Silence Speaks Songbook
I Came to You, My Lord Supreme
I came to You, my Lord Supreme,In my silver silence-dream.
You came to me with Your Sweetness-Face
And Oneness-Fulness-Embrace.
Never Say No
Never say no,Never say no,
O never say,
When God’s Compassion-Eye
Desires you to play.
God's Fondness-Heart
God's Fondness-HeartSoulfully I shall become today.
Quickly I ended
My proud, self-styled darkness-play.
If You Can Rekindle Your Aspiration-Flame
If you can rekindleYour aspiration-flame,
God will immediately
Take away the blame.
Faith: Use It to Fly
Faith: use it to flyIn God’s own Sky.
Faith: lose it to be
Your life’s orphan-cry.
Ambition, ambition, ambition,O dark abyss of frustration.
O World of Ingratitude
O world of ingratitude,O world of ‘I’-ness-darkness,
Forget not, forget not,
The Lord is still all Forgiveness.
Only a Heart of Gratitude
Only a heart of gratitudeCan and shall own beatitude.
O, Try to Be God's Surrender-Toy
O, try to be God’s surrender-toy.He will open the petals of joy.
Your Heart's Possibility-Room
Keep always openYour heart’s possibility-room.
Therein shall bloom.
During Your Great Heavenward Trip
During your greatHeavenward trip
Maintain your life’s
And soul’s friendship.
God Has Written His Perfection-Book
God has writtenHis Perfection-Book for man.
Not to read the book
Is man’s secret plan.
Aspiration, Aspiration
Aspiration, aspiration, aspiration,My heart is crying, my breath is sinking,
Do take my life to Liberation.
Never to Try Will Make You Fail
Never to tryWill make you fail.
Ever to smile
Will make you sail.
Heaven and Earth
Heaven and earthAre in oneness-embrace.
One life, one heart,
God-Beauty’s Perfection-race.
When Your Mind's Doubt-Thorns Knock
When your mind’s doubt-thornsKnock most powerfully,
Keep your heart’s faith-flower
Unavailable immediately.
I Read My Eyes and Not My Palm
I read my eyes and not my palm.I love my heart and not my mind.
I see within and not without.
Ignorance-seeds ever fail to sprout.
Receptivity Soulfully Receives
Receptivity soulfully receivesGod the eternal Lover.
Spontaneity sleeplessly reveals
God the immortal Knower.
I Shall Fulfil
I shall fulfil, I shall fulfilMy Lord Supreme.
My heart shall be His sweet and fond
My Insecurity-Thief
My insecurity-thief my soul has caughtWith its confidence-light.
Now is the time for me to bravely reach
Heaven’s long-forgotten height.
My Little, Brittle Heart
My little, brittle heartFor You, my Supreme Lord.
O, save my death-captured life
With Your Oneness-Chord.
My Sleeping Body
My sleeping body has sprung to life.No doubts have I, no fears.
Delight within, delight without,
My heart’s gratitude-tears.
The Remains of Stark Frustration
The remains of stark frustrationMake dear friends with destruction.
O My Aspiration-Heart of Beauty
O my aspiration-heart of beauty,Through you my inner Pilot
Fulfils His Duty.
My Sleepless, God-Hungry Heart
My sleepless, God-hungry heartNever knows depression-dart.
O Marvel-Producing Fulness-Faith-Mind
O marvel-producingFulness-faith-mind,
Yours is the duty
To transform the blind.
I Love Your Eye
I love Your EyeBecause it feeds my life.
I love Your Feet
Because they smash my knife.
Your Thread of Aspiration
Your thread of aspirationSpun through time
Shall lead you to
The perfection-clime.
You Are Your Life's Lip-Deep Sincerity
You are your life’sLip-deep sincerity.
God is His Heart’s
Read Not the Calendar
Read not the calendarOf life’s teeming mistakes.
Oh, swim, only swim,
In life’s aspiration-lakes.
The Great News
The great newsOf your heart’s aspiration-cry
Helps me, my life,
Cheerfully, bravely fly.
You Will Lose Track
You will lose track of yourBeloved Supreme
If you do not become
Your life's glowing dream.
The Concentration That Defies Description
The concentrationThat defies description
Can give your life
Complete satisfaction.
Trust Not the Cobweb-Mind of Confusion
Trust not the cobweb-mind of confusionTo grant you your soul-illumination.
Touch God's Heaven-Feet
Touch God’s Heaven-Feet,O please, O please.
Immune they are
To doubt-disease.
Progress, Progess
Progress, progress, progress,Self-discovery process.
My Present Friendship
My present friendshipWith my soul’s height
Is the pioneer
Of my future delight.
To Fill My Life's Long Progress-Hall
To fill my life’sLong progress-hall,
I must become
A surrendered ball.
You Want to Know, My Friend
You want to know, my friend,My present situation?
My friend,
I am my ego’s self-infatuation.
O My Doubting Mind, O My Suspecting Mind
O my doubting mind,O my suspecting mind,
You are a student on the campus
Of confusion and destruction-night.
Blind you are, deaf you are, plus and plus.
I Shall Favour My Lord
I shall favour my LordWith my surrender-flame,
And go beyond the mud and dirt
Of name and fame.
My Lord, Tell Me Your Absolute Secret
My Lord, tell meYour absolute Secret.
Do You ever
Have any sad regret?
O, Make My Weak Heart Strong
O, make my weak heart strongTo sing Your Oneness-Song.
My Lord Gives Me
My Lord gives meHis Compassion-Eye-Lift.
I give my Lord
My gratitude-heart-gift.