Who is superior, Guru or God?
We all know that God alone is the real Guru. A human Guru represents God on earth for his disciples. A great disciple of a master once said, “I want Guru and not God.” All his spiritual brothers and sisters laughed at him and said, “Why do you want Guru and not God?” He said, “If I do anything wrong, there is a cosmic punishment. But when I think of my Guru, my Spiritual Father, it is altogether different. I have done many things wrong in my life, but I do not suffer the results of those things. He suffers on my behalf. I feel that my Guru is more important than God because he is always there to identify with me, to undergo all my sufferings and to erase my punishments. If not for him I would have to reap as I have sown, and my life would be a life of constant suffering.”
Sri Chinmoy, AUM — Vol. 8, No. 7, February 1973, AUM Centre Press, 1973