Pir Vilayat Khan

He saumitra he premik vir
Pir Vilayat Pir
Animesh hiya muchhaite chaha
Dharar ashru nir
Bhitare bahire abhinava hasi
Rupantarer Krishner banshi
Dyulok garima bhulok mahima
Sanatan gati sthir

_Translation <html>O good friend,<br \></html> <html>O divine friend,<br \></html> <html>O friend universal,<br \></html> <html>O hero-lover,<br \></html> <html>O oneness-love,<br \></html> <html>Pir Vilayat, Pir!<br \></html> <html>With your sleepless heart<br \></html> <html>You desire to wipe<br \></html> <html>The streaming tears of the world.<br \></html> <html>Within, without<br \></html> <html>An unparalleled beauty-smile,<br \></html> <html>Along with the soul-stirring<br \></html> <html>Transformation-flute of Lord Krishna.<br \></html> <html>With you and in you<br \></html> <html>Heaven’s wonder-grandeur,<br \></html> <html>Earth’s wonder-splendour,<br \></html> <html>Eternity’s movement and stillness.<br \></html> <html></div></html> <html>

      <a class="source-title"  href="bwo"  title="" >Sri Chinmoy, Blue waves of the ocean-source, </a>1979


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