassionate Lord Supreme,
I am praying to You
With my heart's silence-tears.
Do accept the cheerful surrender
Of my mind's freedom.
SFL 27. 7 January 1992, Tenerife, Canary Islands↩
My Lord,Please, please, give me Your Peace.
"My child,
Please, please, give Me your willingness-heart."
My Lord,
Please, please, give me Your Peace.
"My child,
Please, please, give Me your surrender-life."
My Lord,
Please, please, give me Your Peace.
"My child,
Please, please, give Me your gratitude-breath."
My Lord,
Please, please, give me Your Peace.
"My child,
Please, please, give Me a new promise
That you belong to Me only,
You need Me only,
You love Me only,
You came into the world to please Me in My own Way.
"My child,
You are My Eternity's all,
My Infinity's all,
My Immortality's all."
SFL 28. 5 December 1992, New York↩
My Lord Supreme,Your Head was aching
Because I was not pleasing You
In Your own Way.
My Lord Supreme,
Your Heart is bleeding
Because I am not pleasing You
In Your own Way.
My Lord Supreme,
Your Life will be dying
Because I shall not be pleasing You
In Your own Way.
My Lord Supreme,
What can I do?
What shall I do?
I am so helpless and useless.
"My child, do not worry.
I have already forgiven you.
I am now preparing Myself
To help you embark on a new journey
And watch your heart's blossoming,
Singing and dancing rainbow-sunrise."
SFL 29. 18 December 1992, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam↩
My Lord Beloved Supreme,Greatness You have given to my mind,
Goodness You have given to my heart
Oneness You have given to my life.
Now, my Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme,
Out of Your infinite Bounty,
Do give me something else:
One heart of gratitude-tears,
Two eyes of gratitude-smiles.
SFL 30. 7 June 1993, en route to Boston↩
This morning my Lord Beloved SupremeIs telling me
That before I dare to claim
His immortal Love,
Immortal Joy
Immortal Pride
As my own, very own,
My own faith-heart-garden-blossoms
Must infinitely increase
Their beauty and fragrance
Inside His own Compassion-flooded Heart.
SFL 31. 2 January 1994, Fiji↩
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord,I am swimming in the sea of tears
Because I do not love You
In Your own Way.
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord,
I am drowning in the ocean of death
Because I do not need You
In Your own Way.
SFL 32. 8 September 1994, New York↩
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord,I do not love You,
Yet You love me.
I do not need You,
Yet You need me.
Why, why?
"My child, let us try
To be kind to each other
Once and for all.
You give Me what you have:
Your ignorance-forest-mind.
Let Me give you what I am:
My Oneness-Fragrance-Heart."
SFL 33. 8 September 1994, New York↩
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord!Look, I have come back to You
With my heart's mounting
"My child, My child!
Look, look what I have for you:
My Heart's Happiness-Ocean."
SFL 34. 8 September 1994, New York↩
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord,How can I be a perfect instrument
Of Yours?
"My child, do not think of your future,
Do not think of your past,
Do not think of your present.
Just think of this very moment.
Try to see Me second by second,
And not minute by minute,
Not to speak of hour by hour.
Try to see yourself
Inside My own Heart-Garden,
And never desire to see yourself
Inside your own mind-forest.
Behold, My child!
I am declaring to the world at large
That you are My supremely
And eternally chosen instrument
And My proudest perfection-child."
SFL 35. 8 September 1994, New York↩
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord,Every morning when You ask
Your beloved son — sun to wake up,
Do ask me also to wake up,
And please bless my heart
With prayer-gratitude-tears
And my life
With surrender-perfection-smiles.
SFL 36. 14 December 1994, Kathmandu, Nepal↩
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord,I shall not blame You any more.
I shall not blame myself any more.
I shall only pray to You
To make me a self-giving
Instrument-child of Yours.
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord,
I came into the world
To see Your Eyes smiling
And feel Your Heart happy.
Do fulfil my hope,
Do fulfil my promise.
SFL 37. 15 December 1994, Kathmandu, Nepal↩
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord,Do give me the capacity
To place at Your Feet
Every morning
My heart's readiness,
My heart's willingness,
My heart's eagerness
My heart's happiness.
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord,
Do tell me how
I can claim You as my own,
Very own.
Do tell me how
You can claim me as Your own,
Very own.
"My child,
Give Me what your mind has:
If you can give Me
Your mind's unwillingness,
Then you will be able to claim Me
As your own, very own.
"My child,
Give Me what your heart is:
If you can give Me
Your heart's love,
Then I shall claim you
As My own, very own."
SFL 38. 16 December 1994, Kathmandu, Nepal↩
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord,This morning, to my mind's extreme surprise
And to my heart's extreme sorrow,
I saw the distance
From Your Heart to my mind.
The distance is unimaginably long!
This frightened me to death.
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord,
Do tell me how I can shorten the distance,
How I can nullify the distance,
How I can make Your Heart and my mind one.
"My child, My child, My child,
From today on do not remain
A student of your desire-mind.
Become a companion of your aspiration-heart.
You and your aspiration-heart
Will be able to compel your mind
To sit at My Feet.
Once your mind is at My Feet,
My Heart and your mind will become one,
Inseparably one.
Your mind will be illumined,
You will be fulfilled
And I shall be satisfied."
SFL 39. 17 December 1994, Kathmandu, Nepal↩
My Lord, my dear Lord, my sweet Lord,My Lord Divine, my Lord Supreme,
How can I, even for a single day,
Love You in Your own Way,
Offer You my devotion in Your own Way
Surrender my entire earth-existence to You
In Your own Way?
"My sleeplessly and breathlessly
Dream-blossoming child,
It is not an impossible task.
It is not even a difficult task.
It is an unbelievably easy task.
My child, from today on,
Do not try to hide from Me
And live in your darkness-mind-cave-
Absurd, My child, absurd!
The entire creation, the entire universe,
Is created by Me.
I am the body
I am the Spirit of the universe.
My child, I am most affectionately,
Most blessingfully inviting you
To come and live with Me
In My Heart-Nest.
Come, My child, come!
Come play with Me and sing with Me.
Lo, My child,
Perfect is your love for Me,
Perfect is your devotion to Me,
Perfect is your surrender to Me.
Your name is now perfect perfection-sky,
My Name is perfect Satisfaction-Sun.
My child, to make the Real in you happy,
Today, tomorrow and forever and forever
I must love you in My divine Way,
The only Way.
My child, My child, My child!"
SFL 40. 19 December 1994, Kathmandu, Nepal↩
When I see my Master's sorrowful eyes,I cry, I cry and I cry.
When I touch my Master's sorrowful heart,
I sigh, I sigh and I sigh.
When I feel my Master's sorrowful life,
I die, I die and I die.
When I see my Master's God-smiling eyes,
My God-realisation-hope blooms.
When I touch my Master's God-smiling heart,
My God-realisation-promise blossoms.
When I feel my Master's God-smiling life,
My God-realisation-dream-manifested reality
Feeds the God-hungry seekers of God's Universe.
SFL 41. 20 December 1994, Kathmandu, Nepal↩
My Lord, My Lord, My Lord,This morning do You have
Any special Blessing-Message for me?
"My child, I do.
My child, every day,
In the small hours of the morning,
You must wake up.
Then immediately
You must wake up your child, aspiration.
Then immediately
You and your child, aspiration,
Must open your heart-door to My Hope.
Then immediately
I shall open My Heart-Door
To your promise.
Then immediately
Give Me the beauty
Of your heart's tears
And the fragrance
Of your soul's smiles.
I shall then immediately
Give you the Beauty
Of My Heart's Universal Dream
And the Fragrance
Of My Soul's Transcendental Reality."
SFL 42. 24 December 1994, Kathmandu, Nepal↩
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord,Do bless me with
Your last-minute Advice.
"My child, My child, My child,
The higher you think of Me,
The longer you think of Me
The deeper you think of Me,
The sweeter will be your heart,
The purer will be your mind
The easier will be your self-giving to Me.
My child, there shall come a time
In the very near future
When you will come to realise
Who you truly are:
You are the Beauty of My Dream,
You are the Fragrance of My Reality."
SFL 43. 26 December 1994, Kathmandu, Nepal↩
My Lord, do prove to meThat You love me.
"My child, how?"
My Lord, if You can make me
And keep me happy
Only for an hour every day,
Then I shall feel
That You really love me.
"My child, do prove to Me
That you love Me."
My Lord, how?
"My child, if you can make Me
And keep Me happy
Only for five minutes every day,
Then I shall feel
That you really love Me.
My child, if you can please Me,
I shall make you and keep you happy,
Not only for an hour every day
But for the entire day."
My Lord, I want to make You happy,
But please show me the way.
"My child, just give Me
Your unconditional surrender
For five minutes every day.
My child, I want to keep you happy
Throughout the entire day.
Just show Me the way."
My Lord, just give me
Your Infinity's Affection
Your Immortality's Love.
SFL 44. 2 February 1995, New York↩
May the beauty of the New YearBeautify my heart.
May the purity of the New Year
Purify my mind.
May the simplicity of the New Year
Simplify my vital.
May the intensity of the New Year
Intensify my body.
May the responsibility of the New Year
Glorify my life.
May only the divinity of the New Year
Fully satisfy me.
SFL 45. 1 January 1997, Takamatsu, Japan↩
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord Supreme,I love You with all my heart.
"My child, from now on you will tell Me
That you love Me with all My Heart.
My child, your heart is too small
To love My big Heart.
My child, if you can love Me
With My big Heart,
Then, only then, you will feel complete
And I shall feel satisfied."
SFL 46. 2 January 1997, Takamatsu, Japan↩
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord Supreme,Do bless me fully and compassionately.
Do give me the soul to sing,
Do give me the heart to smile,
Do give me the eyes to cry,
Do give me the life to hope,
Do give me the breath
To be Your dreamer,
To be Your server
And to be Your lover
SFL 47. 3 January 1997, Takamatsu, Japan↩
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord Supreme,In the small hours of this morning
I came to You.
I saw You were extremely, extremely
And extremely busy.
Even then You said to me,
"My child, take Affection infinite from Me."
I refused.
"My child, take Love infinite from Me."
I refused.
"My child, take Joy infinite from Me."
I refused.
"My child, take Peace infinite from Me."
I refused.
"My child, what do you want?"
I said,
"My Lord, my Lord, my Lord Supreme,
I just want to be with You."
My Lord, You became
Your Infinity's Smile-Blossoms.
SFL 48. 4 January 1997, Takamatsu, Japan↩
My Lord, my Lord, my Supreme Lord,Please tell me
What my express need should be.
"My child, My Eternity's child,
Your express need should be
Your devotion, your sleepless devotion
To Me."
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord Supreme,
Please tell me
What my daily need should be.
"My child, My Infinity's child,
Your daily need should be
Your love, your sleepless love
For My Will-manifestation."
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord Supreme,
Please tell me
What my ultimate need should be.
"My child, My Immortality's child,
Your ultimate need should be
My Satisfaction, only My Satisfaction,
In My own Way."
SFL 49. 7 January 1997, Kumamoto, Japan↩
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord Supreme,I think of You.
You do not think of me.
Alas, why?
My Lord, I look at You.
You do not look at me.
Alas, why?
My Lord, I come to You.
You do not come to me.
Alas, why?
"My child, I, too, think of you.
I, too, look at you.
I, too, come to you.
My child, when I think of you,
You are not inside your mind.
When I look at you,
You are not inside your eyes.
When I come to you,
You are not inside your heart-home.
My child, if you want to know
When I think of you,
Then keep your mind empty of thoughts.
If you want to see Me
While I am looking at you,
Then keep your eyes pure, absolutely pure.
If you want to see Me
While I am coming to your heart-home,
Then keep your heart-home-door wide open
Only for Me.
SFL 50. 8 January 1997, Kumamoto, Japan↩
My Lord Supreme, my Beloved Supreme,My Absolute Lord Supreme,
Please teach me how to sweeten my heart
With my soulfulness-tears.
Please teach my heart how to climb up
Into the skies of readiness, willingness,
Eagerness and selflessness.
Please teach me how to escape
From my doubting mind,
From my ungrateful heart
And from my fearful life.
Please teach me how to forgive my enemies
So that I can have newness in my life.
Please teach me how to forgive myself
So that I can have fulness in my life.
Finally, please teach me how to love myself
The way You love me,
For my real perfection
And for my real satisfaction.
SFL 51. 9 January 1997, Kumamoto, Japan↩
My dear God, my dearer God, my dearest God,My sweet Lord, my sweeter Lord,
My sweetest Lord,
At my journey's start You blessed me
Most compassionately and most affectionately
With quite a few divine qualities.
My life's God, my heart's Lord,
In the future if once more I displease You,
Then You may take away
All the divine qualities
Save and except one:
Please, please, please keep with me
My obedience-heart
To breathe prayerfully, happily
And gloriously
In my mind, in my vital and in my body.
My life's God, my heart's Lord,
This morning my soul, that represents You
Divinely, supremely and eternally,
In soundless sound has told me
That if I continue displeasing You,
Either consciously or even unconsciously,
Then mine will be the life
Of utter failure-tears
At the end of my journey's close.
My life's God, my heart's Lord,
May my outer life of dedication
Become Your absolute Commander-Will-obedience-perfection.
May my inner heart of aspiration
Become Your absolute Commander-Will-
SFL 52. 12 January 1997, Kumamoto, Japan↩
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord,My Lord!
If I love You just because
You love me,
Then I am eternally and infinitely
Worse than the worst.
But, my Lord, if I love You
Because I cannot breathe
Without loving You,
Then do allow me to enjoy
Prayerfully, sleeplessly
And breathlessly
The dust-beauty, the dust-fragrance
And the dust-delight
Of Your Nectar-Feet.
SFL 53. 25 October 1997, en route to Kingston, Ontario↩
My Lord,My Lord Supreme,
My Absolute Supreme,
You have not allowed me to do many things.
And I shall also not allow You
To do one thing, only one thing:
I shall not allow You to surrender
To humanity's absurd
And self-aggrandising demands.
SFL 54. 8 December 1997, Nassau, Bahamas↩
My Lord Beloved Supreme,With every breath of my heart
I enter into Your Heart
To love You only in Your own Way.
My Lord Beloved Supreme,
With every breath of my heart
I sit at Your Feet
To need You only in Your own Way.
My Lord Beloved Supreme,
With every breath of my heart
I look at Your Eye
To fulfil You only in Your own Way.
SFL 55. 18 December 1997, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala↩