The Wings of Light, part 5
201. I wrote to you for help
O my soul,I wrote to you
For help
In my God-manifestation.
Your answer could have been
More generous.
O my heart,
I wrote to you
For help
In my God-manifestation.
Your poor response
Fails to inspire me.
O my mind,
I wrote to you
For help
In my God-manifestation.
Your obscure answer
Puzzles me.
O my vital,
I wrote to you
For help
In my God-manifestation.
Your senseless answer
Frustrates me.
O my body,
I didn’t write to you
I didn’t know
Whom to choose
Between you
And ignorance.
202. Many happy returns
On my birthdayEarth-consciousness says:
“Many happy returns.”
Heaven-Delight says:
“Your every happy return to earth-life
Is also a happy step towards My Palace.”
Life on earth
Is temptation-frustration.
Life in Heaven
Is examination-clarification.
203. His love taught him
His love of GodTaught him
How to descend
Into the world-night.
His love of man
Taught him
How to forget
His Immortality’s height.
204. Life-passage and love-message
Where is the world-soul?The world-soul
Is inside my blossoming vision.
What shall I do with it?
I shall give it out.
To whom?
To those who know that
Life-passage and love-message
Are one,
Inseparably one.
205. Alternatives
Choose!God-life or man-perfection.
God-edifice or man-sacrifice.
God-power or man-love.
206. My prayers
My doubtful prayersAre my prayers of clay.
My soulful prayers
Are my prayers of day.
My thought-covered prayers
Are my prayers of frustration.
My silence-filled prayers
Are my prayers of destination.
207. Where they live
His heart livesIn the sea of loneliness.
His mind lives
In the pool of loneliness.
His vital lives
In the pyre of depression.
His body lives
In the cave of perdition.
208. My love-telescope
When I useMy time-telescope,
I suffer from dark uncertain night.
When I use
My love-telescope,
I build the palace of life
In the kingdom of God-Light.
209. O light, O trance
O light of trance,Where are you?
O trance of night,
Where are you not?
O night of trance,
Where can I kill you?
O Light, O trance,
I am of you.
O night, O trance,
God is there for you.
210. Knowledge-sun, lustre-moon
I eat,And yet I eat not
I drink,
And yet I drink not
I eat not,
And yet I eat
I drink not,
And yet I drink
211. When he represents
He is oneWhen he represents
Truth and Light.
He is one
When he represents
Love and Life.
He is two
When he represents
His Inner Faith
His Outer Doubt.
He is many
When he represents
212. Four messages
The message of his vital:Life is a self-imposed struggle.
The message of his mind:
Life is a self-exposed-bondage.
The message of his heart:
Life is a God-inviting hope.
The message of his body:
Life is a death-manifesting ignorance.
213. My journey
Earth is notMy journey’s start.
Heaven is not
My journey’s close.
My journey is
The birthless Lover on earth.
My journey is
The deathless Beloved in Heaven.
214. Say not anything against me
O life,I love you.
I love your sound-wave.
Say not anything against me.
O death,
I love you.
I love your silence-peace.
Say not anything against me.
215. Behold the magic
No goal, no goal:Behold the magic of the mind.
No soul, no soul:
Behold the magic of the vital.
No heart, no heart:
Behold the magic of the body.
No night, no night:
Behold the magic of the heart.
No ignorance, no ignorance:
Behold the magic of the soul.
216. A transaction
The life humanIs at its best
A transaction
Black depression
Brown frustration.
The life divine
Is at its worst
A transaction
A hungry sky
A thirsty sun.
217. Two debts
God, let us settleOur accounts.
God, do I owe You anything?
“Certainly you do, My son.
You owe Me
Your failure-sea
Your failure-sky.”
God, here they are.
“Son, do I owe you anything?”
Yes, Lord, You owe me
My Eternal Now.
“Son, here it is.”
218. Three things you can do with God
Three are the thingsThat you can do with God:
First kill Him and then love Him
First love Him and then kill Him
Love His Peace devotedly,
Love His Light unreservedly,
Love His Love unconditionally.
219. They do not bother God
God is lazy.Therefore
My body does not bother God.
God is weak.
My vital does not bother God.
God is ignorant.
My mind does not bother God.
God is shy.
My heart does not bother God.
220. If you are the son of God
If you are the son of God,Then give Him what you have:
Your cry, your constant cry,
Your endless cry.
If God is your son,
Then give Him what you are:
Your smile, your birthless smile,
Your deathless smile.
221. Two are better, one is better
Two are better than one.Therefore
I always stay
With the Compassion of the Supreme.
One is better than two.
I never stay
With my personal efforts.
222. What is important?
What is important in life?A soulful smile.
What is important in death?
A fruitful silence.
What is important in Immortality?
A dutiful necessity.
223. We can easily work it out together
You and ICan easily work it out together.
You pray to God
To grant us nectar
On our behalf.
And when God grants us nectar,
Let me taste it first
On our behalf.
If it tastes good,
Without fail
I shall share it with you.
Let us try.
You and I
Can easily work it out together.
224. The blessing
The blessing of your madness:Nobody will come near you.
The blessing of your calmness:
God will come near you.
The blessing of your impurity:
You will have to walk alone
To your goal.
The blessing of your purity:
You will not have to go to your goal,
Your goal itself shall come to you.
225. He has the most perfect answer
How to be a genuine fake?Go and ask a fanatic disciple.
He has the most perfect
Answer for you.
How to be a genuine rogue?
Go and ask a self-styled busy disciple.
He has the most perfect
Answer for you.
226. I see not
The world is too much with me.Therefore
I see not the face of God.
The world is too much within me.
I fail to see the face of Love.
227. The human eye, the divine Eye
The human eye sleepsIn the room of dreams.
The divine Eye strikes
The Hour of Reality.
The human heart declares:
Love before you perish.
The divine Heart reveals:
Love and become,
Become and love.
228. This is the discovery
Tension and destruction:This is the discovery of the animal life.
Tension without attention:
This is the discovery of the human life.
Attention without tension:
This is the discovery of the divine life.
Attention with discovery:
This is the discovery of the supreme life.
229. My love, my freewill, my God
My love isMy freewill.
My freewill is
My God.
My God is
My yesterday’s Silence,
My today’s Sound,
My tomorrow’s Kingdom.
230. Sick soul, strong soul and God-soul
He is a sick soul.Therefore
He is an earth-bound cat.
He is a strong soul.
He is a Heaven-free lion.
He is a God-soul.
He cries with the heart of earth
Smiles with the Eye of Heaven.
231. The cave-life
I lived a cave-lifeFor meditation.
I shunned all my human friends
To gain my only eternal
And immortal Friend.
He came in and said:
“Son, your cave will suffocate me.
I want to live in your palace-life.
It will give me what I admire —
Oneness with the multitudes.”
232. The only thing I know
God, I teachBecause
This is the only thing I know.
“Son, I learn
This is the only thing I know.”
God, I judge You
This is the only thing I know.
“Son, I forgive you
This is the only thing I know.”
233. I like, I love
Society and sanity:I like society,
I love sanity.
Beauty and purity:
I like beauty,
I love purity.
Generosity and humility:
I like generosity,
I love humility.
Responsibility and duty:
I like responsibility,
I love duty.
234. Just surrender!
Don’t conclude,Just watch!
Lo, God is blessing you.
Don’t watch,
Just feel!
Lo, God is loving you.
Don’t feel,
Just surrender!
Lo, God is embracing you.
235. An all-embracing glance
FearIs a backward glance.
Is a forward glance.
Is an inward glance.
Is an upward glance.
Is an all-embracing glance.
236. Surrender
SurrenderIs the vision of my world-clock.
Is the reality of my life after death.
Is the bridge
My pure ascent
God’s sure descent.
237. This is just a suggestion
Father,This is just a suggestion:
Since You are extremely tired,
Let me take care
Of Your creation
For a while.
This is just a suggestion:
Since you are not tired at all,
You should not make friends
With death-sleep
Any more.”
238. His friends
He has two unreliable friends:His black fear and his brown doubts.
He has two reliable friends:
His white faith and his purple love.
He has one indispensable friend:
His blue-gold inner cry.
239. Three books
He has studied only three books:The book of nonsense,
The book of ignorance,
The book of innocence.
The animal in him
Was satisfied
With his nonsense-book.
The human in him
Was satisfied
With his ignorance-book.
The divine in him
Was satisfied
With his innocence-book.
240. Why am I here?
Why am I hereIn the land of the Gurus?
Why am I here
In the land of the disciples?
I am in the land of the Gurus
God wants to share with me
His Realisation-Light.
I am in the land of the disciples
God wants to share with me
His ignorance-night.
241. They do not contradict me
A great manDoes not contradict me
He knows
I am a senseless soul.
A good man
Does not contradict me
He knows
I am a loveless soul.
A God-man
Does not contradict me
He knows
I am a helpless soul.
242. Just start
Why start?Just start and see.
How to start?
Just start and feel.
When to start?
Just start and reach.
243. He paid three visits to God
He paid three visits to God:First time he went
With a beggar’s humiliation.
Second time he went
With a seeker’s humility.
Third time he went
With a lover’s oneness.
God questioned the beggar,
God smiled at the seeker,
God caught the lover.
244. The cross, the crown
If youLove the cross,
The crown will adorn you.
If you
Love the crown,
The cross may not utilise you.
What is the cross?
The cross is self-examination.
What is the crown?
The crown is self-manifestation.
245. Their minds
The mind of a foolKnows everything.
The mind of a wise man
Asks everything.
The mind of a great man
Envelops everything.
The mind of a good man
Treasures everything.
246. The pond, the river, the sea
The pond criesFor the Power of the sea.
The river runs
For the Light of the sea.
The sea sighs
For the Light within.
247. The difference between my mind and my heart
The differenceBetween
My heart and my mind
Is this:
My heart grows up
Does not grow old,
My mind grows old
Does not grow up,
248. Saying and doing, giving and receiving
The differenceBetween
Saying and doing
Is this:
Saying is man-power,
Doing is God-shower.
The difference
Giving and receiving
Is this:
Giving is the stamp of the individual man,
Receiving is the stamp of the universal God.
249. What they need
What my body needsIs an endurance-contest.
What my vital needs
Is an appearance-contest.
What my body needs
Is an inconscience-conquest.
What my heart needs
Is an assurance-rest.
250. Nobody came, all came
Light for sale.Nobody came
Light is too powerful.
Truth for sale.
Nobody came
Truth is too hurtful.
Ignorance for sale.
All came
Ignorance teaches them how to sing.
Bondage for sale.
All came
Bondage teaches them how to dance.