Today God is occupying himself only with my life

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1. In God’s spare time (1)

In God’s spare time
He asks my soul
To sing for Him.

2. In God’s spare time (2)

In God’s spare time
He asks my heart
To clasp His Eye.

3. God has come down

God has come down
To become another man.
Man has gone up
To become another God.

4. My mind to smash

My mind to smash,
I need God;
My heart to claim,
God needs me.

5. All that God dreams of

All that God dreams of
Is my happiness.
All that I dream of
Is God’s Forgiveness.

6. God’s hand-made souls

God’s hand-made souls
Never fail Him,
Never fail Him, never.

7. My smiles are God in action

My smiles are God in action,
And so are my tears.

8. I do my job: I preach

I do my job: I preach.
God does His Job: He practises.

9. I love to speak to God

I love to speak to God
In my sound-armoury.
God loves to speak to me
In His Silence-Room.

10. I know God through my poems

I know God through my poems.
I claim God in my songs.

11. Today God is occupying Himself

Today God is occupying Himself
Only with my life.

12. Today I am my haven-heart

Today I am my haven-heart
And not my prison-mind.

13. What does it matter

What does it matter how long it takes?
I must and must please my Lord Supreme.

14. My mind desires to eclipse

My mind desires to eclipse
My goodness-heart.

15. My heart desires to increase

My heart desires to increase
My greatness-mind.

16. No more God-doubt-mind

No more God-doubt-mind.
No more God-fear-heart.

17. My God-eagerness-heart

My God-eagerness-heart is
A proud moment for God.

18. My mind-philosophy is to save

My mind-philosophy is to save.
God’s Heart-Philosophy is to give.

19. Today God is occupying Himself

Today God is occupying Himself
Only with my life.

20. I know why I did what I did (1)

I know why I did what I did.
I gave my heart, my Lord to feed.

21. I know why I did what I did (2)

I know why I did what I did.
I gave my heart, my Lord to feed.

22. Not God the Might

Not God the Might,
But God the Light
I need.

23. God the Eye, beautiful

God the Eye, beautiful.
God the Heart, merciful.

24. Every day I weigh

Every day I weigh
My God-love-weight.

25. My Master-surrender-life

My Master-surrender-life,
My soul’s lustre-flood.

26. God’s Eye, my quest

God’s Eye, my quest.
God’s Heart, my nest.
My life at His behest.

27. God talks to me

God talks to me
Only in His Silence-Heart-Room.

28. My heart of peace

My heart of peace
Slices my doubting mind.

29. God never wants me to go

God never wants me
To go to Him on tiptoe.

30. I want to see my Lord

I want to see my Lord
As He really is.

31. No doubter will ever reach

No doubter will ever reach

32. Delight within, delight without

Delight within, delight without,
My heart devours my baby-God-pabulum.

33. My life-perfection-hope descends

My life-perfection-hope descends
Only to rise again and again.

34. To be cheerful is to be

To be cheerful is to be
On God’s side.

35. I clearly see God Himself

I clearly see God Himself
Taking notes of what I say.

36. Walk with me, my body

Walk with me, my body.
March with me, my vital.
Run with me, my mind.
Sprint with me, my heart.
Fly with me, my soul.

37. I must never allow my mind

I must never allow my mind
To memorise my wild blunders.

38. I enjoy far more

I enjoy far more my journey
Than my destination.

39. I was a seeker-heart

I was a seeker-heart,
And now I am a seer-soul.

40. God-talkers lose

God-talkers lose.
God-servers win the race.

41. My surrender-life

My surrender-life
Is the only source of God’s Income.