Question: When we have fun imitating other people, what actually happens on the inner planes?
Sri Chinmoy: Fun, innocent fun, takes away all our tension. If something takes away our tensions, worries and anxieties, then that very thing is as good as meditation. But the fun must be innocent. If it is undivine, unlit, let us say, vulgar fun — then that is forbidden. Innocent fun is a real form of meditation when we want to get rid of tension. Fun immediately relaxes us if it is very simple, innocent and sweet. If it is innocent and pure, then it adds to our aspiration. When our tension is released, we automatically make progress.When we have fun with our imitations, we have to establish our oneness with the people we are imitating. We have no right to deliberately torture others. If my consciousness in my right hand mocks the consciousness of my left hand, I don’t feel sorry because the consciousness of my right hand and the consciousness of my left hand are one. So if you want to mimic one of your brother or sister disciples, please do it in absolute innocence. The next moment he will also imitate you. But there is a time for this kind of thing. There is a time for us to have breakfast, a time for us to read, a time for us to meditate, and so on. So we shall pray, we shall meditate and, when we have time, we can have some innocent fun. If it is innocent and pure, then it adds to our aspiration. When our tension is released, we automatically make progress. I am sure that nobody will want to do imitations at the time of meditation. But when meditation is over, when you are relaxing, at that time you can do it. If it is very innocent and soulful, it really helps us in our aspiration, just as our Madal Circus helps us in our divine manifestation.