Table of Contents
Questions and answers on the soul_
- Question: Why did God introduce the soul into the body? Was it to punish some souls that were malevolent?
- Question: A chair has a soul. If you chopped up the chair into little pieces of wood, would those pieces of matter each have their own soul?
- Question: What is the difference between spirit and soul?
- Question: Will you explain what is meant by a group soul?
- Question: When does the soul enter the body?
- Question: Does the body have an identity separate from the soul?
- Question: Does my soul have a face? Does it look like me?
- Question: How can one know if he is a young or an old soul?
- Question: Does it matter to the soul whether we meditate every day at the same time?
- 1.
Questions and answers on realisation and manifestation_
- Question: I feel that both aspects of man, the animal and the divine, are part of God. In order to enter into the spiritual life, is it necessary to deny or run away from the animal aspect in ourselves?
- Question: How can you blend your transcendental Self or Spirit with your physical being?
- Question: When we are in the outer world, are we to be free and open in talking about our spiritual life or should we reserve it only for those who are aspiring?
- Question: Is there any reason why the majority of souls seem to want manifestation and few souls want oneness or perfection?
- Salutation to the soul of Australia
- O my Canada
- O my America