Time changes4
Time changes. This is an old lesson. We all have learned it. Today we are going to learn a new lesson. The new lesson is that we change, too.What do we change? We change our consciousness. Consciousness is the thing that connects us either with death or with Immortality. In the desire-bound world death reigns supreme. In the aspiration-free world Immortality reigns supreme.
Why do we change? We change because even after the fulfilment of our desire-world, still we are not satisfied. Even an iota of satisfaction does not dawn on our mental horizon, vital horizon or physical horizon. But in the aspiration-world we do not need anything to satisfy us. We do not need anything to please our inner urge and inner quest. The moment we cry deep within, we feel a sense of satisfaction. While we are crying we get a sense of satisfaction. We do not have to wait for the result. The most satisfactory result is in the cry itself.
How do we change from the desire-world to the aspiration-world, from the chasm of death to the sea of Immortality? We change on the strength of our inspiration and aspiration. Inspiration is the divine reality that carries us forward far, farther, farthest. Aspiration is the divine reality that lifts us up high, higher, highest. Inspiration gives us the forward movement; aspiration gives us the upward movement.
When do we actually change? We change when God’s Hour strikes. What is God’s Hour? It is the hour when everything is done sooner than at once. It is all done not by human beings but by God, the Eternal Pilot, in and through human beings. At that time God does not expect anything in return. His Justice-Light is replaced by His Compassion-Height. Here God consciously makes the individual feel that he is of infinite Light and for immortal Delight. At God’s choice Hour man becomes a constant burning flame of gratitude that eventually grows into a sun. And inside this sun humanity’s aspiration looms large. Finally, there comes a time when the Absolute Supreme finds humanity to be His perfect instrument to please Him in His own way.
Time changes. This is our old lesson. We change, too. This is our new lesson. When time changes, quite often we are helpless, hopeless and useless. We are at every moment forced to act like true beggars. Time does not wait for us, and we have not been able to accomplish what we wanted to accomplish. But when we learn the new lesson, that we change, too, we feel that at every moment we are listening to an inner call. At every moment we are preparing ourselves to fulfil an inner need. At every moment we are preparing ourselves to learn the art of self-giving, for in self-giving lies the supreme Message of God. Our goal is not only to see the Face of the Golden All, but also to eventually grow into the Golden All.
We change. We change for the better, precisely because in us is the eternal hunger, the perennial hunger, to become one with the universal Truth and the transcendental Reality. We change. We change always for the better, for the ultimate Truth in us is the message of God-perfection and God-satisfaction.
Hofstra University, 5 April 1978, 8:00 p.m.↩