Mr. George Riddell: In Yoga, do you have a Scripture, as we have the Bible?
Sri Chinmoy: We have many scriptures in India. Among these are the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Gita. Just as your Bible is a collection of writings and not one particular piece of writing, so are our scriptures a collection of religious and spiritual books. The most loved and revered scripture of India is a book that I have mentioned, the Bhagavad-Gita. This book, by the way, is often called the Bible of India.Mr. George Riddell: The Gita is also used in Islam?
Sri Chinmoy: They have their Koran. The Koran is a sacred book as we have the Gita and you have the Bible.
Sri Chinmoy, AUM — Vol. 3, No.11,12, June — 27 July 1968, Aum Centre Press -- Santurce, P.R., 1968