The Wings of Light, part 13

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601. A hero with some defects

I got up late,
I made friends with ignorance-king,
I dined with darkness-prince,
I sang with imperfection-princess,
I danced with weakness-queen.

I must say,
These are all my little indulgences.
I am not what I was.
I am now a hero with some defects.
Of course, these are all minor defects.

602. Integrity

You struggle and struggle
For integrity.
You have no integrity,
You say.
I tell you,
You don’t have to cry
For integrity!
Integrity will run
To embrace you
If you just request
Your heart-friend
To look after it.
Just speak to your heart-friend.
Lo, all integrity is yours.

603. Two new realities

Your high conceit-horse
Your low vanity-bull
Were your only realities.
Now your aspiration-deer
Has offered you two new realities:

604. His four lives

When he lives
In his heart,
His heart-life is exemplary.

When he lives
In his mind,
His mind-life is literary.

When he lives
In his vital,
His vital-life is arbitrary.

When he lives
In his body,
His body-life is perfunctory.

605. What is it?

Human revolt, what is it?
It is something that strikes and breaks.

Divine revolt, what is it?
It is something that soars and glows.

Human surrender, what is it?
It is something that fears and dies.

Divine surrender, what is it?
It is something that loves and lives.

606. Ancient roots and modern fruits

The dark disputes of the ancients
And the moderns
Over their supremacy,
Who can settle?
None, save and except
The surrendering and fulfilling oneness
Of the ancient roots
And the modern fruits.

607. Existence and necessity

Religion proved
The existence of his home,
And also
The necessity of his sincere
And searching life.

Yoga proved
The existence of his
Conscious oneness with God,
And also
The necessity of his pure
And elevating life.

God proved
The existence of his divinity
And also
The necessity of his sure
And ever-transcending life.

608. A diamond universe

Science-prince had
A silver universe.
His mind used it and used it.

He has now
A golden universe.
His heart is now trying and trying to use it.

He soon shall have
A diamond universe.
Once achieved,
His soul will use it

609. Reason and certainty

Reason and certainty
Always each other need.
Yes, they do!
But I know and I tell you
Truth-life is
Far beyond the reason-sky
And far above the certainty-sea.

610. Attacks on his authority

His attacks on his past authority
Made him sincerity-sky.

His attacks on his present authority
Make him purity-moon.

His attacks on his future authority
Will make him reality-sun.

611. Therefore they love me

I am insecure.
God’s Compassion loves me.

I am inadequate.
Man’s kindness loves me.

I am insufficient.
My consideration loves me.

612. Another reason

Another reason for his physical collapse:
He ate too much.

Another reason for his vital collapse:
He fought too much.

Another reason for his mental collapse:
He thought too much.

Another reason for his psychic collapse:
He slept too much.

613. The beauties of New York City

The beauties
Of New York City:
It does not sleep
At night.
It has forgotten how to walk;
It just runs and runs.
It uses little of its necessity
To endear,
And much of its capacity
To steer.

614. Two kingdoms

You are the King
Of two kingdoms:

You are the King
For two kingdoms:

615. When he lived in the world

When he lived
In the world ruled by Satan,
He was simply shocked
By its madness.

When he lived
In the world ruled by Death,
He was simply shocked
By its stark coldness.

When he lived
In the world ruled by Hope,
He was simply shocked
By its orphan sadness.

616. Love has realised him

Love, true I have not
Realised You,
What can I do?

“Child, be happy
That I have realised you
On your behalf.
You are your forgotten Infinity,
You are your remembered nothingness.”

617. My desire stays on

Morning comes and morning goes,
Evening comes and evening goes.
My aspiration comes,
My aspiration goes.
My desire neither comes
Nor goes;
It just stays on and on.

618. Before he died

Before he died
He told the world
That the world was unconscious.

Before he died
He told Heaven
That Heaven was inconsiderate.

Before he died
He told God
That God was indifferent.

619. My God-hunger

When I lived in the desert,
My God-hunger was simply beautiful.

When I lived in the forest,
My God-hunger was really soulful.

When I lived in the mountain cave,
My God-hunger was divinely fruitful.

When I lived in my Inner Pilot,
My God-hunger was supremely useful.

620. They love not

The talker
In me loves not silence.
The listener
In me loves not sound.
The lover
In me loves not delay.
The beloved
In me loves not reserve.

621. Tears in God's Eyes

I saw tears of Light
In God’s Eyes
When I fought with Him.

I saw tears of Night
In God’s Eyes
When I fought with myself.

I saw tears of Delight
In God’s Eyes
When I transcended myself.

I saw tears of Fulness
In God’s Eyes
When I defeated Him.

622. For the time being

For the time being
I shall think only of God,
To love the Real in me.

For the time being
I shall love only God,
To manifest the Immortal in me.

623. The function

The function of inspiration
Is to start quickly.

The function of aspiration
Is to continue steadily.

The function of realisation
Is to reach unconditionally.

624. The scarcity

My mind
Is the scarcity of ideas.
My heart
Is the scarcity of ideals.
My life
Is the scarcity of dreams.
My soul
Is the scarcity of goals.

625. The only son of God

He is a son of God,
Who thinks God is great.

He is the son of God,
Who feels God is good.

He is the only son of God,
Who knows that
God is all surrender
To our desire-night
To our aspiration-light.

626. Also

Truth for truth alone.
Justice for justice alone.
Life for life alone.
Love for love;
For hate.
Light for light;
For darkness.
God for God;
For Beauty’s nest
And Beauty’s rest.

627. God's Assistance

He said quite a few things,
But what did he actually mean?
He actually meant that
He is always flooded
With God’s Assistance
Even though his resistance to God-Light
Is endlessly persistent.

628. The life that you save

The money that you save
May be God’s.
The time that you save
May be humanity’s.
The life that you save:
Not only God’s and man’s,
Definitely yours, too.

629. He died for beauty

He died for beauty.
Beauty was not to be found.

He died for purity.
Purity was not to be found.

He died for magnanimity.
Magnanimity was not to be found.

He died for divinity’s Reality
and reality’s Divinity.
Nothing was missing.
Everything shone perfectly
In its God-ordained place.

630. God does exist

Two are the things besides God
That make us feel and realise
That God does exist:
The smile of an infant
And the tears of a bereaved mother.

And how do we prove
The existence of God?
We prove the existence of God
By becoming the bridge
Between His silver Boat
And His golden Shore.

631. I became

When Love-light was needed in
My life, I became a student.

When Compassion-height was needed in
My life, I became a teacher.

When Perfection-delight was needed in
My life, I became God.

632. In this age

In this age of anxiety
What we need is the wisdom of God the Father.

In this age of insecurity
What we need is the love of God the Mother.

In this age of war
What we need is the embrace of God the Brother.

633. They assured me

Finally Mother Earth assured me
That I was not sick.

Finally Father Heaven assured me
That I was not undivine.

Finally the Supreme assured me
That I was indispensable.

Finally I assured myself
That I was the surrender-bridge
Between man and God.

634. God was proud

When I was a rock,
God was proud of my adamantine will.

When I was a tree,
God was proud of my untiring compassion.

When I was an animal,
God was proud of my unyielding striving.

When I was a human being,
God was proud of my heart’s crying.

When I was a divine being,
God was proud of my accepting and rejecting,
And my becoming and being.

635. You do care

Who says that you do not care for God?
You do care for God;
Therefore you stay on earth.

Who says that you do not care for Heaven?
You do care for Heaven;
Therefore you embody Heaven’s Light.

Who says that you do not care for earth?
You do care for earth;
Therefore earth is still alive.

636. Who can tell me?

Who can tell me
Where God-Light is?
Perhaps my aspiration-friend can.

Who can tell me
Where God-Power is?
Perhaps my prayer-friend can.

Who can tell me
Where God-Delight is?
Perhaps my surrender-friend can.

637. Be careful!

O insincere seeker,
You may swerve
From the path of truth.
Be careful!
I tell you
It can easily happen.

O impure seeker,
You may drown
In the sea of ignorance.
Be careful!
I tell you
It can easily happen.

638. Be cheerful

O sincere seeker,
You may realise God
Even in this lifetime.
Who knows?
So be cheerful.
I tell you,
This can easily happen.

O pure seeker,
God may choose you to be
His matchless instrument
To fulfil Him on earth.
Who knows?
So be cheerful.
I tell you,
This can easily happen.

639. An outstanding athlete

You are indeed
An outstanding athlete.
You ran all the way
From your home to God’s Palace
In spite of the fact
That the distance defies
All human calculations.

Of course, you had
God’s Compassion-Heart
To protect your head
From ignorance-rain
God’s Protection-Arms
To protect your feet
From ignorance-heat.

Ah, now you even have the capacity
To run every day to God’s Palace
From your home, the earth,
And back again.
You are indeed
An outstanding athlete.

640. I am ready

O earth,
Do you need any help?
I am ready to help you
With my two powerful arms.

O Heaven,
Do you need any help?
I am more than ready
To help you
With my genuine and pure heart.

O God,
Do You need any help?
I am eagerly ready
To serve You
With my unconditional life.

641. My favourite

God is my favourite
He hides all my blind and wild weaknesses.

Man is my favourite
He admires most generously
My great and high valour.

Earth is my favourite
She alone shares with me
My weakness-sea and valour-sun.

642. How did it happen?

How did it happen?
How is it that you allowed
Ignorance to steal you
From your Heavenly Palace?

How did it happen?
How is it that you have not
Informed God the Policeman
To make inquiries?
Well, still there is time.

Just go and inform God
The Policeman Supreme.
He will without fail catch the thief
And save you.
I assure you, He will.

643. Look and see

Look and see
If you have criticised God.

Look and see
If you have deceived man.

Look and see
If your proud mouth has overestimated yourself.

Look and see
If your timid heart has underestimated yourself.

If you have criticised God,
Don’t worry.
He will illumine you.

If you have deceived man,
Don’t worry.
He will deceive you back.
Therefore you will not owe him anything.

If you have overestimated
Or underestimated yourself,
Don’t worry.
Just dive within
And you will unmistakably know
Where you really stand.

644. Three serious faults

He has just three
Serious faults,
That’s all.
He can’t stop talking,
He can’t start listening.
He can,
But he does not want to
Learn the art of loving God
And thus perfect
His own human life.

645. Now you try it

I have told you
How to pray to God.
Now you try it.

I have told you
How to touch God’s Feet.
Now you try it.

I have told you
How to speak to God.
Now you try it.

I have told you
How to become God’s real favourite.
Now you try it.

646. Who do you think you are?

Who do you think you are?
If you really think
That you are God’s son,
Then undoubtedly your brother
Is also God’s son.

Who do you think you are?
If you really think
That you are none but God,
Then I tell you
Once and for all
That I am another
A far superior

647. The inner cry-devouring tiger

God is not pleased with me;
He does not cherish me any more.
Never mind, I shall bravely
Face all that.

I am not pleased with myself either;
I don’t cherish myself either.
Alas, I do not know
How I can ever
Face myself,
The inner cry-devouring tiger in me.

648. I am a child

I am a child of Heaven.
I dream.

I am a child of earth.
I serve.

I am a child of sound.
I grow.

I am a child of silence.
I glow.

I am a child of God.
I really am.

649. He is

He is near,
I see Him not.

He is dear,
I feel Him not.

He is perfect,
I examine Him not.

He is my all,
I know Him not
At all.

650. God knows the art of compensation

I am a timid deer,
God has granted me
The message of speed
To reach speedily my goal.
I told you, my world,
God knows the art
Of compensation.

I am a timid man,
God has granted me
The message of love
To found His Kingdom on earth.
I told you, my world,
God knows the art
Of compensation.