Birthday is the vision-day of days3
/Sri Chinmoy:/ This song is for the psychic plane. The other song, “Happy Birthday to You,” is for the vital plane. Please sing soulfully so that you can remind your brother and sister seekers, on their birthday, of their soul’s mission on earth. This song has to be sung soulfully. “Happy Birthday,” the traditional song, we sing to enjoy being a member of the vital plane. But with this song we will enter into the heart plane, the psychic plane, to bring to the fore our inner divinity and to remind ourselves of our heavenly promise to Mother Earth and of our earthly fulfilment for Father Heaven. When we sing this song soulfully, we are really serving the soul of the birthday-seeker — serving, encouraging and fulfilling the seeker’s promise both to earth and to Heaven.So kindly sing the song soulfully whenever we celebrate someone’s birthday. You will also have your own birthday, and on your birthday others will sing soulfully for you. It will be of tremendous help if you can sing it soulfully. Learn it thoroughly and sing it soulfully. Then the soul of the seeker whose birthday it is will be extremely grateful to you. If you can sing it really well, most soulfully, then I assure you even the cosmic gods will come to bless you. When you sing “Great gods, good souls,” the great gods are the cosmic gods and the good souls are all of you. So you will be in the company of the cosmic gods and goddesses if you can sing most soulfully. While you are singing it, think only of the heart and the soul. Everybody should learn this song except those who are tone-deaf and tongue-tied.
Birthday is the vision-day of days
To spread the soul’s truth-promise rays.
Earth-life enjoys Heaven the song.
Great gods, good souls in oneness throng.
Last month Sri Chinmoy wrote a soulful song for his disciples to sing for each other on their birthdays. After teaching us the song, he gave a short explanation of its significance. This brief talk and the words and music to the song follow.↩