Table of Contents
Part I — Transcendence of the past
- Question: How can I best forget the past?
- Question: What is the best way for me to break my ties with ignorance?
- Question: How can I offer my ignorance to the Supreme?
- Question: How can I overcome the obstacle of ignorance?
- Question: If all suffering is not necessarily good, should we avoid it?
Part II — Vibrations
- Question: Could you speak about vibrations?
- Question: Can somebody lower your consciousness by touching you?
- Question: What should we do when we meet people with wrong vibrations?
Part III — Depression, frustration and destruction
- Depression, frustration and destruction
- Question: How can we come out of a depressed state?
- Question: Why am I disappointed with my human nature and other people's human nature?
- Question: The other day you asked me to bring gifts for you to give out and I forgot. In a case like this, if we displease you, how do we keep from getting depressed?
Part IV — The ego's reality
- Question: How can I silence my ego?
- Question: When does the ego develop in the child and why does it happen?
- Question: Why does the "I" seek so assiduously if it is the ego?
Part V — Problems and difficulties
- Question: What is the best way for me to conquer my faults?
- Question: How do you discipline your emotions?
- Question: Why do I sometimes become angry at everything around me?
- Question: How can we stop ourselves from crying too much?
- Question: How can we avoid crying for outer attention?
- Question: What do you mean by a complacent feeling?
- Question: How can we know if it is lack of desire or lack of energy that prevents us from meditating?
- Question: What should be our attitude towards expectation?
- Question: How can I kill expectation?
- Question: What causes pride, and how do we get rid of it?
- Question: How can we avoid compromising in the ordinary human life?
- Question: I am caught between my spiritual life and my parents. My parents live in New York and I live in Puerto Rico.
- Question: How can we overcome shyness when speaking to people about our path?
- Question: How can I become more coordinated?
Part VI — The battle of the hostile forces
- Question: Even when we are aspiring, dark forces can come and attack us. Is there any way that we can avoid this?
- Question: What is the quickest way for me to transcend unconscious resistance to purifying, divine forces?
- Question: As one's being becomes more pure, do the forces that test it become stronger?
- Question: Are hostile forces and occult things real or illusory?
- Question: How powerful are the hostile forces?
- Question: By what process do hostile forces leave us?