
King’s College Cambridge CB2 1ST 13th November 2000

Dear Sri Chinmoy

It was a great pleasure and honour to welcome you to King’s College last week, and to be able to share in your tribute to Sri Aurobindo.

I’m sure that everyone who was present felt something of the special bond uniting you to Aurobindo, a spiritual relationship that has been so fruitful for the cause of peace in the world, and that will continue to be an inspiration to many.

I was touched by the reverential participation of your students in our Chapel service. Also the College staff were appreciative of their co-operativeness and efficiency in setting up and clearing away afterwards.

Your kindness to me personally was humbling. Praise to the Spirit in which and by which we are set free and made one!

With every good wish for your work in the future.

George Pattison Dean of Chapel