Question: What are the limitations of the mind?
Sri Chinmoy: The limitations of the mind are that it sees and feels everything and everyone — even its owner — in a separative way. The mind always separates. If the mind sees one person as an individual, it tries to see that person in hundreds of forms, shapes and ways. It does not see the human being as a whole, from the soles of his feet to the crown of his head. It does not see the person as one integral reality. Like a doctor, it always operates and dissects. It gets tremendous pleasure from seeing everything piecemeal, in fragments. This sense of separation which the mind constantly enjoys is the most deplorable weakness of the human mind. The mind does not want to see reality as an integral unbroken whole.The other major weakness of the mind is doubt. Unconsciously or consciously it doubts. It feels that doubt strengthens it. It feels that since it is in a position to doubt, it holds the supreme authority. But this is absurd. He who doubts does not hold the supreme authority. He who loves and becomes one holds the supreme authority. In order to become the supreme authority one has to love and become one, and not judge or pronounce a verdict and show one’s supremacy. When one shows supremacy, immediately the feeling of oneness goes away. When there is a feeling of oneness, reality is vast, infinite. When the feeling of oneness goes away, reality becomes finite, infinitesimal. At that time there is no endless or transcendental Reality; there is only limitation. Here, there, within, without, everywhere is limitation and bondage.