Table of Contents
Questions and answers
- Question: Could you tell us what an aspirant's duty to society is, if he has one, and how he should relate to his total society? Should he be withdrawn or should he contribute and if so, what should be the nature of his contribution?
- Question: Do you feel it is important for the aspirant to follow the vegetarian diet?
- My question concerns Karma. I would like to know what is the best way to get rid of bad karma.
- Question: Do you think that the aspirant needs a living Guru for realisation?
- Question: What you said before about denying the animal in man troubles me. I feel that as the inner life and the outer life are two sides of the same truth, that the animal and the pure wisdom in man are also two sides of the same truth and two sides of God and I can't understand why one must run away from one side of oneself.
- Question: What is self-realisation?
- Question: You spoke of a Guru as someone to kind of make a shortcut in the search for realisation. I find it hard in myself to channel myself in the search. Could you recommend or direct me somehow in a channelling of my energies toward self-realisation, because I find it hard to direct myself in that way.
- Question: Should we understand that the extent of self-realisation that we can achieve is subject to our effort and our will, which is what I did understand from your last response, or is it ultimately determined in some way by something beyond our own will?
- Walt Whitman