The Wings of Light, part 20

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951. Outer and inner

We need for outer purity.
We need for inner purity.

We need for outer beauty.
We need for inner beauty.

We need for outer success.
We need for inner success.

952. My four dreams

I sacrificed my first dream
    To fulfil my second dream.

    I sacrificed my second dream
    To fulfil my third dream.

    I sacrificed my third dream
    To fulfil my fourth dream.

    To become a scholar
    Was my first dream.

    To become a poet
    Was my second dream.

    To become a Yogi
    Was my third dream.

To become a God-server in humanity
Was my fourth and last Reality-filled dream.

953. They have not forgotten you

Your dreams have not
    Forgotten you.
Be cheerfully patient.

Your God has not
    Forgotten you.
Be cheerfully and endlessly patient.

Your perfection-smile has not
    Forgotten you.
Be cheerfully, endlessly
    and unconditionally patient.

954. Who dares to defeat you?

Your life is selfless;
Earth dreams of you,
Heaven dreams for you,
God works through you.
Who dares to defeat you?
Who dares to challenge you?

955. The choice is yours

The choice between
Your autocracy
Your peace of mind
    Is entirely yours.

    The choice between
Your ego-foot-manifestation
Your Heart-dedication
    Is always yours.

956. Don't delay!

Don’t delay!
Your Master may eat
    Without you.

Don’t delay!
Your Master may journey
    Without you.

Don’t delay!
Your Master may fulfil his dream
    Without you.

Don’t delay!
Your Master may not
    Forgive you.

957. Your Master's smile

Your efforts may win
    Your Master’s kind smile.
Your love can win
    Your Master’s sweet smile.
Your surrender will win
    Your Master’s sure smile.
Your acceptance of his path
    Has already won
    Your Master’s shadowless smile.

958. My achievements and accomplishments

The inner sun
Is responsible for all
My achievements.

    The outer sun
    Smiles on all
    My unexpected achievements.

The inner Master
Is responsible for all
My accomplishments.

    The outer Master
    Smiles on all
    My unbelievable accomplishments.

959. How can you be?

How can you be happy
Since you want a real friend
    On earth?

How can you be unhappy
Since you need no service
    From others?

How can you be perfect
Since you do not cry
    For God?

How can you be imperfect
Since God Himself uses
    Your service-love?

960. You and he

He is losing power;
He is trying to topple you.

He is gaining power;
He is avoiding you.

He is selling his pride;
He is looking for you.

He is forgetting his humiliation;
He is dancing around you.

961. The voice of the future

The voice of the past
    Will influence you.
This influence is destruction.

The voice of the present
    Will inspire you.
This inspiration is preparation.

The voice of the future
    Will love you.
This love is aspiration.

962. You don't have to tell me

You don’t have to tell me —
I myself know it.
    God’s absence has made me see
    Whom I have consciously neglected.

You don’t have to tell me —
I myself know it.
    Satan’s presence has made me see
    Whom I have shamelessly accepted.

963. You will be heard

You seek protection
And you will be heard.
Just wait one more day.

You seek aspiration
And you will be heard.
Just wait two more days.

You seek realisation
And you will be heard.
Just wait three more days.

I tell you the truth,
Nothing but the truth.
Lo, God is my witness.

964. Upheavals

Upheavals will test you,
But cannot fail you.

Upheavals will test you,
But cannot shatter you.

Upheavals will test you,
But cannot devour you.

You are God’s son,
Nothing can fail you.

You are God’s Sound,
Nothing can shatter you.

You are God’s Silence,
Nothing can devour you.

965. Your climbing cry and spreading smile

The golden Shore
Will beckon you.

The golden Boat
Will inspire you.

The golden Boatman
Will carry you.

Just permit not time
To devour your climbing cry
Your spreading smile.

966. You will emerge triumphant

You will emerge triumphant
From blighting doubts
Of course with God’s help.

You will emerge triumphant
From devouring ignorance
Of course with God’s help.

967. When they knock at your door

Animal the child
Knocks at your door,
Feed him with your wisdom.
    He is hungry.

Man the child
Knocks at your door,
Bless him with your power.
    He is weak.

God the child
Knocks at your door,
Embrace Him with your love.
    He is lonely.

968. Faith-friend, doubt-enemy

In the morning
My oldest friend reappeared.

In the evening
My oldest enemy reappeared.

My faith-friend said:
“God loves me.
He needs me.”

My doubt-enemy said:
“I love ignorance.
I need ignorance.”

969. Three teachers

“Dark days are short-lived,”
My teacher, Consolation, has taught me.

“Bright days are long-lived,”
My teacher, Realisation, has taught me.

“Perfect days never live,”
My teacher, Manifestation, has taught me.

970. Something must be destroyed

Something must be destroyed
For your happiness.
Do you want to know
    What it is?
It is snoring.
Something more must be destroyed.
Do you want to know its name?
Its name is roaring.
Something more yet to be destroyed!
Do you want to know its name?
Its name is neglecting.

971. From within

Shine from within.
All will gather to love you.

Love from within.
All will gather to serve you.

Serve from within.
All will gather to fulfil you.

972. Those who are

Those who are before you
Will inspire you.

Those who are behind you
Will acclaim you.

Those who are around you
Will doubt you.

Those who are for you
Will devour you.

Those who are of you
Will revive you.

973. The hand

The hand of sincerity
Shall lighten your life.

The hand of purity
Shall widen your life.

The hand of humility
Shall brighten your life.

The hand of spirituality
Shall enlighten your life.

974. Do not ask others

Do not ask others;
Doubt is its own question.

Do not ask others;
Love is its own answer.

Do not ask others;
Success is necessary.

Do not ask others;
Progress is indispensable.

975. When they come to you

Achievement comes to you
Only when you earn.

Success comes to you
Only when you strive.

Progress comes to you
Only when you need.

God comes to you
Only when you surrender.

976. Eternal friends

Sanctitude and multitude
    Do not mix.
Because they are not friends.

Multitude and gratitude
    Do not mix.
Because they care not for each other.

Gratitude and beatitude
    Mix together.
Because they are bosom friends.

Beatitude and infinitude
    Mix together.
Because they are eternal friends.

977. The only way

Your higher emotions sing:
    Give and give;
The only way to progress,
The only way to become,
The only way to be.

Your lower emotions declare:
    Possess and possess;
The only way to proceed,
The only way to succeed,
The only way to rule.

978. Soon they shall leave you

O my wild chaos,
    I tell you,
Soon my vital shall leave you.
    Be prepared!

O my blank darkness,
    I tell you,
Soon my mind shall leave you.
    Be prepared!

O my poor insecurity,
    I tell you,
Soon my heart shall leave you.
    Be prepared!

979. Breath and body

O God, what do You do
With Your immortal Breath?
“With My immortal Breath
    I think of perfecting you,
    I think of pleasing you,
    I think of fulfilling you,
    I think of immortalising you.”

O God, what do You do
With Your mortal body?
“With My mortal body
    I carry you,
    I serve you,
    I inspire you,
    I glorify you.”

980. Painted dreams and God-dream

O my painted dreams,
Do not magnify me.
    I know who I am,
    I know what I am.
I need no help from you.

O my God-dream,
Do not forsake me,
Do not ignore me.
    I know how great you are,
    I know how real you are.
I need help from You,
    Only from You.

981. O beauty immemorial

O Beauty immemorial,
    I need your holiness-height.

O Duty immemorial,
    I need your kindness-length.

O Time immemorial,
    I need your patience-depth.

O Love immemorial,
    I need your oneness-light.

982. Can you dare deny it?

I told you
But you did not believe.
    Look, God is all-love for you.
    Can you dare deny it?

    I told you
But you did not believe.
    Look, God is making you another God.
    Can you dare deny it?

983. I know them

I know them: fear and doubt.
    Fear tells me
God’s vastness will devour me.
I bless fear and its stupidity.
    Doubt tells me
God has fed everyone else
Save and except me,
    And He has no intention
Of feeding me.
I bless doubt and its absurdity.

984. Only one complaint

In the City of God
Man has only one complaint
    Against God:
God does not love him any more
    The way He used to.

In the city of man
God has only one complaint
    Against man:
Man does not think of Him any more
    The way he used to.

985. Essence of God

Justice, what is it
If not the factual essence of God?

Compassion, what is it
If not the actual essence of God?

Perfection, what is it
If not the perpetual essence of God?

986. They are proud of you

Your mind is eminently great.
Earth is proud of you.

Your heart is transcendentally good.
Heaven is proud of you.

Your soul is eternally divine.
God Himself is proud of you.

987. I await your command

O Emperor-God,
How high have I to fly?
    I await Your supreme command.

    O King-God,
How deep have I to dive?
    I await Your good command.

    O Prince-God,
How far have I to walk
    On Eternity’s Road?
    I await Your immediate command.

988. The descent and ascent of perfection

Perfect Light descends.
Lo, perfect receptivity ascends.

Perfect Compassion descends.
Lo, perfect goodness ascends.

Perfect Delight descends.
Lo, perfect oneness ascends.

989. God's matchless failure

Do not magnify yourself.
You are nothing,
You can be nothing
Without Mother Earth’s

Do not deceive yourself.
You cannot be the height
    Of human perfection;
You cannot be the depth
    Of divine dedication.
You must be what you actually are:
    God’s matchless failure.

990. Even in his sleep

Even in His sleep
God gives you His supernal Power.
Try to believe me,
You are destined to rule the world.

Even in His sleep
God gives you His transcendental Light.
Try to believe me,
You are destined to guide the world.

Even in His sleep
God gives you His eternal Delight.
Try to believe me,
You are destined to immortalise the world.

991. Don't confide in me

Doubt, don’t confide in me.
I no longer want to be
    Your father.
Let me be my heart.

Fear, don’t confide in me.
I no longer want to be
    Your brother.
Let me be my arms.

Jealousy, don’t confide in me.
I no longer want to be
    Your friend.
Let me be my soul.

992. When you surrender

When you desire,
You do not get
What you expect.

When you aspire,
Your achievement
Far transcends
Your expectation.

When you surrender,
God gives you
What He Himself
    Eternally treasures:

993. In this world

In this brother-world,
I just give and give.

In this sister-world,
I give and I receive.

In this mother-world,
I receive and I receive.

In this father-world,
I just achieve and achieve.

994. Lamb-god, lion-god

In the morning
I am a lamb-god.
The Absolute Supreme
Loves me, fondles me
And tells me
I am His All.
I tell my Lord
I accept His matchless Gift
With my heart’s gratitude-flame.

In the evening
I am a lion-god.
The Absolute Supreme
Energises me, perfects me
And tells me
I must feed Him in all.
I tell my Lord
I accept His supreme Command
With my heart’s humility-dew.

995. An all-offering woman

Don’t act like a wailing woman!
God has no need
Of a wailing woman.
She is God’s abysmal failure.

Act like an all-offering woman.
God cannot exist without her
Even for a fleeting second.
God says He needs her always;
She is indispensable.
I must say,
    This time God is really sincere;
    He supremely means it.
Something more:
    God can stay
    Even without His God-consciousness
    Not without her offering-light.

996. God does not mind

God does not mind
His unwashed hands
As long as he is ready
To drink with God
God’s Nectar love.

God does not mind
His unwashed feet
As long as he is ready
To walk with God
Along Infinity’s Road.

God does not mind
His unwashed heart
As long as he is ready
To house God and claim God
As his own, his very own,
Eternally his own.

997. Consciousness-sea, light-sky

O Consciousness-God,
I need Your Power.
Don’t forget me.
If You forget me
I shall die.
I tell You,
You will be embarrassed.
For Your sake, for my sake,
Give me Your Consciousness-sea.

O Light-Goddess,
I need Your Love.
Don’t forget me.
If You forget me
I shall die.
I tell You,
You will be embarrassed.
For Your sake, for my sake,
Give me Your Light-sky.

998. When I meditate

Mother Supreme, Father Eternal,
When I meditate
On Your Eyes
I feel Your Compassion-joy.

Mother Supreme, Father Eternal,
When I meditate
On Your Feet
I feel my Salvation-joy.

Mother Supreme, Father Eternal,
When I meditate
On Your Heart
I feel our Oneness-Joy.

999. Our manifestation-perfection hour

O austere Angel,
I like you
I don’t love you.
Because God does not care
For your austerity-tears.

    O smiling and dancing Angel,
I love you
God loves you.
I need you
God needs you.
    Do you know why God and I love you?
Because you are our Power.
    Do you know why God and I need you?
Because in you alone
    Is our manifestation-perfection Hour.

1000. They must be careful

Father is excellent;
The son is excellent, too.
A Christian is good.
Christianity is not bad,
Christianity must be careful
It does not wear out.

The Supreme is excellent;
Avatars are excellent, too.
A Hindu is good.
Hinduism is not bad,
Hinduism must be careful
It does not rust out.