Question: Is there a highest art form?
Sri Chinmoy: Yes, the highest art form, the absolutely highest art, the supreme art for a seeker, is the art of God-realisation. God-realisation has to be achieved through aspiration and dedication. Aspiration and dedication go together. If you become a musician for your livelihood, you have to feel that your work is not work, but is a dedicated service to the Supreme. If you take it as work, a kind of work you do in order to make money, then it is not art. When you are playing, you have to aspire to reach the Highest, and you have to feel that you are dedicating your capacity, your willingness, or your achievement to the Supreme in yourself. If you do that, it is the best art on earth, the highest supreme art in your life of aspiration.
Sri Chinmoy, Art's life and the soul's light, Agni Press, 1974