The Wings of Light, part 19

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901. Is my God pleased?

Is my God pleased with earth?
No, He is sick of earth’s stupidity.

Is my God pleased with Heaven?
No, He is sick of Heaven’s indifference.

Is my God pleased with Himself?
No, He is sick of His futility.

902. I understood God

God understood me
Only when I gave up
    My animal pride.

I understood God
Only when He lowered
    His highest Height
Compassionately and considerably.

903. I play no more

I play no more
With my dying friend: fear.

I play no more
With my dead friend: doubt.

I play no more
With my strange friend: insecurity.

I play no more
With my puny friend: ego.

904. Who hides?

Who hides his presence?

Who hides his absence?

God hides His presence
Because He feels
He can work better
For His children unnoticed.

Man hides his absence
Because he feels
His lack of dedication
Should not be exposed.

905. My happiness

My thought-life
Is my false happiness.

My will-life
Is my true happiness.

My service-life
Is my lasting happiness.

My surrender-life
Is my everlasting happiness.

906. Learning something more

I have all along known
    Two things:
My Heaven is deaf,
My earth is blind.

And today
I am learning
Something more:
My God is indifferent.

907. What I need

On earth
What I need is peace.

    In Heaven
What I need is progress.

    For humanity
What I need is love.

    For divinity
What I need is service.

    From the Supreme
What I need is a sun-vast Smile.

    From myself
What I need is willingness,
And its bosom friend,

908. I am a fool

I am a fool
When I blindly imitate.

I am a fool
When I unnecessarily hesitate.

I am a fool
When I helplessly cry.

I am a fool
When I all alone
Greedily and shamelessly fly.

909. Two more things

One thing you have seen:
The disappearance of God
    From your vital life.

Two more things you are bound to see:
God’s sweet appearance
    In your heart,
His bold emergence
    From your body.

910. I can live without you

Lord, in the morning
I can live without You,
Not without Your Sun-smile.

Lord, in the afternoon
I can live without You,
Not without Your Concern-sky.

Lord, in the evening
I can live without You,
Not without Your Compassion-sea.

911. Your freedom

Your physical freedom
Has bound you;
Yet you want physical freedom.

Your vital freedom
Has crucified you;
Yet you want vital freedom.

Your mental freedom
Has blighted you;
Yet you want mental freedom.

Your psychic freedom
Is crying for you;
Yet you want not psychic freedom.

Your God-freedom
Is beckoning you;
Ah, I am seeing you in your God-freedom!

912. Pablo Casals

Pablo Casals:
He lived the life
Of a curious child
In the heart of Mother Nature.

He loved the life
Of a precious child
In the heart of Golden Skies.

He became the achievements
Of a stupendous child
In the heart of infinite Love.

913. God's new Dawn

I love the eyes
Of the morning rose.
In them I see
    The Beauty of God.

I love the ears
Of the evening rose.
In them I see
    The Patience of God.

I love the lips
Of the dying rose.
From them I hear
    The message of God’s new Dawn.

914. To please God

In the morning
I shall seek like a seeker
To please God the Truth.

At noon
I shall meditate like a Yogi
To please God the Liberator.

In the evening
I shall love like a divine lover
To please God the Eternal Beloved.

915. How can I live?

My Lord, how can I live
With my frustration-heart?

My Lord, how can I live
With my destruction-life?

My Lord, how can I live
With my timid soul?

My Lord, how can I live
With my indifferent Goal?

916. Who is he?

Day: what is it?
Day is my hopeful life.

Night: what is it?
Night is my peaceful life.

Man: who is he?
He is my stranger-friend.

God: who is He?
He is my soul’s only choice,
He is my Goal’s only voice.

917. Just love the light

My Lord,
How shall I think of Thee?
    “Don’t think.
    Just love the Light In Me.”

    My Lord,
How shall I meditate on Thee?
    “Don’t meditate.
    Just love the Light in Me.”

    My Lord,
How shall I love the Light in Thee?
    “Ah, My child, that is My task.
    Leave it to Me.
I shall do it for you, and for you alone.”

918. Mother of the universe

Mother of the universe,
You are vaster than Your Infinity
When I place my searching head
At Your Feet.

Mother of the universe,
You are older than Your Eternity
When I place my crying heart
At Your Feet.

Mother of the universe,
You are stronger than Your Immortality
When I place my loving soul
At Your Feet.

919. How shall I feed you?

How shall I feed You,
    My Lord?
I have been feeding You
    For a long time
With my love, devotion and surrender.
You are sick of my impure love,
You are sick of my false devotion,
You are sick of my conditional surrender.
I am totally lost.
“My child, feed Me with your
Sincerity’s breath.
    Try, you can,
    You shall.”

920. Supremacy

The human in me
Openly adores the supremacy of Truth.

The divine in me
Soulfully loves the supremacy of Love.

The God in me
Secretly becomes the supremacy of Compassion.

921. Love is

Beauty dies,
The body lives.

The body sleeps,
The soul smiles.

The soul promises,
God fulfils.

God triumphs,
Man becomes.

Man becomes,
Love is.

922. The secrets of the world

Do you want to learn
The secrets of the world
    We live in?
Then carefully listen:
Perfection: who wants it?
    Nobody, practically no one.
Fulfilment: who wants it?
    Everybody, without exception.

923. Like you I wish to be

Matter, my dear,
Like you I wish to be explicit.

“Ah, that’s easy,
Spirit dear.
Just touch my feet.
Then sit at my feet.
    That’s all!”

Spirit, my dear,
Like you I want to be implicit.

“Ah, that’s very easy,
Matter dear.
Just enter into my heart
Live there forever.
Then feel my heart.
    That’s all!”

924. Perfection-progress, achievement-experience

In the world of Light
I fly from peak to peak.
Indeed, this is my perfection-progress.

In the world of night
I stumble from frustration-window
    To destruction-door.
Indeed, this is my achievement-experience.

925. God-realisation

    Is your birthright.
    Fantasy, it is not.
    Obstinacy, it is not.
    Autocracy, it is not.
    Accuracy of your life Divine,
    It is.
    Supremacy of your Reality,
    It always is.

926. Yesterday, today, tomorrow

Yesterday, just yesterday
I was a Heaven-inspired dream.

    Today, just today
I am a God-intoxicated life.

    Tomorrow, just tomorrow
I shall touch the Supreme’s Reality-Shore.

927. Earth-bound truth and Heaven-free truth

Do you want to know
The difference
Earth-bound truth
Heaven-free truth?

Earth-bound truth
Is for me today,
For you tomorrow.
    Heaven-free truth
    Is all balanced,
    Quite impartial
    Always just.

928. The sad story

When our eyeless body
    Is in the foreground,
Our clever vital
    Recedes into the background.

When our aggressive vital
    Is in the foreground,
Our uncertain mind
    Recedes into the background.

When our unlit mind
    Is in the foreground,
Our insecure heart
    Recedes into the background.
    And there, there alone,
    The sad story ends.

929. A diamond-oneness

You are delighted
Your puny “I”
Has at last vanished.

God is more delighted
Love has taken its place.

You and God
Will be most delighted
When your gold-love is unreservedly
Transformed into a diamond-oneness.

930. You want, you need

Expansion you want,
Integration you need.

God-study you want,
God-living you need.

Height-projection you want,
Love-manifestation you need.

931. Before they were born

Before my God-aspiration was born,
My life was an unlimited ignorance.

Before my God-realisation was born,
My life was a limited knowledge.

Before my God-manifestation was born,
My life was a partial wisdom.

932. Unity

Unity in duality,
    Unity in multiplicity,
    Unity in diversity,
    I desired.
    God granted my climbing prayer.

Unity in Unity,
    Unity in Divinity,
    Unity in Immortality,
    I desire.
God shall grant my glowing prayer.

933. Your teachers

Your body-teacher
Taught you how to be personal.

Your vital teacher
Taught you how to be emotional.

Your mind-teacher
Taught you how to be impersonal.

Your heart-teacher
Taught you how to be universal.

Your God-teacher
Taught you how to be practical:
    Practical in life,
    Practical in death,
    Practical on earth,
    Practical in Heaven,
    Practical in God-realisation,
    Practical in Height-manifestation.

934. Human will, Divine Will

In the morning
    Human will is confusion-forest.
In the evening
    Human will is contradiction-sea.
At night
    Human will is contention-sky.

In the morning
    Divine Will is Love-realisation.
In the evening
    Divine Will is Truth-manifestation.
At night
    Divine Will is God-perfection.

935. No more, no less

You are no more
Than a human being
When you fail to meditate.

You are no less
Than a cosmic god
When you soulfully meditate.

You are no more
No less than God Himself
When you divinely love and serve.

936. When I do not fail

I struggle with myself,
    And I fail.
I surrender in the battlefield of life,
    And I fail.
Do you know when I
    Do not fail?
I do not fail only when
My heart cries
    For my self-transcendence
And my soul smiles
    At my self-immanence.

937. I depend

I depend on my eyes.
They don’t see the Truth.

I depend on my ears.
They don’t hear the Truth.

I depend on my nose.
It doesn’t breathe well.

I depend on my hands.
They don’t work well.

I depend on my feet.
They don’t walk well.

I depend on my mind.
It doesn’t think well.

I depend on my vital.
It doesn’t strive well.

I depend on my body.
It doesn’t cry well.

I depend on my heart.
It serves me well,
It manifests me well,
It fulfils me well,
It immortalises me well.

938. They tell me

My aspiration tells me
    What compassion is.

Compassion tells me
    What self-knowledge is.

Self-knowledge tells me
    What self-mastery is.

Self-mastery tells me
    What self-sufficiency is.

Self-sufficiency tells me
    What oneness is.

939. The Divine

How can anyone fail?
Do we not know
That the Divine has entered
Into the human heart?

Will the Divine remain,
Can the Divine remain
Without regaining
Its topless heights?

940. The silence of the spirit's Core

Who says it is extremely difficult
To win the silence of the spirit’s Core?

I say it is easy,
    Unmistakably easy.
Just smell your action-fragrance
Eat your experience-fruit.
Lo, your problem is solved,
    Once and for all.

941. It is not bad

Transformed individuality
    Is not bad.
It has its own uniqueness.

Transformed personality
    Is not bad.
It has its own exclusive worth.

Transformed individuality-personality
    Is not bad.
It has its own significant gift.

942. They tell the world

The human in me tells the world:
“I want to help you,
But tell me how.”

The divine in me tells the world:
“I wish to serve you,
And I am imploring God how.”

The Supreme in me tells the world:
“I shall please you,
And I know how.”

943. How to love the world

You say that you know not
    How to love the world.
That means you are
Already choked,

He says that he knows
    How to love the world.
That means he is
Already accepted by Infinity,
    liberated by Eternity,
    manifested by Immortality.

944. Needs and heeds

Doubt assails,
Faith prevails,
Joy sails.

Fear dies,
Courage survives,
Love flies.

Light sees,
Peace feels,
Delight feeds
The man in God needs,
The God in man heeds.

945. Three marriages

The weak and the ignorant
Are married to the transient.

The strong and the wise
Are married to the permanent.

The aspiring and the loving
Are married to the Omnipotent.

946. Unseen links

Has its unseen links
    With Heaven’s smile.

Has its unseen links
    With earth’s cry.

Has its unseen links
    With God’s Compassion.

947. Clever and wise

If you are really clever,
Bury your lower self
In the womb of night.
God will bless you.

    If you are divinely wise,
Resurrect your higher Self
In the core of Light.
God will embrace you.

948. Beauty

Beauty is the window
Through which I see
    The Face of Reality.

Beauty is the door
Through which I welcome
    My Beloved Supreme.

Beauty is the room
Where my life becomes

949. Fulfilling beauty

Is evolving Beauty.

Is revealing Beauty.

Is illumining Beauty.

Is manifesting Beauty.

Is fulfilling Beauty.

950. Man in God, God in man

Hate is the man in God;
Love is the God in man.

Self-gratification is the man in God;
Life-dedication is the God in man.

Desire-force is the man in God;
Aspiration-light is the God in man.