Table of Contents
The Avatars
- Question: What criteria can we use to identify an Avatar?
- Question: How can you differentiate between Christ, Ramakrishna and God if they are all the same in consciousness?
- Question: What is the difference between the consciousness that the Buddha attained and that which the Christ attained?
- Question: Do all souls have hundreds or thousands of incarnations before realisation?
- Question: When an Avatar is in one of his animal incarnations, will he know he is an Avatar?
Sri Chinmoy's connection with the great Masters
- Question: What will happen if followers of the Christ or the Buddha or other great ascended Masters meditate with you?
- Question: How does your path differ from that of Sri Ramakrishna?
- Question: What is the difference between your path and the Sufi path?
- Question: Are you aware of what is happening simultaneously on all planes?
- Question: Some disciples live a long way away. What is the significance of their coming to see you and being in your physical presence?
The Christ and His disciples
- Question: Do you and your disciples believe in the Son of God like the Christians do?
- Question: The reason I asked if you believe in Jesus Christ is because the Jews say that the Saviour has not been born yet.
- Question: In what form do you believe in Jesus Christ?
- Question: I believe that there is only one Saviour, and that is Jesus Christ. So how do you fit into the picture?
- Question: What is your personal opinion of Jesus Christ? Do you believe he achieved something?
- Question: Was the Christ an Avatar?
- Question: I would like to know the difference between Cosmic consciousness and Christ consciousness.
- Question: Why didn't Christ give any of his disciples realisation?
- Question: Didn't he give something special to Peter, though?
- Question: Was Judas so bad or was he just stupid? Sometimes when I read about him I feel sorry that he is accused in this way.
- Question: The great Catholic mystic Meister Eckhardt once said, "I and my Father are one in my proceedings." Then the Catholic Church threatened to burn him at the stake. To the Church, it was blasphemy. When one attains Self-realisation, to what degree does a human being really possess the right to say, "I and my Father are one"?
- Question: What was the predominant quality of Christ?
- Question: What is the meaning of the sentence in the Bible: "Blessed are those who have believed and have not seen"?
- Question: What happened to Christ during the time in his life that is unaccounted for in the Bible?
- Question: It is said that at this period the divine Avatar of the Christ will reappear. Do you have any beliefs because of your own super-consciousness that could enlighten us on that subject?
- Question: Is there any difference between the teachings of Jesus and the teachings of Yoga?
Sri Ramakrishna And Swami Vivekananda
- Question: Who was Ramakrishna?
- Question: A liberated soul has light to a certain extent. Now to please the Supreme, if he enters into the world, is there still the possibility of falling?
- Question: So if he feels that he would like to fulfil the Supreme by going into the world, by manifesting, then there is a danger of his losing the light?
- Question: Do you want your disciples to risk the possibility of that kind of experience?
- Question: If Ramakrishna wanted to bring a soul down, why couldn't he have brought the second one closer to him so that it was under his influence?
- Question: When that lost soul first came down, couldn't he have brought it closer to him, so that it would have been within the circle where he was?
- Question: Why didn't Ramakrishna put the exceptional souls that he brought down into families where he could keep an eye on them ?
- Question: Wouldn't divine Grace at least bring the two souls in contact?
- Question: As a Catholic, I would like to know how you demonstrate that death is not the final end of our life?
- Question: You once told us that there was a man who failed to realise God at the last moment because his Guru did not help him overcome his doubt. If the man's Guru had been powerful enough, could the Guru have helped the man at that point?
- Question: Do you notice the results of the work that Vivekananda did in America?
The Buddha
- Question: I see you wearing yellow and that, in a way, signifies Gautama Buddha's teaching. He said that the soul would come back with an immediate incarnation.
- Question: What are your views on reincarnation?
- Question: What part does the soul play in the Buddha's philosophy?
Other Masters
- Question: Was Lord Krishna's Rasalila, or nectar-love play, with the gopis sheer imagination?
- Question: Did Krishna's life with the gopis help them spiritually in any way?
- Question: Would you tell us about the souls of Ramanuja, Shankara and Madhava? Did they realise God?
- Question: Would you tell us something about Sri Aurobindo?
- Question: Who was the first man to realise God?
- Question: Was Shiva ever in the physical?
- Question: What was Ramanuja's philosophy?