II. Somehow
1. Somehow God’s Heart is in His Eye2. Somehow God’s Eye has been dreaming for a long time for the transformation of human nature
3. Somehow God does not know how to ignore
4. Somehow man knows how to deplore
5. Somehow love lovingly explores
6. Somehow sincerity soulfully implores
7. Somehow humility throbbingly soars
8. Somehow pride ferociously explodes
9. Somehow purity divinely glows
l0. Somehow jealousy blindly flows
11. Somehow desire secretly binds and openly cries
12. Somehow aspiration unmistakably finds and speedily flies
13. Somehow the inner evolution is outer manifestation
14. Somehow truth’s manifestation is perfection-light; falsehood’s manifestation is destruction-night
15. Somehow yesterday’s world was positive
16. Somehow today’s world is negative
17. Somehow tomorrow’s world will be supremely affirmative
18. Somehow man will eventually know all the secrets of God
19. Somehow man has the capacity to amuse God with his wee secrets
20. Somehow true love is self-expanding
21. Somehow self-expansion is God-fulfilment
22. Somehow the mind knows that its knowledge is not infallible
23. Somehow the heart knows that its illumination directly comes from the Absolute
24. Somehow the body likes to sleep
25. Somehow the vital likes to smash
26. Somehow the mind likes to suspect
27. Somehow the heart likes to expect
28. Somehow the soul likes to respect
29. Somehow the outer ability is the divine reality
30. Somehow the inner ability is God’s constant necessity
31. Somehow God always wants to remain proud of each individual soul
32. Somehow we expect God always to be impartial
33. Somehow God expects us to be truly wise, at least once in a while
34. Somehow woman’s heart almost consciously wants to remain insecure
35. Somehow man’s vital almost deliberately likes to remain impure
36. Somehow doubt is an unbelievably short-lived balloon
37. Somehow faith is the birthless breath of the divine life
38. Somehow God is not proud of man
39. Somehow man is not satisfied with God
40. Somehow God’s Feet are made of Compassion-nectar
41. Somehow the heart-power of the world is increasing
42. Somehow the mind-power of the world is decreasing
43. Somehow the vital power of the world is depressing
44. Somehow the brain power of the world is obscuring
45. Somehow the soul power of the world is illumining
46. Somehow man is possibility
47. Somehow God is responsibility
48. Somehow man is of God
49. Somehow God is of love
50. Somehow love is for all, all for the One, consciously in the heart of aspiration, unconsciously in the vital of desire
51. Somehow the ascending man is destined to grow into the very image of God
52. Somehow God is destined to manifest Himself in and through man unceasingly
53. Somehow man seals and conceals and God reveals and fulfils
54. Somehow God is man's yet to be realised oneness
55. Somehow man is the flood of God’s revealing ecstasy
56. Somehow man can
57. Somehow God shall