I watch, I pray2
I watch before I pray. I watch if there are undivine thoughts trying to assail my mind. Needless to say, I do not surrender to these undivine thoughts.I watch before I pray. I watch if there are divine thoughts trying to inspire my heart. Needless to say, I welcome these thoughts with my open mind, open heart and open arms.
I pray, and then I watch. I watch and see if the jealous world is trying to rob me of the peace, light and bliss that I have acquired from my prayer. Needless to say, my conscious awareness prevents the jealous world from robbing me.
I pray, and then I watch. I watch to see if there are sincere seekers who would like to have the peace, light and bliss that I have acquired from my prayer. Needless to say, to them I immediately offer my peace, light and bliss devotedly, soulfully and unreservedly.
God watches me pray. Through my prayer He expects me to change for the better: to have a better consciousness, better aspiration and a better realisation.
God watches me pray. Through my prayer He expects me to become a more soulful instrument of His, Him to serve unconditionally in His own Way.
God watches me pray. Through my prayer He wants me to become an unconditional seeker, an unconditional server and an unconditional lover.
Before God created this world, He watched and measured the ascendency of His Silence-Height. Now that God has created the world, He watches and measures the excellence of His Sound-Might.
I pray, I watch, I accept and, finally, I embrace the Feet of my Beloved Supreme with my heart’s purity. God meditates, accepts and, finally, embraces my heart with His constant Self-giving Reality and Self-giving Divinity.
C.W. Post College of Long Island University, 30 March 1978↩