He really cared for his mother
The disciple in the previous story eventually became a very great spiritual Master in his own right. This is another story about him.For some reason, his mother became completely insane. She used to scream and strike people. One day, some of the village boys started to thrash her and beat her ruthlessly. At that time, her son was at least four hundred miles away. He was meditating with his disciples. Suddenly he felt intense pain and his back became covered with red marks.
While his mother was being struck, she had invoked her son. Inwardly the son heard her call and he immediately left to visit her. After many days of travel, he arrived at her village home. There he found his mother crying. She told him her sad story. Then she added, “I am sure you will still be able to see the marks on my back where those boys struck me.”
“Mother, you do not have any marks,” said her son.
“Is it true? How is it possible?” she asked.
“You can see my back,” he replied. Then he took off his kurta and showed her that his back was covered with red marks.
While the mother was being struck, she was screaming at the top of her lungs. At the same time, she was invoking her son. Inwardly, her son heard her cry for help and, on the strength of his identification with his mother, he took the attack on his own back.
When his mother saw how badly his back was hurt, she realised that he really cared for her. In this way, the son was able to console the mother.