Table of Contents
- Part 1
- Question: What is the best way to get creative inspiration?
- Question: Is there a highest art form?
- Question: How can a person write a spiritual play?
- Question: What do spirituality and art have in common?
- Question: What is the supreme duty of an artist?
- Question: Can we use meditation to increase our creativity?
- Question: How do we know which talent to develop if we have more than one artistic tendency?
- Question: Does the colour silver have a significance in reference to art?
- Question: How can one make his art spiritually alive?
- Question: Is all art an expression of the Supreme's Beauty?
- Question: How can I bring more strength and warmth into the art of my life?
- Question: How can I make my everyday actions an art?
- Question: When Krishna and Arjuna fought in the battle of Kurukshetra, was that kind of fighting an art?
- Question: How does the cosmic goddess Saraswati help us in the arts?
- Question: Can an artist paint a picture of your golden aura?
- Question: When someone feels a beautiful poem inside, what prevents its outer expression?
- Question: Is the field of art another form of meditation?
- Question: Is art from the Renaissance period more inspired than modern art?
- Question: What Is the spiritual significance of Tibetan Tantric art?
- Question: Do unaspiring artists and musicians lower our consciousness?
- Question: Is the soul an artist?
- Question: If the Supreme is the Creator, the supreme Artist, isn't He responsible for His creation?
- Question: Are artistic capacity and the ability to manifest it the same?
- Question: How can we enter into the art of Immortality?
- Question: How can I meditate on the Supreme in art?
- Question: Is it necessary for a seeker to appreciate different forms of art?
- Question: How can I use the art of love as inspiration in my everyday life?
- Part 2
- Question: What is the relationship between art and geometry?
- Question: Is there any relation between art and sport?
- Question: Is it only the throat chakra that enables us to become artists or musicians?
- Question: What is the relationship between evolution and art?
- Question: Do you consider magic an art?
- Question: Does everyone have artistic capacity in one lifetime or another?
- Question: Can art exist without spiritual freedom?
- Question: How can we recognise a soulful work of art?
- Question: Are all artists trying to express a hidden aspiration?
- Question: What is the difference between a poem that comes from the higher vital world and a poem that comes from the illumined mental world?
- Question: Guru, there are some achievements that some people will call an art and others will call a science. What is the difference between an art and a science?
- Question: Should we focus ourselves in a particular way to appreciate great art?
- Question: You hear poets speaking about the Muses. Is this merely a metaphor or are there actually beings in the higher worlds that preside over certain arts?
- Question: Guru, can all parts of the being create art?
- Question: If we would like to write poetry but we lose our inspiration, how can we regain that inspiration? Should we just force it?
- Question: Is there any difference between the goal of a writer or a musician or a painter?
- Question: Is it wrong to just appreciate artistic experience within yourself and not offer it outwardly?
- Question: When you are writing a poem or a song, do you sometimes invoke the soul of another great artist and use his capacities?
- Question: Taking creation as a work of art, what aspect of the creation is most fulfilling for the Creator?
- Question: Is the purpose of art to add something to reality?
- Question: How can we learn to get inspiration from art instead of just enjoying it?
- Question: How can we best help the supreme Artist in His art?
- Question: Guru, does the ultimate goal of art and the artist lie in expressing the purest spirituality?
- Question: Why do some people have artistic capacities while others do not?
- Question: How can we perform all our responsibilities as artists?
- Question: Does humanity's interest in the performing arts help the world's progress?
- Question: How can we remember that even the most menial action is a form of art?
- Question: Can listening to music raise one's consciousness?
- Question: What is the supreme goal of art?
- Question: What does the Supreme want us to learn from our artistic creations?
- Question: Can a work of art manifest a higher state of consciousness than the artist himself has actually attained?
- Question: Is there any spiritual significance to dance as an art?
- Question: Is the bond of oneness between the Guru and the disciple a form of art?
- Question: Can an artist realise the Supreme through the perfection of his art?
- Question: Does the use of the physical body in dancing make it more difficult to integrate dance into the spiritual life than to integrate other art forms?
- Question: When God made nature, was that His artistic creation?
- Question: Is there art in other worlds besides earth?
- Question: Are great artists inspired spiritually, and is their art an expression of their soul?
- Question: Guru, what is the secret to the art of self-perfection?
- Question: How can my life become a true work of art?
- Question: Does all art that has ever been created and that ever will be created first exist on some other plane and, if so, in what form?
- Question: Guru, at my job I have to work with unspiritual music. How can I be creative and not be affected by it?
- Question: How can you keep your ego out of your art?
- Question: Is there a spiritual centre for art and should we concentrate on it before we create?
- Question: Guru, how can one determine whether his poetry comes from the soul's inspiration rather than from the workings of the ordinary mind?
- Question: What is the supreme art of one's aspiring life as a seeker and as a realised soul?
- Editor's note to the first edition