
Our Amrita is he who covers the scars
Of other souls even from their own sight.
He comes to us all veiled under varied forms.
In every guise his is a unique light.

Him we adore because his snow-white heart
Believes in his Ideal true, its endless range.
No sacrifice to him is ever too great
In the cause of creation's fire-pure change.

A million seekers may sit at their Master's Feet.
But Amrita's life makes Him a reality.
Compassion-Sun belongs to the Master alone.
A flame, this soulful child, through Eternity.

This kingly soul is far above the law,
Yet obeys the law to be at our hearts' doors.
Reality and Unity — his boat
Plies quick between these two supernal shores.

Delight shoots through his life because he knows
How to do good to others at each hush-gap.
His loving heart feeds not the dark despair.
He expects nothing save the Mother's Lap.

September 19, 1964