Melanie's conversation with God
Can You help me, God?Certainly I can. What is bothering you, Melanie?
You know my Guru is very nice, he is very kind to me; yet I feel shy to speak to him. My brother has no shyness. He speaks to the Guru without any shyness. He even looks into our Guru’s eyes.
So, you want to get rid of your shyness?
Yes, God. That is what I want.
Tell me, do you have any doll?
Yes, I have many, many.
Then today you give a special name to one of your dolls. You will call that particular doll by the name Guru. Every day you talk and talk with your doll Guru. Then when you see your man Guru you will have no shyness, for your doll Guru and man Guru are one and the same,
Thank You, thank You, God.
Sri Chinmoy, AUM — Vol. 6, No. 7, Feb. 27, 1971, AUM Centre Press, 1971